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clipping; suffix; back formation
Attached to nouns, refers to the attached word as having multiple layers of itself.
For Thanksgiving dinner we made a chicken inside of a duck inside of a turkey. That's some birdception right there.
Etymology : -ception is a shortened form of the word Inception, a 2010 movie that featured multi-layered dreams. The word is a misinterpretation, as "inception" didn't refer to the multiple layers. The suffix -ception became back-formed to refer to something that has multiple layers. Inception "beginning, starting" from Middle French incepcion, from Latin inceptionem "a beginning, undertaking", noun form of incipere "begin, take in hand", from in- "in, on' + cipere, form of capere "take, seize".
Source : Internet, July 2010
Last modified: 25 November 2013


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