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epSOS results and outlook

Interested to read more about the project's results & achievements? Then follow -> this link to the dedicated page!



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+++ Pilots closed, contact your National Contact Point for more information +++

epSOS as a Pilot is over

The epSOS project came to an end in June 2014. To build on our technical results please visit Opens external link in new windowthe Wiki or the Opens external link in new windowOpenNCP communityWith this Opens external link in new windowletter we would like to highlight the achievements of the project, Opens external link in new windowoutline initiatives taking the results forward, inform about where project outputs can be accessed after the project, and last but not least thank you for your collaboration and support during these past years.

Follow the EXPAND Project

The epSOS project has collaborated closely with the expand project Opens external link in new and this is the best place to get active in the follow on discussions.

Open source reference implementation of NCP: Gold release

Since 2013, the Open Source reference implementation, commonly referred to as OpenNCP that connects the national eHealth system of a Participating Nation to the epSOS network is available. The “gold release” of version 2.1.0, which is the LAST release planned under epSOS, was released on 18 December 2013. It includes the Medication Related Overview (MRO) service and the Continuous Integration (CI) facility. 

See the Initiates file downloadPress Release or visit Opens internal link in current windowthis page to find the links to the software artifacts and the documentation.

5th edition of the Build – Connect – Grow WebZine

The fifth edition of the Opens external link in new windowBuild – Connect – Grow WebZine is out now! In the "grow" section you can find the article "epSOS is EXPANDing". Click Opens external link in new windowhere to read the full text.

Flash is required!
Click on the video to start it!

Video available!

Watch the epSOS video showcasing the epSOS ePrescription service by clicking on the media player to the right or by following this link (or the YouTube link)! The video shows the dispensation of a medication for an Italian citizen in Greece. Don't forget to switch on your loudspeakers.