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Lodī dynasty

Lodī dynasty, (1451–1526), last ruling family of the Delhi sultanate of India. The dynasty was of Afghan origin. The first Lodī ruler was Bahlūl Lodī (reigned 1451–89), the most powerful of the Punjab chiefs, who replaced the last king of the Sayyid dynasty in 1451. Bahlūl was a vigorous leader, holding together a loose confederacy of Afghan and Turkish chiefs with his strong personality. Starting with only the control of the region adjacent to Delhi, Bahlūl extended the effective boundaries of his empire to the borders of Bengal. This expansion involved the conquest of the powerful kingdoms of Malwa and Jaunpur. Though twice besieged in Delhi, he finally defeated and partially annexed Jaunpur in 1479.Bahlūl’s second son, Sikandar (reigned 1489–1517), continued his father’s expansion policy. He gained control of Bihar and founded the modern city of Agra on the site known as Sikandarabad. His reign was clouded only by a reputation for religious bigotry. Sikandar’s eldest son, Ibrāhīm (reigned 1517–26), attempted to enhance the royal authority. His harshness built up discontent, however, which led the governor of the Punjab, Dawlat Khan Lodī, to invite the Mughal ruler of Kabul, Bābur, to invade India. Ibrāhīm was killed at the first battle of Panipat (April 21, 1526), whereupon the loose aristocratic confederacy of the Lodīs dissolved.

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