Cornell (Johnson)

Ithaca, NY

from 2022
Class size

Tuition $81,995

Note: School has locations in Ithaca and New York City. Tuition amount is the figure advertised by the school and includes mandatory fees and other costs. GMAT score is median or average, as provided by the school. Find more details on the school's website : .

Gender and Race Breakdown Among US Students, Compared with Other US Schools

Visit Diversity Index page for more data. Gender is for whole class. Race data only for US students. 9.55% of school identifies as LGBTQ


0% 100% 61.0%


0% 100% 38.0%


0% 100% 60.7% of US population 53.3%


0% 100% 6.6% of US population 26.9%


0% 100% 14.1% of US population 7.7%


0% 100% 18.0% of US population 4.4%

Percent of Hires in Each Industry (Top 3)

248 graduates hired in total

Financial 38.7%
Consulting 30.6%
Technology 15.7%

Nationalities (top 5)

Total Number of Nationalities: 39

United States 55.0%
India 8.0%
China 8.0%
Canada 4.0%
Mexico 2.0%

Campus Atmosphere

  • Completely Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree
  • Somewhat Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Somewhat Agree
  • Strongly Agree
  • Completely Agree

Women are well represented among my school’s faculty and administration

Female protagonists are well represented in case studies

LGBTQ students are given equal/adequate opportunity to participate in class discussions and on teams

Social activities are generally inclusive towards LGBTQ students

Minorities are well represented among the faculty and administration

Minority protagonists are well represented in case studies

Representative comments from students and alumni on what's best about this MBA program

The close-knit community, connection with the industry and the high caliber of professors.

Intimate community; strong curriculum; strong alumni network, which helped with networking; helpful staff.

The tight-knit community, which translates to responsive alumni.

Strong finance curriculum, balanced with leadership and communication programs.

Being in a college town forces you to know nearly all of your classmates.