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The number 6

Representation numerals

Greek numeral


Arabic numeral


Roman numeral


Maya numeral


Chinese numeral

Hebrew numeral

Numeral systems
Binary: 110
Septimal (base 7): 6
Octal: 6
Hexadecimal: 6
Base 24: 6
6 = 2 × 3
6 has 4 divisors: 1, 2, 3, 6
Sum of all divisors other than 6: 6
Sums & differences
Goldbach conjecture: 6 = 3 + 3
6 is a perfect number
(a number is perfect if it’s equal to the sum of its divisors other than itself)
6 is a triangular number

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The next triangular is: 10
6 is a hexagonal number
6 is a palindromic number in decimal system
6 is a palindromic number in septimal system (6)
Related primes
The 6th prime number is: 13
Previous prime number: 5 — Next prime number: 7
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