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Fiyangori Sonsorol State ma Faruyar


Sonsorol State fauw faruyar:  Puro ma Melieli ma Fanna ma Dongosaro.  Faruyahar e hakapar nga e piye.  Dongosaro faruyara erap dewa ma uwon e mala dewo mael kameser nga Fanna ra e hapar dewa ebe detabo mael.  Faruyahar e hakapar nga dari na edamori wola rimebuhuye palepale madirapari yaela sawo.  Emire titin ba sawori fauryahar le hura mahowa faruyael ma marahara efad ma uruteri marahara emire retetir ma uwawori faruyaha ma urutar.  Le lepahau ifiri hohor ma hafahorari uruteri marahar ba le kkau ma ifil marahawe sapitohoil.


Sawori Sonsorol State emouduraho ramael ma fauluyael e tai weil le Panou.  Ramael ma fauluyael ra e fali weil lei Hatohobei ma lei Hotiwo ma lei tahauri Ruk.


Emire fiyangor ba matamowari yalemat hara la sawongini faruyahar ra lei Hotiwo, sawori faruyeri Yap.  Nga ira di tahura hale faruye meta.  Palul marahawe tarapari yalemat la dolu ba yalematahar le bitiwo ma Mohumohu.  Nga palul ladolu ba le bitiwo ma Wereyai.  Nga para palul la dolu ba le bitiwo ma Urutiu.  E pipiye matari fiyangor nga urutar nga le dari dolu ba  yalematahar la bitiwo ma uwawori marahara faruyeri Yap.  Palul fiyango le dolu ba matamowari yalemat ra la sawongi Dongosaro le bitiwo ma Mohumohu.  Iyahara le raho Puro ra lei poduri Yap.  Nga yahara le raho Melieli ra le bitiwo ma wori faruyeri Wereyai hale Urutiu.


Iyer ra yari tamoni Melieli, Laturi Melieli, Lawrence Ierago fiyango:  Moduwe dewa ifiri marahawe matamowari yalemat le bitiwo uwawori faruyahar nga mena matamowari uwa ra e hadatiwo Dauhepit ma sawori imar ma marahara uuwar le birango Dongosaro nga la weli ba e sawo leda talahi ngeri Puro.  Etai miriyarai werimiliri mena e yalerango Puro nga para deyau uwa ra e hadatiwo Maretaidou ma uuwar lada bara yalerango.  Eda wola (contest) nipatari Dauhepit ma Maretaidou hale itou e uhorango Puro ba iye na ebe faruyar a Puro.  Maretaidou eda wini ifiri lepahaur ifiri baiyou.  Maretaidou e weli ba Dauhepit e riba hiriyeri war (hiriye ri wori taebas) uwori piye eda keringatahe eda riba rango hiriye ri war iiye ifari yari Dauhepit hiriye ba ebe weya me iiye e uhorango uwawori faruye eda uhori riba hiriye ri war.  Werimiliri mere Dauhepit eda talahi edara birango eda sawongi Melieli.  Mena Meyangari Dauhepit ma marahara palul uuwar leda para talahi leda ra weli Hatohobei leda Sawongi.  Mere sapir Melieli ma Hatohobei eda pado mahori nipatael ifiri moduwe eda bito.


Ifiri mo moduwe nga le pipiye sawori faruyahar.  Ifiri hapurotaheri 19th Century nga yael Siaman hahoyahoya edolu ba ewol dorungaladi yalemat uwawori Puro ma Dongosaro.  Wolael yalemat har uwawori hapari faruyahar ehana ba yalemat le lepahau ifiri hohori marahara emire retetir ma uwawori faruye uwawori faruyahar eda suya ba ebe pipiye yalemat le sawongini faruyahar.  Banasahu rapari teti tahuniye faruyahar e tawol hauhuri teriye.  E pipiye iih nimataw ma uwawori mmat, ma edapara pipiye woru.  Mangau ra rapar dewa mai ma usuhae ma fadol ma yam ma moruye ma mohumohu.  Nga ewol rutou ma uwanu.  Nga bana iyahara faruye le hapar e tai rapa faiya mangau.  Mangau le fitehiya ba ebe miriyarai.  Maare le karango iih leda soolo nga le fangifengi.  Faifire le fitehi maal nga la umu hale la kuku mangau rani hessi ba e tawai matangat tamaur.  Hapauhuri mere nga rapari masumosul yalemat retiperi mena delari eraho sahu ifiri kup eri mangau ma hawereweri mangau. 


