The Wayback Machine -
Friday 31
Session 6.D: Economies under Occupation. The Hegemony of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan in World War II (Asia)
Chair: Ludovic Cailluet, Université du Littoral discussant: Marcel Boldorf, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
› 17:00 - 18:30 (1h30)
› Room 4
Manchurian Industrial Development: Companies and the Development of Manchuria under Occupation
Tetsuji Okazaki  1, *@  
1 : University of Tokyo
* : Corresponding author

Abstract: After occupying Manchuria and founding the Manchukuo Government in 1932, the Japanese
Army immdiately launched “The First Five Years Plan for Economic Development,” which was succeeded by
“The Second Five Years Plan for Economic Development” (1937). “The Second Five Years Plan” was
coordinated with the Production Capacity Expansion Plan being drawn for Japan then. In order to
implement “The Second Five Years Plan” effectively, the Japanese Army decided to introduce managerial
and financial capabilities from the private sector. Namely, Nissan Zaibatsu, a newly developing business
group in Japan, was invited to Manchuria to manage the implementation of the development plan. Nissan
moved to Manchuria and was renamed as the Manchurian Industrial Development Company (MIDC) in
1937. MIDC acquired major mining and industrial companies in Manchuria.
Using the original documents of the MIDC held at the National Archives of Japan, including ledgers, we
explore how the plans really worked and to what extent they contributed to the economic development of

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