A tdM.te t t/or it (Honolulu) Why Manchu dd Juchen Look SoNon'Tunsusic? Mdchu md Jmh€n e lqically md sl,acnlally very diffmr even fion their closestrclatives in the Southeh Tusuic 0{saic) subgoup, m1 to n€ntion the rest of Tugusic. Ilis divdgae hs fooled before a nmber of scholm inchding nlslf (rr'ovin l99J), who hied to deE in favor of a specialMdchu subgiou! wi$in Tmgusic noslly or the bsis ofth€ gEat lqical diverserce dnibiled by Maohu and Jmnen as conpd€d to tlE Est ofth€ fanily, Eowevq, ifw€ look at tne shed imora, liou in photrolosy ad moQholosy ir becones quite appent rhat both Mdchu dd lucheo belons nr the sme South.m Tungusicsubsrcups Neai, Uilta (Orok). dd Ulcha (c6rsi 2004: 55). Ite uu,l expldatior for lle lexicr.l dd strEtunl peculi&ines of Mtuchu ed Jwhen is bsed on the dsmption lhat rhey de dn to rhe ftd i.duence of Khitla se, e.g. (Jadiuen 2003: 400). I beli€v€ lnar this ssm!'tion is bsicolly @dec! since n cm be well supponed by pm-Mongolic egbologies for a nuba of peculid Mdchu edor Jwhd bncal ilems. includins thosebelongingto basicvocabularymd not lound itr orlE. ,mcstr rCuges. lhd \ledb lool lit€ paBMonsoh. e.g. va.' ,q?, belly, wt'c,.d be oolJ be de-i\ed liom pe-Mo4olic ik€leli, dd not fron prcto-Monsolic *kex€li (MM &'d,, wM nlselt. Ther€ensin Jurchen. Ma.l,rsd Jraal 'eleventh tnonthl,' 'fineen', Ma rarr,, md theMmchudd J@hennumerals for tas ale l@k like loewordi nom lm-Moneolio (Jdhunen 1993). In addition, Mmhu dd Jurcletr norlhology looks nore sinp[ned thm ]n other da closly Elar€d Idguages. inclurlins Southem Tueusic. fte abTbe rollowingabbcviatiotr arcu$d ror laneuss: EM , Erly Moidrii, EMC Edly Middle chinee, EMK Ealy MiddleKo@, E*. , E{ed, Ewk.- Elolli, Ju. Jmhq lMc - r:t Middlechines, Ma. - Mdchu, MdK - dodd xoEd, eorisn,Nd Nma| Nce., N.djdi| oK - old KoEs, or. - O@h, PK - pDb-Korcan,s.l. solon,Ud - Ud.h.,Uil. , Uilb (orck) Ul, - Ulch., wM - wftm Monsolisn. 'lugusic dd utypical for Monsenceof veibal aCreenenl.lypical lor golic, is especiallyFvealing. Ho$€vd, I shouldnole lhat lhe lack ofv€F bal agreenent is also found in the e6ten neishborof Jurcnened MmTherefore,this uual explmtion, althoughudoubledly conec! is not sufficien!, There is no doubr rh,l1he weslen neighbon of Manchu md .,urchencontributed cousideEbly to theseldguges' q?oloey md lqicon, bu1 therc is no re6on ro believe thar this weslem influence nom pd Mongolic wa solely responsibleaorthe non-Tungusiclook ofMffchu md Jurchen.We have to considd Insl $e int€rylay of hislory ad linguistics. Altnough the Liao enpiE ws eslablishedin 916 lhc Knilm tlbes cditainly maderhedselvesknown on rhe nonhen iiontier of China long befo.e that, it v.s not belor 926 D lhat Liao desllo'€d