Ifiri titini kaferment nga ifiri madirap 1885-1899 nga faruyeri Spanis ehada titini hafatani faruyaha faruyeri Panou ma Sonsorol State retiperi faruyeri yalemat.  Ifiri taem har nga le pepiye sawori Sonsorol State ra la puluye Captain O’keefe ba lei fitehiri usuri war boutu nga palul le bita Yap nga para palul le bitiwo Manaquary ma Senebes ma Mapia ba lei fitehiri kaburae.  Nga retiperi 1950’s ifiri mena nga Kaferment eri Indonesia e haditafariye faruyar ma ifiri Holland nga Kaferment eri US Trust Territory eda tapangil palul wonoul yalemat har leda wehitafari Panou.  


Retiperi madirap 1899-1914 nga faruyeri Siaman eda bara hada titini hafatani faruyeri Panou retiperi faruyeri yalemat.  Dewo tarapari yengi ma tarapa nnawo e hasapa Puro ma Melieli.  Le pipiye yalemat le made ifiri sappari faruye nga palul le made ifiri dung ma hamatahi werimiliri sappari faruye.  Kaferment Siaman eda bitiwo hadilatahe sawori faruyahar Haoror.  Ifiri mena eda bitoho nga wonoul ma wonou noul marahar ra la mori pipiyaraho nga rapael le pado yael sawongi wotawotari Eang ra emire retiperi Haoror.


Retiperi madirap 1914-1945 nga faruyeri Sapan eda bara hada titini hafatani faruyeri Panou retiperi faruyeri yalemat.  Iyer na matamowari yael sawori dewo faruye bitiwo leda sawongini faruyahar.  Nga iyer na matamowari yael sawori faruye hurayel para palul yalemat ma para dewo matari ram ma para dewo matari hafatare ma uduweni fitehiri faruye.  Para dewo ra le da kkau fitehiri siobai ri fangifengiri iih ma fitehiri periperi ma kkuperi ringgo.  Retiperi madirap har nga eda wol mo haluwouweri mauri ri faruyeri yalemat.  Banasahu hapari faruyahar ehamatahi dewa mireil yalemat retiperi mauri.  Etawol na lebe hamaroil irang nga kuperi mangau nga eda para hamatahi dewa.


Werimiliri mo haluwouweri mauri ri faruyeri yalemat nga Panou ma faruyahar leda mire ifari yari United Nations Trusteeship hafatare.  Sawori faruyahar le weli dewa mahori yari Navy ri Meriken ma yari Meriken Territory Kaferment hafatare.  Eda wola boutu ra ebitiwo nga ebitahe ma uwawori faruyaha ra e katiwo sawori spitar ma tafeya ma sawori haisiya ma mangau ma ufayel yalemat.  Skur dewo fauluri kaul riweisi nga dewo mengimengi taifou ra Kaferment ae e hadatiwo uwawori faruyahar.  Nga bana me eda maho fatani boutu yar bitiwo bitahe eda suyafiye betaheil yalemat Panou (Haoror) ba le bita spitar nga palul le bita skur.  Retiperi madirap har 1970’s edaraho 1980’s nga le pipiye dewa yalemat le bitahe Haoror nga palul le suya la daraho wori palul faruye mairuhuri Panou ba la kupe fitehi ma skul.


Ifiri 1994 nga Panou eda dokurits ifiri Compact ari Free Association nipatar ma Meriken nga faruyahar ma fauw leda sufangani leda raho ba Sonsorol State ba dewo marahara deih ma worou state eri Panou.  Sonsorol State ewol yar state constitution ra sawori Sonsorol State le fitehiya.  Constitution ae e faulu kaferment eri Sonsorol State eda hawengari kaferment eri Meriken ra e democracy nga e hasufanganiye ma moumou ri faruyahar ma titini tamoni faruya ma fauluri faduri uduweni faruyahar.  Lanei nga sawori Sonsorol State e pado yael fauluni yarolari faruyael ma moumouri faruyael ma uwori faruyahar.  Palul ra lemire Haoror ma ni tawa nga e padosahu yael fauluni marahara moumou faruyael.



Brief Ethno-history of Sonsorol State and its islands.
(by Laura Ierago)

Sonsorol State is comprised of four islands: Pulo Anna (Puro), Meriil (Melieli), Fanna, and Sonsorol (Dongosaro).  These are small sandy coral islands.  Sonsorol, the largest is one mile in length and Fanna, the smallest, is half a mile.  Though the islands are small they have been inhabited for at least 500 years.  People on these islands were known to have lived harmoniously with their islands’ environment and thrived with their scarce natural resources through generation of cultural knowledge and traditional knowledge and skills on sustainable livelihood practices.

