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Zheng Zhongwei (left) from the National Health Commission, says China has been in talks with organisations involved in Covax to distribute the vaccine to developing countries. Photo: Simon SongZheng Zhongwei (left) from the National Health Commission, says China has been in talks with organisations involved in Covax to distribute the vaccine to developing countries. Photo: Simon Song
Zheng Zhongwei (left) from the National Health Commission, says China has been in talks with organisations involved in Covax to distribute the vaccine to developing countries. Photo: Simon Song

Coronavirus: WHO backed China’s emergency use of experimental vaccines, health official says

  • Zheng Zhongwei from the National Health Commission says WHO standards were used as a guide to administer shots despite ongoing phase 3 trials
  • Beijing has also been in talks with Covax partners about production and development

Topic |   Coronavirus pandemic: All stories
Zheng Zhongwei (left) from the National Health Commission, says China has been in talks with organisations involved in Covax to distribute the vaccine to developing countries. Photo: Simon SongZheng Zhongwei (left) from the National Health Commission, says China has been in talks with organisations involved in Covax to distribute the vaccine to developing countries. Photo: Simon Song
Zheng Zhongwei (left) from the National Health Commission, says China has been in talks with organisations involved in Covax to distribute the vaccine to developing countries. Photo: Simon Song
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