the Pdhae (Bohai) stale,dd incorporatedthe tdilorics of SouthManchuia ud present-dayNorth-Edten KoEa thal wee lhe honeland of Juchen lribes, dd who were beforc 926 AD subjeclsof lhe Padae. It is ulikely that srong Khiid inilEnce could $an liior to this dare Nevedheless. when we look allhe edliest extml Jurchenin$riflions nom the tw€rlh cennly, we alreadyse dEre all ibe peculiar l}?ological fealues of Juchendd Mschu. L seensunlikelylhlt theKhnd innuencealohccould be cr€dited for all these dEslic chmges, md thar they all look Place wilhin 200 yem. I we should nol overlook a.olher possibilily: mely, the nriuence from rhe lasi As menlionedabole, de iuchehs, beforc being incorpoaled inlo ihe riao cnpne, weE subjects of the The Pdhe slate wa lounded in 686 {D by'fay choyene, a fomer Koguryo general.Thus, qe Nould expect rhal &e Pdhac lmeuase, or nore preciselythe lucuaee of the Pa ae elite qas exerting a consideF abh innuence on lhe Jurchen lmeDagclrior ro rhe Krilan conquestol Pdbae in 926 D for nore thln 200 yeds. Although tne linsuislic dd €rhnic idendry of tle Parhaeelile rcnains conbolersial (Jdnmen 1996: 138-19.152),dd nothinerenainsrodayoftbe Padae languge in rhe fom of t*$, or eleo glosses,there de cenain bGlo cal and linguistic facts rhat shonld not be overlooked.Fi$1, il h quiic clcar that lhere wN a dirccl com*tion 6clw*n dE Koguryo and lahae elitesi as t mentioned above. the fomder of Pehae $as a fomer Koguryo gencnl. Second, Pdh@ incorlorated most of rhe lormd Koguryo tenilory. Theretirre,w€ should pGsume thal the erbnic dd linguistic prcpefies ol rhe Kosuryo ed Prhae €liles weE essentiallythe sane. It is &dusLly dshed fia' he Koculo tangLasewd Jdpotuc. 0mdj lnal ir m d l&suge .losetr Rla€d 'o Japme.etrd Ryuk)rd. Tte b66 for lhis belkf-e!r atmoi er ircly on stose. of rhe Kogu4o placen.lm tdud in volues 15 md 37 of the ,!a,l'"f rab 0 147 .o), Som or drse sloss ind*d renefl a tusxage appaenrtybetonginsio oe rapolc l&glaee familj, a rta' eh otter cd be idebdr@a (oree Ihe.iroD ol Lhw rhd rle r,og'oo ttrgurge oelonseob rhe Japoruc rmry % sLppo4eaby a rmber otscbot/s, s{f as \. lto6{, 1981), Mmyma Shichir6 (t963) in the p6t, md nost rccqry tr {s rguented in erealdeil by ( tr.s.opbe Becksi$ \'OO4) tf this uR rue. gned $e hnbrcal tomecriol deNeenKogu4o ed ptr\ae, k w o u l dq p € c r ' o f i n d a l e " ) r , o m el o d ! o r d s o t J d p o n o , cr . s r ni b t h e J u . \hfl sndo' Mmlu ldgrses. Buifi. F cldt) nor h< sd.ej6 uerc e.sjmplyione. thfttoE. wh"e $e e$s.eae ot a Japol,claquo8e spolenb lte pd otr rle (o@ penjNdla6 tu uden dbtefrr, jd all pmbdbiliq Lb€exishe d lhr ttugue. oEda€. $e suk ot Xoguryo. m a@!oD dr Ko8u4o ptre rmes lhar ctr be rFakd