The people of Sonsorol State speak a different language and practice a different culture compared to the people of the main Palau archipelago.  The culture and language of these people are similar to that of the neighboring State of Hatohobei as well as Outer Island Yap and Chuuk. 

Legend has it that the first settlers to the islands came from the Northeast, the islands of Yap.  It is not clear exactly which islands these people came from.  Some of the elders say they came from Mogmog, others say the Woleai group of islands while others even say they came from the islands in the Ulithi Atoll. There are several versions to the legend on the origin of the settlers of these islands.  However, all these versions agree that the first settlers to these islands originated from different islands of Yap.  According to a few of these legends the first settlers on Sonsorol Island were from Mogmog.  The settlers on Pulo Anna originated from Yap Proper and settlers on Meriil were either from the Woleai Islands or the Ulithi Atoll.

Legend of the first settlers according to Laturi Melieli, Lawrence Ierago, Chief of Meriil Island:  In the prehistoric days when the first settlers arrived on these islands, the first canoe, which carried Dauhepit, his family and crew, landed on Sonsorol. Finding the island inhabited he sailed on to Pulo Anna.  Shortly after he landed on Pulo Anna, another boat carrying Maretaidou and his crew arrived.  A contest was carried out between the two men to determine who first discovered the island and would therefore be the rightful owner.  Maretaidou won through his cleverness in tricking Dauhepit to think that he came first.  He did this by digging up Dauhepit’s canoe mat which Dauhepit had buried in the sand as evidence of his discovery, and then burying his canoe mat few feet below it to make it look like he came and buried his first.  Dauhepit accepting loss, he sailed on to settle on Meriil.  His sister sailed farther South and settled on Hatohobei.  The friendly and hospitable relationship between Hatohobei and Meriil  continued throughout the history of both islands.

In the prehistoric days there were hundreds of people residing on the islands.  At the turn of the 19th Century the German census counted more than 300 people on Pulo Anna and Sonsorol.  With this number of people on these small islands, people simply lived off the land and sea for many generations of cultural knowledge of their environment and wise usage of the available natural resources.  The staple food of the islands is mostly fish, fruits and root crops.  With the large body of ocean surrounding the islands, there were abundance of fish, reef fish, shells, turtles and most often migratory fishes.  Fruits are seasonal.  They are mostly coconut, breadfruit, and banana. Root crops are yams (several types), moruye (Alocasia macrorrhizos-elephant ear taro), and mohumohu (Tacca leontopetaloides-Pacific arrowroot). With food sources in short supply, food products were prepared to last.  Nothing was wasted.  Men go out fishing for the collective need of the community.  They apportion their catch to all households in their respective villages. If there were surplus for a day’s family meal, people prepared fish to last by smoking, salting and drying. Usually, women gathered together to cook and prepare fruits and other root crops to last as well.  During the breadfruit season, men climbed to harvest breadfruit while women prepared for family meals and preserved food surpluses.  Root crops were prepared in coconut syrup to make them last longer.  Earth oven (um) was also used for added flavor as well as for lasting preservation of food.  Apparently, the daily life on these islands evolved mostly around food gathering, preparation, and preservation.

Politically governed by Palau, the Sonsorol State islands share Palau’s history of foreign colonization and administration.  During the Spanish Administration (1885-1899) of Palau several Sonsorolese were taken by Captain O’Keefe as his boat crew.  Others were taken to Yap and a few to Manaquary in Papua New Guinea as well as Celebes and Mapia in the Indonesian Islands to work in copra industries.  In the late 1950s, during the takeover of the Celebes and Mapia islands by the Indonesian government from the Dutch, the United States Trust Territory government brought some of these people’s descendants back to Palau. 

During the German Administration (1899-1914) of the Palau islands, the most significant event that occurred in the Sonsorol State islands was a big typhoon that devastated Pulo Anna and Meriil.  These islands were totally washed out by strong winds and big waves.  Many people died during the typhoon and the famine that followed.  The German Administrators in Koror sent a boat, which evacuated people from both islands and brought them to Koror.  Their descendants continue to reside in Eang, Koror and have grown significantly in number. 

During the Japanese Administration (1914-1945) the people in the Sonsorol State islands were exposed to Japanese culture and militarism.  It was the first instance for foreigners to actually reside on a few of the islands.  At first the islanders were introduced to a different culture, foreign language and leadership styles.  In addition, they were introduced to commercial production of smoked fish, sea cucumber (beche de mer) as well as phosphate mining.  When the World War II broke out, practically all the islanders experienced adversities.  Because the islands are small, there were not many places to run and hide.   For the same reason, food forage was even harder.

