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August 09, 2017 5:17 PM ET


Company Overview of Cengage Learning, Inc.

Company Overview

Cengage Learning, Inc. operates as an educational content, technology, and services company for the higher education and K–12, professional, and library markets worldwide. The company focuses on providing content, personalized services, and course-driven digital solutions that accelerate student engagement and transform the learning experience. It offers engagement services in the areas of automotive and trucking, beauty and wellness, business and economics, career education, computing and information technology, emergency services, health care and nursing, humanities and social sciences, mathematics and science, paralegal, and trades; and culinary, hospitality, travel, and tourism. The comp...

20 Channel Center Street

Boston, MA 02210

United States

Founded in 1994





Key Executives for Cengage Learning, Inc.

Chief Executive Officer and Director
Age: 56
Chief Financial Officer
Age: 59
President of International
Age: 52
Chief Strategy Officer and Interim Chief Product Officer
Age: 40
Chief Product Officer and Executive Vice President
Age: 60
Compensation as of Fiscal Year 2017.

Cengage Learning, Inc. Key Developments

Cengage Learning, Inc. Expands MindTap Interactive Learning Programmes with New Digital Solutions for the EMEA Market

Cengage Learning announced the expansion of its EMEA-specific interactive learning programme for MindTap, adding to its existing 450-strong range of customisable, cloud-based online courses with two new titles. The MindTap solution involves a powerful combination of personalised content and on-the-go access which encourages interactivity, increases student engagement and improves learning outcomes. MindTap supports lecturers by enabling them to create a personalised learning experience for their students by blending course material, lectures, videos and documents with eBook content to create a fully personalised learning path accessible anytime, anywhere - on desktops, laptops, tablets or mobile phones. Students' performance, activities, and comprehension can then be tracked in real-time, allowing opportunities for early intervention and helping to facilitate a consistent approach when team teaching. The summary of student scores can be shared with students keen to see their current standing within a class, at the lecturer's discretion. As well as receiving this instant feedback, MindTap also supports lecturers and students with a calendar for documenting due dates for assignments and readings and a week by week view for managing workloads. Other key functions include a ReadSpeaker text-to-speech functionality, gradebook functionality and analytics. Designed to work alongside, or independently of, a wide range of Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs), MindTap can also be used for summative assessment. At its core is MindTap Reader, an e-Book with interactive study tools such as book marking, annotations, note sharing, highlighting and print options. Students can navigate through a customised dashboard of readings, assignments, and other course information. The new EMEA MindTap courses accompany two market leading titles in their respective fields. Management and Cost Accounting by Colin Drury, and Economics by N. Gregory Mankiw and Mark P. Taylor are widely used across higher education institutions (HEIs) on management accounting and introductory economics courses.

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