Etiaotr 6 Japonicm ford r d rerj iin ko tra in |ne erh or toeLDo. so it is bekr lmed lhe Pseuoo-koslDo dgua€e rjanlMen tqoo: 2o!r. ln rou! deumb: b:, trd mgusuclnal speardgrinr -|e deluficatiotro dE iecrSe o,hese plae luftr Mth lhe eglrce ot (osl4o. Hose\.., or cL.siorotihoJe Fallsoutsideof the smDeof rhE Daber lhn whal "a* |ne lmglai r$r borh fe KosuJo rd rhe pshae elrle spokefSiocew. ao nor lr\e dt .e\rs q1en il des tdguags, ihe turud shoid be b6ed on todnaofd.rord In Le dgu,se. ot Lhe leopie, @ely Juchen, whon theseeliies ruled for alnosl sk hudr€d y€m.! It tus oul rhal apod fton €rly lotus non sone Mongolic 10euee (Fobably Khir&, d 16 lointed out b€fo@).Jmhen ed Mechu also have a layer of wods thar is Faceabteto a KoEm-liKe souce. Dur relrecr neirhe'Middle (o'e& nor po'o-Kol@ noqadars. In the Aliaistic titeraturcsone of thse todwons m ueaEd d rcognates' going b@k to proto-Altaic. rhh is. bowevd. hieNy T adiboo'rXlfu h',ronoc'spt' le d. ya' orKocu4o fomdd,o bd. lonsei Thu. i2r s sll bt fie rird\ d,e Bmorc retyno' 'o h4\e rspprrd oefoR ro -4hlb oc'3phr, @.ird rus irJ in Tmgsic oulunlikelybecasenoneofthe $ods concenedis anested side Juchen md Mdchd. I tninl lhal in all pobabilily thesewords we€ jst borcNed by JNben fiod ! vdiety or vdieties of old KoEn spok€n by the Prhae dd keuryo elites.I will pr€sentbelow a lisl ofthese loewordsr followed by d€sciiplion of the structunl influenceof KoIu Bnsic Vocabul!ry (I) Ma. fntehe rool < *puleke,l nol attesledin my othd Tunsusic 'id < PK *puikuy.It lssuase, including Juchen. Ct MKp,.rry LHr is interesrins rhat Mmchu has doublels for this word: in addition 10 J'/er?,1here is also Ma. d" loor, which G appaEnlll a native Tungsic @r4 ct Ewk. dasacadn, Sa). dagasd, Ot. daha, V\ .ladca(n), Nn. Jur ?z(Kme 1989:206) daa.,(cincius 1975:188-89), (2) Jw.,idd'h€art' (Kane1989:892)md Ma. ,iydaa, hearr,'con_ traryto (Cincius1975:514) cannotbe Elatedto Erk. t&,, and.rh€r sinild TugBic foms renectinglT 3niaw, becausethere de simplv no resuld conespondences.Ct MK |yen thahg LL, Nnee thahg is z $ffix for bodylans (Martin1992:8l 1). l3) Jn. shinsun cold, chilly (Kiyose 1917 rI)2), Ma. sin:lketeh 'chillt' cmot be Elated to Ewk. J,grr'frcst.' Sol d/gtgdj cold. Ew 'cold,' Ud. l,sttrj'cold, Ul. st,sa,, 'cold,' Uil. ri,ss,, to tiere, N&, r,t,gez 'to ccl cold.lo becom€stifwnhcold'(Cincius1975:321), beoue foms wirhonr !n inilial r would be expsted in Juch€n md Mechu. Ct EMK stn-,, (f+iR, Kycylin }!sa #204). M( srn L (aftnlu_ tivc formrtr-,,) 10becold <PK*si.t :sinlun" (a) Ma. 6iord, tliff of Ed edth ' 'precipirousbdk (zalndov 1875 545), cliil of red oanh (I'loman l 9?8: 32). (Hu 1994: 98), cired wid sonewhataberdl nemings as-clifil liecipice in (Cinciusi975: 84) on rhereconshdion or i&aoeLi. .rL N 1 k .nd Ma..liu intryolcali The follo{ins abbtuliarioisare nsed d d h o h $ , U t ear 6 t a h e r F a . i r , r { a b l a s . t02, thekrd.smr aBkd m.rfben. C:miu: oFsatonejderhe M&c\u ro.n sot.rrsa, rod@h.r( mcrxstaTtr 84r ane,Ed.s ir seem! onlJ i I two\,kji.s Meaqls., Nole,al^s he rregutd..J n \oNI coresporren.