After the war under the UN Trusteeship (1945-1994), the islanders enjoyed better services from the US Navy and US Territory Government.  Field trip boats were sent regularly to visit the islands bringing with them medical and dental services and much needed food and clothing provisions.  New concepts of formal education were also introduced to the islanders.  With the more regular field trips, people began to travel more frequently to Koror for medical purposes and then for educational reasons.  In the 1970’s and 1980’s there was a significant population migration trend to Koror and outside of Palau for “better opportunities”.

As Palau became an independent nation in 1994 under the Compact of Free Association with the United States of America, these four (4) islands were mutually joined to become Sonsorol State as one of the sixteen States of the Republic. Mandated as a State under the Palau Constitution, Sonsorol State formulated and adopted its State Constitution.  The State Constitution established a democratic form of government, which incorporated the traditional leadership, local customs, and culture of the islands that are appropriate in its island governance. Today, the people of Sonsorol State continue to practice their unique cultures and traditions on their islands, in Koror, and outside of Palau.



From the ancestors to nowadays

A Japanese relation about a 1939 trip on Sonsorol, Pulo Ana, Merir, Tobi and helen Reef
(thanks David Sapio)


Brief History of Sonsorol Municipality:





1947 - 1950

Sonsorol Municipality

Nestor Moses


1950 - 1952


Theodore Sampei


1952 - 1954


Kintaro Kelenei


1954 - 1956


Emiliano Augustine


1956 - 1958




1958 - 1960 " Abraham Bemar "

1960 - 1962


Ignacio Yafalaitahe


1962 - 1964


Abraham Bemar


1964 - 1966


Theodore Pedro


1966 - 1968


Mario Pedro


1969 - 1983


Joe F. Nestor


1983 - 1984


Marselino Xavier


1984 - 1988

Constitutional Government

Flavian Carlos




Kurterbis Kurtermalei

Lt. Governor

1988 - 1992


Flavian Carlos




Kurterbis Kurtermalei

Lt. Governor

1992 - 1996


Kurterbis Kurtermalei




Samuel Bemar

Lt. Governor

1996 - 2000


Kurterbis Kurtermalei




Samuel Bemar

Lt. Governor

2000 -


Laura I. Ierago




Isaac Theodore

Lt. Governor


Sonsorol Municipality

Joe F. Nestor



Pulo-Anna Municipality

Kurterbis Kurtermalei



Merir Municipality

Lawrence Ierago



Fanna Municipality

Mariano W. Carlos






1980 - 1984

Sonsorol State

Mariano W. Carlos


1984 - 1988




1988 - 1992




1992 - 1996


Flavian Carlos


1996 - 2000




2000 -








1984 - 1992

Sonsorol State Legislature

Joe F. Nestor


1992 - 1998


Faustino Tirso


1998 -


Emilio Nestor






            In the late 1920's

Before Father Elias went to Sonsorol, he asked some Sonsorolese residing in Koror to go back and teach  people about Christ and the Catholic religion before he can go down to baptize them.

            On Sonsorol in 1930's

In August 1930 Father Elias set foot on Sonsorol for the first time.  He baptized 90 people; blessed 35 marriages; and erected a 40-foot cross on the shore.  He continued to visit the islands of Sonsorol, Merir, Pulo Anna and Hatohobei for the next five years.  All the islands were converted with the exception of a few people on Pulo Anna.

            Novena to St. Bernard

During Father Elias's first visit in 1930 he noticed that there were no children on the island of Sonsorol.  He gathered people and instructed them to pray to St. Bernard for children.  As told by the elders part of what he told them was, if after their prayer children are born then it may mean that the people of Sonsorol were punished for the death of the two priests in the 1700's.  If there will be no children then perhaps it was meant that the islanders die out.  He asked the people to offer their first born sons for priesthood and firstborn daughters for sisterhood.  But realizing the people's situation, he told them that God will decide what's best.  

In 1931 the first child was born but died shortly after birth.  In the four years that followed five other children were born but died also in infancy.  Following these children more children were born to the same couples and others.  These children survived and from them more children were born so that today 71 years after the first novena there are five generations of people.

            Today,  71 years later

In summary, during the first five years of the Novena, six (6) children were born but died in infancy.   Seventy-one (71) years later, today,

a.    Total first generation children  69
b.    Total second generation children  210
c.    Total third generation children  141
d.    Total fourth generation children  36
e.    Total fifth generation children  1
g.    Total:  457

f.  Out of this total we have one (1) who became a nun, Sister Esther Nestor. 

