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Reanne Is Right on Cue; TOP TITLE IN THE POT

Birmingham Evening Mail (England), December 13, 2004 | Go to article overview

Reanne Is Right on Cue; TOP TITLE IN THE POT


TALENTED teenager Reanne Evans is going potty after winning the biggest title in women's snooker, just five years after picking up a cue.

The 19-year-old from Lower Gornal, Dudley, captured the International Billiards and Snooker Federation World Ladies Championship in Velthoven, Holland, defeating European champion Wendy Jans, of Belgium, 5-1 in the final.

Reanne, a former pupil at Dudley's Bishop Milner RC School, who plays for Baggeridge Social in the Stourbridge League and Sedgley Ex-Servicemen in the West Midlands League, also potted her highest competitive break, 105, in winning the title from a field of 40 players.

Snooker runs in the Evans family. Her brother Ryan, aged 27, is the reigning Midland amateur champion while another brother, 24-year-old Richard, is also a top league player.

Student Reanne said: 'This is easily my best achievement.

'I went there believing I could win it. Wendy was the biggest threat but I felt confident I could beat her and I did.'

Reanne began playing snooker at the age of 14 and picked up the game by watching her brothers play.

She took to it immediately and caused a sensation in the women's game by reaching the world championship semifinals in her first season on the circuit two years ago.

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