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fawn/#e5aa70 hex color

#e5aa70 Color Informations

This page lists more detailed information about the hex color #e5aa70(also known as fawn color). In a RGB color space, hex #e5aa70 is composed of 229(89.8%) red, 170(66.67%) green and 112(43.92%) blue. Its decimal value is 15051376. In a CMYK color space, it is consist of 0% cyan, 25.76% magenta, 51.09% yellow and 10.2% black. It has a hue angle of 29.74 degrees, a saturation of 69.23% and a lightness of 66.86%.

Color #e5aa70 contains mostly Red color, is a warm color and closest websafe color is #cc9966. #e5aa70 color hex could be obtained by blending #ffffe0 with #cb5500. Other more detailed information such as description, conversion, analysis, schemes, shades & tines, tones, alternatives, preview in css/html and background images of this color, please browses the following content.

#e5aa70 color image fawn #e5aa70 rgb color chart bar #e5aa70 cmyk color chart bar

#e5aa70 color description : brilliant orange(brown), brilliant orange.

#e5aa70 Color Conversion

    • Hex triplet e5, aa, 70
    • RGB Decimal 229, 170, 112
    • RGB Octal 345, 252, 160
    • RGB Binary 11100101, 10101010, 01110000
    • RGB Percent 89.8%, 66.67%, 43.92%
    • XYZ 49.6125, 46.5773, 21.7047
    • xyY 0.4208, 0.3951, 46.5773
    • CMYK 0%, 25.76%, 51.09%, 10.2%
    • HSL 29.74°, 69.23, 66.86
    • HSV(HSB) 29.74°, 51.09, 89.8
    • CIE-L*AB 73.919, 15.002, 38.2
    • CIE-L*CH 73.919, 41.04, 68.56
    • CIE-L*UV 73.919, 44.338, 45.198
    • Hunter-Lab 68.248, 10.327, 28.917

#e5aa70 Color Analysis

R-G-B component
  • #e5aa70 #e5aa70
  • #aaaaaa Average: #aaaaaa
  • #b2b2b2 Luma: #b2b2b2
  • #b5b5b5 rec601 Luma: #b5b5b5
  • #e5aa70 #e5aa70
  • #cc9966 Closest websafe: #cc9966
  • #1a558f Inverse color: #1a558f
Closest websafe, Inverse

Color Schemes with #e5aa70

Complementary Color of #e5aa70 is #70abe5. Split Complementary Colors of #e5aa70 are #7071e5 and #70e5e5. Analogous Colors of #e5aa70 are #e57071 and #e5e570. Triadic Colors of #e5aa70 are #aa70e5 and #70e5aa

Complementary Color
Split Complementary Color
Analogous Color
Triadic Color
Tetradic Color
Monochromatic Color

Shades and Tints of #e5aa70

A shade is achieved by adding black to any pure hue, while a tint is created by mixing white to any pure color. In this example, #060401 is the darkest color, while #fdf9f5 is the lightest one.

Shade Color Variation
Tint Color Variation

Tones of #e5aa70

A tone is produced by adding gray to any pure hue. In this case, #ababab is the less saturated color, while #f9aa5d is the most saturated one.

Tone Color Variation

Alternatives to #e5aa70

Below, site show some colors close to #e5aa70. Having a set of related colors can be useful if you need an inspirational alternative to your original color choice.

Similar Color

#e5aa70 Preview in HTML

Text with hexadecimal color #e5aa70

This text has a font color of #e5aa70.

<span style="color:#e5aa70;">Text here</span>
Text shadow with hexadecimal color #e5aa70

#e5aa70 Text Shadow.

<span style="text-shadow:2px 2px 3px #e5aa70;">Text here</span>
#e5aa70 background color

This paragraph has a background color of #e5aa70.

<p style="background-color:#e5aa70;">Content here</p>
#e5aa70 border color

This element has a border color of #e5aa70.

<div style="border:1px solid #e5aa70;">Content here</div>
CSS codes with #e5aa70 color
.border{border:1px solid #e5aa70;}

Download #e5aa70 color images

Solid color background with hex color code #e5aa70(with the name fawn). Background is available in various resolutions for view and download. You are free to use these backgrounds for personal and commercial projects.

Preview(size 320x320)//Facebook(180x180)// Twitter(73x73)// Google+(250x250)// iPhone(320x480)// 32x32// 48x48// 64x64// 100x100// 160x600// 200x200// 300x250// 300x300// 320x50// 320x320// 336x280// 400x300// 400x400// 500x500// 600x600// 640x480// 640x960// 640x1136// 700x700// 728x90// 800x600// 851x315// 1024x600// 1024x768// 1024x1024// 1152x864// 1200x600// 1280x720// 1280x768// 1280x800// 1280x960// 1280x1024// 1360x768// 1366x768// 1440x900// 1400x1050// 1600x900// 1600x1200// 1680x1050// 1920x1080// 1920x1200// 2048x1536// 2048x2048// 2560x1440// 2560x1600// 2880x1800//
