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Parliament mulls how to deal with citizens’ initiatives

The Parliamentary Speaker’s Council will hear opinions from parliamentary parties before giving instructions on how to deal with citizens’ initiatives.

The ‘fur farm-free Finland’ campaign handed over their initiative to ban fur farming to the parliament last week. Some 70,000 citizens had signed it within the required time period.

The Council hopes to hold a preliminary debate by the first of May, after which the initiative will go to the Agriculture and Forestry Committee. The initiative’s fate beyond this point is completely open – it may end up buried by the Committee.

The new law, which came into force on 1 March, allows interest groups who gather signatures from 50,000 Finns within six months to have their legislative proposal considered by Parliament.

According the Speaker’s Council, the way the first initiative is handled will be a model for dealing with similar such initiatives in the future, therefore it is important to hear opinions from all parliamentary groups.

Answers are expected from the parliamentary parties by 8 April.

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Immigration service: Security in Somalia improved, asylum applications to be vetted accordingly

Terroristijärjestö al-Shabaab iski tistaina Mogadishussa opetusministeriöön.

The Finnish Immigration Service says a new assessment of the security situation in Somalia shows improved security in many areas. The finding is expected to affect new asylum decisions. The advisory is similar to a similar policy update adopted by immigration authorities last week, in which they also said that the security situation in Iraq had improved in many of the country’s conflict zones.

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