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What type of dwellings did the Cherokee Indians live in?


Quick Answer

The Cherokee Indians of Southeastern North America lived in dwellings that were constructed from a frame of wood, river cane and vines, and that were coated with plaster made from earth and clay. The roof was made from wood or thatched grass. These Native American dwellings were known as wattle and daub houses, and a smaller winter home, which was kept warm more efficiently, was called an asi.

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Full Answer

The Cherokee also built larger rectangular structures that were sometimes partitioned. These structures often served as council houses where members of the community could come together, discuss affairs and hold ceremonies.

Unlike the Native American tribes living in the plains regions, who migrated often and lived in quickly constructed teepees, the Cherokee were relatively settled in their communities and built their more durable homes close to where they grew their crops. At the time of the first contact with European settlers, the Cherokee villages were permanent communities consisting of about 30 to 60 dwellings surrounded by agricultural fields.

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