Economic Vitality and the Great Lakes

Recent attention on the economic value of the Great Lakes prompted Michigan Sea Grant to produce the following reports:

Jobs, Economy and the Great Lakes

The Jobs, Economy and Great Lakes report, produced in February 2011, focuses on the economic benefits of Great Lakes-related jobs to the region. The recent analysis by Michigan Sea Grant shows that the Lakes are key to the region’s economy in many ways.

More than 1.5 million Great Lakes-related jobs generated $62 billion in wages, in 2009. The calculations in this report are based on the most recent annual estimates for county employment from the Bureau of Labor Statics’ Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages and Occupational Employment Statistics programs. See full report, right.

Michigan’s Great Lakes Jobs

Michigan’s Great Lakes Jobs report, produced in 2009, focuses on the benefits of Great Lakes-related jobs to the state of Michigan. The Great Lakes strongly influence eight industries, accounting for 15 percent of jobs in Michigan. An estimated 23 percent of Michigan’s payroll is associated with the Lakes.

The economic importance of the Great Lakes further emphasizes the need to maintain water quality, healthy coastal ecosystems, recreational and commercial access to the Lakes and a safe navigational system. See full report, right.

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