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The United Kingdom Parliament

Languages: Parliament translated

About Parliament in Welsh (Ynglŷn â'r Senedd) and Scots Gaelic (Mun Phàrlamaid)

 Ymweld â'r Senedd / A' tadhal air a' Phàrlamaid (Visiting Parliament)

 Rôl y Senedd / Dreuchd na Pàrlamaid (Parliament's role)

 ASau ac Arglwyddi / Na BP is na Morairean (MPs and Lords)

 Etholiadau / Taghaidhean (Elections)

 Busnes dyddiol / Gnothach làitheil (Daily business)

 Llunio deddfau / A' dèanamh laghan (Making laws)

 Pwyllgorau / Comataidhean (Committees)

 Achlysuron Seneddol / Prìomh-làithean ann am mìosachan na Pàrlamaid (Parliamentary occasions)

 Prif Swyddogion a staff / Prìomh-oifigearan is luchd-obrach (Principal Officers and staff)

 Cyhoeddiadau / Foillseachaidhean (Publications)

 Hanes y Senedd / Eachdraidh na Pàrlamaid (History of Parliament)

 Gweithio yn y Senedd / Ag obair anns a' Phàrlamaid (Working at Parliament)

 Cysylltu â'r Senedd / Conaltradh ris a' Phàrlamaid (Contacting Parliament)

Other translated content

You and your MP
Available in 16 languages, this leaflet describes the role of an MP and how they can help their constituents.

House of Commons: A brief guide
In English, Welsh, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian and Spanish.

House of Lords: A brief guide
In English, Welsh, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian and Spanish.

Related information

Why is there English on these pages?

So you know if you're going to a translated page, or not. Where we've linked to content that has not been translated we've left the links in English.

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Updated 06/12/2007 10:56