$ odwetr ft Mschr ed Solonro*e's 11 te fiT,s) abre. CI M\ pR, U P-r,l?, rL ttrlt. precipice.A,ldK,Je.,as .id. Kore d,d,a daE cot_ j'l uu* re78..0t-0tr p, rd \,1Kprerr - Lt i":d Lr F mre imoqrire p,?pv ofole.iJ,) +M MdX pwl,,S, a tre.rara tum dtreEediajekseemtosupponlneladerfom '::. ^,1,. ropre,.rien..r..b enbm*Lsr ,yl r.OorrrM ra78 +2) doer,noi laLe pdath,s h o-|-fl Thgu"ic .esle;s. (t vK.d.LH, MrL ai.r# .|o prc$ doq. .ro".ehoo l\* I-oor l27a) Do_an$|ed,.n ofir ThElr t-g,.g"s I r Ur , H |Jl,s..k rs welt ojM thalLhudpersr pmnors ofier olsindk hoT d€ ' oNual.\s. r & E u r c t a n g u a e (e s| V K , . / b J _ . j o o . , o s a J . p t _ h ) \ - .L b e seqDrom' hy m pK N alv s ,r tare,skge. o- he tdguaee cl: q d K - { r i 1 0 m , t e s n M J ori,e" . . , . a r - . . , e r o m o i V o k r a . r oq o . s s e , , k e e t e 8 o :) 0 8 , o u n . r , d ( t i y o k 'r {no€ppffi, Ma. '-,/ cog.,a,. no, ur.r"a ir orher ts8xsic reguaa.9 (1 MK,!Gl, Lt.!srlof amtet, rvr \4a 4r%,.w*li. hded ro, .oto rrz.a- 10 ofone rear,.Ju. ,rhz?--BaX, laded. mr dlesr{ rr o,nn ruCu ,serage. I I Ml( /,t€lr- L shaitow,pate(orcotorf - pK lnitvf-l[v CultnratVoc.bnhry O0) ,I,la r,lrri .Bdodhd lSjlYIl:-* buooa-,No!* -Dtti<t | | U\ pdhre I | .,a . OK t" t. ro-eM p\acbd,f€l m{ F.oi.od(e. tha fie Mtr.hL roro h6 No Koree -edrRs: .nidal vorcerers'p-Elt€. rhd ,G. dnda "o a refle\ orLte <oEd,lfc\ ik).. (ll) Ma. roorai ledue', nol artested in JDichcnCt MKpop,,yRE l€wel. lreasw < PK *po p^y. Ma.chu ould be allermtively a dnect tod f@n EMC p"-'z,r+ (ffq), {hich is thc sourcc for rhe Kored word, but n is not plllsible eiLherchionologically or linguistially (w€ would ralher expecl Marchu /f/ < 'p urder thG sceDlrio, and cenainly cmhol expectEMC p?,' rvitl a rhing lone lo bc bodoRedas a long vowel in Manchu). It h plroneticauyevennoto inpladsiblc thal Mmchu ' \laf J"1.l\'lpaprr.or , " J r d lq o ' 1 .o . o " r . (12) Ma.rtu 'conblike lo.l uscdfor workinssilkon the loon 0lor nd 34), (Hu 260).Nor ak$ed in otherTLngusiclanelaees.Cl MK porol LH conb of e loon' (HNngDons Il: l8a) (13) Ma. tse, teed, rsit? millet also botro*ed inro someothei (Cnrcius l9?7r38).ct MKr,JiH (?)'sed' SoulhenTunsusiclmguages Noninal Morpholos] (14) One of the nosl sliknrs difeFnces md Jurchen on tnc onc ndd ad lhe olher'lunausiclanguages or the otheris the pesenceoflhe