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Issue Areas: Nonprofits and Philanthropy
Building Collaboration From the Inside Out

This publication focuses on the internal conditions and environments that enable successful projects. To partner with anyone for anything, an organization needs effective internal culture, practices and priorities that can open and orient its board,... + More

Engaged and On Board: 2015 National Survey of Nonprofit Board Members

When it comes to board engagement, the board environment and experience that an organization delivers plays a more significant role than many nonprofits realize. "Engaged and On Board 2015" offers a fresh look at board engagement through... + More

The Source Codes of Foundation Culture

Over the last several years, GEO has been working to better understand what contributes to and impedes efforts to lead productive change in philanthropy. One theme that has arisen time and again is the importance of creating and nurturing an... + More

New Perspectives, New Solutions: Funding Organising Led by Girls and Young Women

A Community of Practice (similar to a learning cohort) of womens funds supporting girls' and young women's groups (formal or informal organisations created and run by young women and girls) was developed in 2011 by the international women's fund... + More

Brief Report of the Launch of the Post-2015 Partnership Platform for Philanthropy in Accra, Ghana on July 9, 2015

The launch workshop in Ghana brought together over a 100 participants from the philanthropic sector, the UN System, Civil Society, Government and business to have a dialogue on the above mentioned issues and to identify a way... + More

Deviation from the Standard: Funding and Supporting Emerging Social Entrepreneurs

Emerging social entrepreneurs need time, support, and financial "runway" to innovate on for-profit business models that deliver impact and financial returns. In the current impact investing market, seed grants or similar types of... + More

Marco Regulatório das Organizações da Sociedade Civil: a construção da agenda no governo federal -- 2011 a 2014

A publicação "Marco Regulatório das Organizações da Sociedade Civil: a construção da agenda no governo federal -- 2011 a 2014" trata do processo de construção da agenda voltada... + More

Finanças Sociais: soluções para desafios sociais e ambientais

Há dois anos, a Força Tarefa de Finanças Sociais (FTFS) tem produzido, analisado e debatido informações sobre o campo das Finanças Sociais e dos Negócios de Impacto. A publicação... + More

Family Foundations Giving Trends 2015 Report : Top 100 Family Foundations

This is the seventh edition of Family Foundation Giving Trends. It provides an update on annual charitable income and spending by the UK's top 100 family foundations in 2013/2014, with details on the next 50 foundations. This focus on family... + More

Recursos privados para la transformación social - filantropía e inversión social privada en América Latina hoy

El concepto de inversión social privada (ISP) ha tomado fuerza en los últimos años, sobre todo en Argentina, Brasil y Colombia, y se ha instalado como guía en el mundo fundacional y empresarial. El predominio conceptual... + More