            Conclusion  (Prayer of Thanksgiving)

We pray humbly to our Lord in appreciation of this Gift of Life.  We pray that our Lord continue to bless us all; give us the grace to hear him and to see him in everything we do in our everyday lives.  We pray that we live in faith and hope in our Lord Jesus Christ as ancestors did.  We pray that our hearts be open to God's calling in our lives and that we be accepting and be daring in carrying out God's wishes.  We pray above all that God will find some of us deserving of His call to serve him in the holy orders of priesthood and sisterhood. 

For all these we pray to the Lord………..Amen.




Retiperi habangibengiri 1920's

Imowari mo Paderei Elias ebitiwo Dongosaro nga e haul sawori Dongosaro we lamire retiperi Panou ba mena labe wehitafari Dongosaro lada kaul yalemat titini Kristo ma Iglesia Katolika, iye edowa bitiwo eda hatutul.

Retiperi 1930's

Retiperi August 1930 nga matamowari yari Paderei Elias bitiwo Dongosaro.  Ifiri mena e bitiwo nga e hatutul 90 yalemat nga e haliari 35 liili nga e haduya deyau krus ra 40 feet kameser ma matawa.  1930 edaraho 1935 nga Paderei Elias ehaye bitiwo meyalil yalemat uwawori Dongosaro, Puro, Melieli ma Hatohobei.

            Nobena ri Santo Bernardo

Ifiri mena 1930 ra  Paderei Elias ebitiwo Dongosaro nga e kakane ba e pipiya dewa tarapari yalemat nga etaol riweisi.  Eda fadongul yalemat eda haul ba labe sipesipe leda tingalowa St. Bernard ni hataingehiri tingalori riweisi.  Ngasahu nga eda wola riweisi ra ebe taris ma wawori faruyaer ira nga hafaiyebiteli me ebito iyolomi ifiri madeil marahawe luyemaru paderei retiperi 1700's.  Ngasahu nga eda tawol riweisi na ebe fad ira nga edamori yari Tamoru lawe na etawai para sawo faruyaer.  Eda haul ba iye ebe hapurotaheya Nobena er eda bito wwa eda suya eda bita Panou nga sawori faruya leda tabowaraho eda tohongari na tiwobongi  ra ebe bangi mairang.  Ehaul ba matamowari riweisi hara labe fad ra ngasahu nga mare lebe raho ba iil paderei, ngasahu nga faifire lebe raho ba iil sister.  Nga eda bara haul dibe hariye Tamoru ba iye e hura na ebe faaulu.

1931 nga demaru riweisi e fad.  Nga dari na e tai miriyarai werimiliri fadar nga eda punguraho.  Retiperi para fauwa madirap werimiliri nga rimmaru riweisi la fad nga le pungurahosahu ifiri yael suye taduk.  Werimiliri mere nga leda fad para palul riweisi.  Riweisi har leda para hafadaf nga leda hatataritoho riweisi eda tohoto meihira.  Lanei 71 madirap werimiliri mo matamowari novena nga emori rimetari tatani riweisi me lamori fadato.

Laneiya, 71 madirap werimilir

Iyer mena wolael yalemat hara lamori fadatoh.

Wolael Matamowari riweisi ra la 69 .
Wolael Haliyetani riweisi ra la 210 .
Wolael Hadoruteni riweisi ra la 141
Wolael Hafatani riweisi ra la 36
Wolael Harimetani riweisi ra la 1

Wolael urutael riweisi hara honi sipesip ra edamori iyer:  457

Demaru ma uworul riweisi har ra emori raho ba sister ra itar Sister Esther Nestor.

Sipesipe eri habangibengir

Tamoru hai hada tahitaro tip haida haparuho ifiri yamu harihamami fadamami.  Hai tingoloho ba hobe haliarihamami ma urutamami hoda harihamami yamu gracia ba haibe hadutering ramamu nga haibe matahaane ifiri titiro maho ifiri uruteri fauluyamami fada ma lari.  Hai tingalo ba hobe hapouwa yamami hatodu nga ho harapa tipemami eda weya faulul marahawe wetamami ma wediramami ifiri morowe.  Haida bara tingalo ba hobe tapangihamami ba haibe uulo fari yamu gracia ba haibe hatoduho nga ebe powu tipemami ifiri yamami faulu yamu fitehi.  Nga ira taitei dewa hai tingalo Tamoru hale emaho ma iyolomu hoda tiwereil palul hamami ba labe raho ba iil sister hale ermano hale paderei.

Di tingalo maraha nga di hori iteri Papa ma Raurou ma Spiritu Santo……..Amen.

  Click here to see prayers text (thanks teacher Melanie in Sonsorol)