gennivecasein N4anchu md Jurchenandits absncein the other Tugusic lmguages.Typologically lhis taaturec& also be explained by paE-Moneolic nrfluence. snrce both md (hito bavea genitivecse ndker. Ilowever,it is more likely lhal this cse orisinated nr Mmchu md lurchen KoEd .ather lhar under pda MongolicinnuenceThe reaso.for this h quitesinplc the nai! allo norpn oflne seniiive casenarkeL nr botb Mochu dnd JurchcnG ''. with ihc allonorph d lound only ancr slens in -,s (nr borh Mmchu md Juchenl ed stens in , rJurchcn) fhus. Ma dd lur. -i camol be a dit rcc1loe fton the pda-M;nJrolic genni'd casendka rn It h a diifeF eni slorr silh Korear Oneof the MK senilive iarkcs is ,r - -!/ < PK r^'Ci- r-i-Ci,whcrc*-i hthe eenilivelocatirecasenarkd ilselI Nhile *-i- reprcsent voweh This in all Frob.bililythe inlercalalnrg casendker by o( dara,Nherelhis gerilive/lo.ative supporred witlcn wirn the character+ (EMc rt'), c s. EEB€R,R Kilpha tiwalla,g-ctlr' imge NOM hEse o/A,afa,g Kipha (Hlaska rv: t oftles,/t e,€4, (rllacka X: 3) (15) anotherpuRb f,potosi." teaue In +e rqtm oboro$/n ru. hfl dd Moctl i. fe Mudion of he rdnber ot cses in seneial trur tre0dprobabtj-bned uder Ko€tu.nnrerce, oL. rs frf_ tn€r rcinforcd by (p@ )Moncotic ilntuence. Vcrb.t MorphotoF/ 116l M d a l ' n a . ! n o h e " " n . b r . , ! - b e . s t i t e t )b m i m l The h e M. K a j t e m a r i o/ rn-- r r r ' e r ' + . (U-) Ma, lnite ,6t is Nuny hken s a sren of r! .exisf (Sunik t962: 320-22),but il h srdge that a baE verbal sren h usd a a tnite indica_ tire |m. cI'he o\,on , J p r r a - b'rr f f i h 6 4 0. o e. r r i e .c i v ] < -rad r H 1xe / -tdp-i "n cdve,biat zdriono- Jp \nb ,,A- R .6 be tFaft€*10 ALH u AN-kworr-ra-p, egg-ACC€nbnce-CONV{o-rVD hn€l sd d'ar,, enbracing[bim sl d esg@yanekavl 4) Pac viM $mdbenphicaly ii otd Korcen hb t'b,,ndl ft rrn$ribed ii capibl td_ om,oeu. . t e , , c * t o o ar,y , , n o , , \ , t 0 0 0 rr n .o * dos polq:r,i$ .e 'c ytmo. "ro Re m h.ort , ., o.r,;,s. jen D H^Htt KLILI'NU-N SALOMJ 1,Sra-pt long |oIPRES-ATTR/REAL pe$on-NOM aa/ / D FaN ?le.e is a personsho h longcd lor (Hyu8la Ix: 8) Thus, we c& se lhat Mancbu md .,urchenwere influened to a cer tain degre by sone diatect of Old KoEm, spoken in lhe lcnnory of Kosulyo md then ?arh,e This. alongsidcwith larer paF Mongolic i.nuence made Jurchenmd Mlnchu qrne diferdt lypologically even fton their cloesr SoutbemTLDsusicElatives. Incid€ntally, this fact has cdlain rdcipocal vaine for the linguislic hislory of lhe KoEd peninsulaN well. dmonsliating lhat the lmeuaec of 'psudo-Koguryo place nmes w6 not &e ldguage of the Kogrryo state.s nentioned above.Since it sr.Dnsiysucigeslstbal tbe Koguyo elile actuaUyspoke KoEan, we