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Dr Quek Swee Chong and his wonderful volunteer medical team from Singapore with his Holiness The Dalai Lama

Help educate women around the world about cervical cancer with Lady Ganga!

Fred Lumiere
Aug 12, 2016 · 2 min read

Can a film change the world?

This brave woman thought it could and it looks like she was right.

Now available in more than 20 languages and soon 60! The short film Lady Ganga: Nilza’s Story is saving lives around the world to help women protect themselves and their children against cervical cancer and other HPV related cancers. Every 2 minutes, a woman dies of cervical cancer.

The film was recently awarded with the Grand Prize: Humanitarian Award from the Rhode Island International Film Festival.

Since Michele Baldwin passed away more than 1 Million women lost their lives to this preventable cancer. But last week alone, with the help of this short film, 1,600 women from some of the most remote regions in the Himalayas were screened for cervical cancer and 274 potentially life saving procedures were performed by volunteer surgeons of the Himalayan Women’s Health Project… and this is happening all over the world!

After the week long women’s health camp, Dr Quek Swee Chong and his wonderful volunteer medical team from Singapore were congratulated by a very special guest: His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.” - His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Please share the film with others, you might help save a life.

It is free for all around the world…

Thank you!

Frederic Lumiere
Lady Ganga: Nilza’s Story

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Fred Lumiere

Co-founder & CEO at @apiantinc API Junkie. Futurist. Social activist filmmaker. #WWIIinHD #LadyGanga #SYLove #Sacrifice



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Written by

Fred Lumiere

Co-founder & CEO at @apiantinc API Junkie. Futurist. Social activist filmmaker. #WWIIinHD #LadyGanga #SYLove #Sacrifice



A community dedicated to those who are passionate about film. A collection of handpicked publications about movies, the film industry and fan art.

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