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    Singapore Police Force

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about us

 who we are

The Volunteer Special Constabulary or “VSC” in the Home Team stands with us to prevent, deter, and detect crime;  preserving Singapore’s security.  A key partner of the Home Team, the VSC engages the community to embrace security awareness and to play a part in ensuring the security of themselves and their loved ones. VSCs enhance the work of the Home Team through their passion, expertise and time.

The VSC is an important component of the Singapore Police Force and is vested with equal powers of a police officer and the opportunity to enforce law and order in Singapore.

The VSC comprises volunteers from all walks of life, bonded with the same aspiration to prevent, deter and detect crime by complementing the Singapore Police Force. VSC officers don the same police uniform and patrol the streets, participate in anti-crime operations or even high-speed sea chase, regardless of their civilian career or profession.

As a VSC officer, you will be trained and supervised, work in partnership with the regular officers in the execution of their police duties.  Our philosophy of involvement includes providing you the necessary training, orientation, opportunities for personal development, as well as awards and recognition for good service.




our beginnings

VSC was formed in 1946 to augment the slender ranks of the regulars immediately after the war, when manpower was badly needed to restore law and order. About 150 men responded to appeals made in the press and formed the pioneers of the VSC. The VSC has since grown and contributed significantly in maintaining law and order in Singapore.

The first test for VSC was during the Maria Hertogh riots in 1950, when VSC officers performed duties alongside the regular forces in suppressing riots. Other achievements include the arrest of a communist arsonist, the arrest of a terrorist suspected of grenade attacks in Bras Basah Road and the quelling of the Hock Lee Bus riots in 1955. A VSC officer, Andrew Teoh Boh Lan, was fatally injured during the Hock Lee Bus riot.

Part-time National Service was introduced in 1967. The total force of the Special Constabulary, including volunteers and national servicemen, was 10,000 by 1977. The National Servicemen were required to serve 12 years on part-time basis. Up to 70% of them were deployed for patrol duties in neighbourhood policing units, in coast guard, radio and traffic divisions. A small number was attached to field services to help in crowd control.

Part-time Special Constabulary National Service was discontinued in 1981. However, some of them remained in the Force as volunteers up to this day.


message from Commander VSC




"Our VSC is an important component of the Singapore Police Force, with over 65  years of volunteer service to the nation. You will wear the same uniform, be given equal powers of a police officer and have the opportunity to enforce law and order in Singapore.


Someone told me, volunteers are seldom paid; not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless!


I strongly encourage fellow Singaporeans and Permanent Residents who have a great passion to serve to join us as a VSC officer.


Partner us and be a truly extraordinary volunteer in making Singapore the safest place in the world."




       AC(V) S. Lakshmanan

       Commander VSC





Stories from the heart by Home Team Volunteers

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Contact person(s):
Swee Wei Jie
Email Address
(65) 6557 5869
(65) 6223 0049