have to cone 10 d undeniableconclusionthal the lineuGtic snuBtronon fte KoEe pe.insula s6 much nore homogeneousin the lhtd-lenlh cmtu ries than is usuaUydrougbt, with the Old Ko€an languag€nor being Enigmrticllems In @nclusion.I nust dd thar the paa-Mongolic dd Old Korqn lale$ in JNhen ud Mmchu lexicon andmotrholoeJ aE not Lheonly ohcslhat m be foud. The ongin of Jurchcned Manchu appearsio be quite a conplex phoonenon. Even a brief perusalol Jurcbcnand Manchub6ic vocabulary rcveah a nunber ol elemenls tnat dc apprently noF Tugsic ed haveno connection1oeider Mongolic or Kor€d. li is possible. of couse. 10 clainr that they rdpftsenl slecitc pda-Monsolic vocabulary,but since we do not hale independentelidence allowing us lo rron identiry dem 6 pa.a'Mongolic, it is safer ro ftat the6 as bs some unlnoM lmguage or lanauages.IleE is a brief lisr of such €l€nents in lhe Mechu lecuaec witb added pdalleh fiom Jdchen (if knowh) dd inl@l recoisliuclions that have no Tunsusic et nologts ad cmot be explainedftom Mongolic or Koremi (l) Md,fteli all <polo Ma 'ukeii. (2) Ma. s,&r'bek. skin' < plolo Ma. 3s!nku. (3) Ma.sar .to bitt <prcto Ma.'s!lcli.. l4l Ma. rrarrrw tojd, < prcto-Ma\hakmn a,P,t, rKme .o8a: 22or .firh Prclo-va. 16) Ma. lur. rrt fe"d a possbc.bur 0o. rery Kord eumoros]!d be otreredro rhj" hd, Ml( /,"" Hr6@rve .C.r. Sin* rhi, wumD mosr.4s modihes rhefo||owing noM (qrpr whm rl ts beft sramd(atrrd a & adrqo wilb rie deturng.6rstl].J,, ,tu betua_ 'ya asa 6 ceruh\ecemtn{. the hignpir.h andrneiniratespi EEo.omonturpor. ro a litet) pk rom .hkFs LH, trhich coLtdha\e DetrDorowed 6 yu bv speaters ot Jmber normw h and I be Eat prcbled hse i . wrn smdt:c.. trolnallJ w ek o u d e y p q l r h e s m t u l t s L R . h e a _d . . t u J 1 . b Ln, o rv : . e\ e r s d . !1i,,ii;,i'i.i, ffi.1fi.:ortu ru ,"4?sotu ,vse,a8o: ur.,sarKiyokro/. I.r.din.. l1]. 1.1:. :34 ;!r.'c",KMero3e., (a) Ma r,,Agau @d,.proro-Ma. rvonlee ll0l Ma. tn, .losee,- orcto_M:I t ) t ) U n . r c h p . t, u r ' r p r K r e i e S q t o . l . " ? / , P ft)ose v,/. $m., pob Ma.,veke. cr.p,o.or hltchl Km.tadd"r-ktiltri_n. r o o l ,.;L,x:.,*** rd 4are ft4e roso:2ri, .cr| DrcrGMa. lll) Ma.,,/2,4a, wam <prctcMa .buldrkd. {r4' r,gr,, Ju. e ,(tre Iq8o: to.,, /,8z, rKiyo.e to?7. t0Ol < proro Ma .jugd bad .\4a one lord @ r\is t6t I soe r ha a posrbtepddl,el rtr CnLk hrKn r ^ . " . h & ! e F s e m b r d c e . s 0 c e i n p r c h i s b Dd e ;tir(ca-^mthadat ,fi.,..'i"."y::,!e langug$ Lere sped mrt hfLter b Loesou|nor uer mseDr d@. r fac' rhar s suppotu b tcrsl tod. found i^ rhe I ueus t laneusesrpoGn in.he Russje Mdir,me reeror s a L,y s o h ea r @ t e q u e s : u c tE ! . i . ) O r . i T r F . c . 8 : o 1 ) , ( p e qM or 1994. Ro^.