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Jaemin of NCT is a multitalented K-pop star and accomplished actor, who still loves doing charity work for those in need.Jaemin of NCT is a multitalented K-pop star and accomplished actor, who still loves doing charity work for those in need.
Jaemin of NCT is a multitalented K-pop star and accomplished actor, who still loves doing charity work for those in need.

Jaemin of NCT: talented and a rising star, K-pop idol and actor keeps his feet on the ground with charity work and care for others

  • Despite a passion for music, with Justin Bieber his inspiration, Jaemin’s first career choice was to become a doctor, because of his love for helping others
  • Now a multitalented member of NCT and an award-winning actor, he still does volunteer work and helps worthy causes

Topic |   K-pop, Mandopop and other Asian pop
Jaemin of NCT is a multitalented K-pop star and accomplished actor, who still loves doing charity work for those in need.Jaemin of NCT is a multitalented K-pop star and accomplished actor, who still loves doing charity work for those in need.
Jaemin of NCT is a multitalented K-pop star and accomplished actor, who still loves doing charity work for those in need.
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