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Quarry Farm

Jervis Langdon purchased the property on East Hill in May, 1869. Located on the outskirts of Elmira, it was to be a vacation home for his family. However, Jervis Langdon died in August, 1870 leaving the Farm property to his eldest daughter, Susan Langdon Crane. Quarry Farm then became the year-round home of Susan and her husband, Theodore Crane. For over twenty summers Samuel and Olivia Clemens and their children lived with the Cranes at Quarry Farm. In 1874, the Cranes had a study built for Mark Twain on the top of a knoll a short distance from the main house.

Today Quarry Farm serves as a home for visiting Mark Twain scholars. Fellowships are offered to scholars pursuing research or writing in the field of Mark Twain studies. The nineteenth century carriage barn and former housekeeper's cottage have been adapted for program use. For more information on Fellowship opportunities for Mark Twain scholars, see Quarry Farm Research Fellowships.