\' b.rk,+rt"' \.ta.,so tu ,,eat, tod 6on Monso,ib,eu, .e's "'*L ;ilLmf.lH:#.":1"#?*,t:i:;:,1. l,:r,;J:t-* rrr I u\e d3]nfu l'Ll'bmg d e qord n qhhl ff: l;1,:'*ll,'.1,"j,f r"'11* m ir 4 $d ,oud be t 45). I should aho add that ihe preseNalionof iniiiat pTM :l- in Mmchu &d Juclcn, which slificd to /.] in all oiner SoudremTususic Id, guasesmr be due to Chukchi Kmchadd nmuence.Ir is quitc possible rhat re will be able !r nnd other races of Chutchi Kdclkaa prcscnce in Marchu locabular} ed st uctuE. The reseaEhin this ea is !r&ri, cally non-erislent md badlyneeded. cenainly, th€re de olher possibletaye.s in Mechu bd Jurclen, as the abrye lisl dehonstrates Noie oI the Emainine words (exceprttone.) Esenbles ardins in &y leg@ses I m fmitiar rvijh Maybe specid 6ts in olher ldsuges would be ablc to ide iry then souce(t. But it C cqMlly possiblc lnat the lmeuages thal conliibured b the lexicon ot Mdchu ed Jurhen have disappeEd fo€ver lon the face oflhe Eantr. wirhout leavins my orherraces. In ihis clse we sill nevertnow, dd parr ol lhe enigmaconceminaMmcnu dd Juclen linguislic o snrs will always Emain. However, one fact seens to be cted elen now: rhe linsuhric lthistory ol not only Mdchu md Jurchcn.bui of rhe whole oft.ner dd Easl Asia is nuch morc conplex lhs we usedto thin| Ala,atz, sixih eishth centuliesAD. Hlruhhohg cahay. 1527 AD. 2aa4Kostrya:rhe L,nBwEeaJrap rL Y.L o |i6\ ?i&gUJ.4 ' |! cincius,vera r Gd.) le?i 77 &4' \ o r .r t e x r \ o t ? i , r r L n n E r d N d r : Primd ia tcdral md nrcimt phddic aeat fertua ofprhoNr ad Ma.irinc rcgjo6l." x4,4, , a')rr sl,i' tpcopks and lrnguecs of siberial Mo$o*j Po .di'g or'le r InPrdo s |llahds.tusprche.Lief:LJ'wisbaden|ono *ffiiil1il#ffififf*tH:" 'rm**ffl,W{r:mi;n j; *' l,?tij,itkff ff:;1r:l",t Ifrf,i,iiKg,fifijtr"%ffi{ii".i;:H: -- .4 pzr a ^eq,\^D,enrn,. :gr ;Tilh"igio,osons, ^d ,c b *, prn'r, :il:i ,l:il {;'r,'r 9i'l?p '&{u A\tudr xi.". .;_.;"ri. ii;i r.'.llfllil:wi,,*".,,.,,"", ",*,,,... ;:ff *Ti:i?'iih;'1{#i#t*,*}.jr;#i*,Jt:;: ji#j{h*t: Ii"i"?;r+.+lr ;***. ""-" "."-M"".. l;::t"l::;.1',"*l l';"::,,(;'".,''. :"-1.lil;;:;1., .'""" " l' "Iil'il" il;,i"f":;r:,i,.,! o {'iAi |4sndvo pFnskod,Ml *:::..:* ;5;?tf{**t'#4;,ffi '*.'.ftIj:l';gjff li#ff r?.:ffii,ll#if f^[1Jri;*T*l- Vovin,Alemder 1993 To$rdr a Ncwcla$ificrio. orTuisunc Llisuaces",/u Ousbre,ro],.37 26t-30 rea2)('raprv! YanBcwurds'e65(origimllyprblisrred I^ sodvorold sonstl Yi, KidunlL.. Ki nunl 1e6r. ^ ceidi. vie* onrapane*'crde, 6at rr, vdl 2?: Yi, Kirun lesr Hdn[*{e ry?,srs,s ra tr'lre Hkiory or tbdFomri on oflhe Kold ldsursel s.o ' \m \u, ch6g:$n 1ee6.Hv"Et. pka, tA conoodive D*ehernsr or HFnehl. S.otrLHy.ngselchwulpblsr. zaktnd. ke t9i'. Pathli nq 'hzh