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Annie Hall

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Annie Hall
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Annie Hall
United Artists | Release Date: April 20, 1977
Summary: Woody Allen portrays a neurotic, highly insecure and indecisive comedy writer who falls head over heels in love with a naive small-town girl who aspires to be a singer. The opening rounds of their relationship involve every romantic cliche. And despite having moved in together, his insecurities get the best of him as he interprets her everyWoody Allen portrays a neurotic, highly insecure and indecisive comedy writer who falls head over heels in love with a naive small-town girl who aspires to be a singer. The opening rounds of their relationship involve every romantic cliche. And despite having moved in together, his insecurities get the best of him as he interprets her every move as rejection. While her self-confidence grows, his progressively fades. Can this oddball romance survive? Expand
Director: Woody Allen
Genre(s): Drama, Comedy, Romance
Rating: PG
Runtime: 93 min
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