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Your search for images, within 10km of Merthyr Tydfil, Merthyr Tydfil, returns 9,820 images:
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SO0506 : Ordnance Survey Rivet by Adrian Dust Ordnance Survey Rivet by Adrian Dust
for square SO0506 Dist:0.2km
Tags: [top:Historic sites and artefacts] [top:Housing, Dwellings] [type:Close Look]
This OS rivet can be found on the entrance step to Park Side House. It marks a point 220.870m above mean sea level.
SO0506 : Gorsedd Stone Circle, Merthyr Tydfil by Eirian Evans Gorsedd Stone Circle, Merthyr Tydfil by Eirian Evans
geograph for square SO0506 Dist:0.2km
Tags: [top:People, Events] [top:Public buildings and spaces] [top:Suburb, Urban fringe] [type:Geograph] [subject:stone circle]
Off Queen's Road, opposite Thomastown Park Recreation Ground.
SO0506 : Thomastown Park Recreation Ground by Eirian Evans Thomastown Park Recreation Ground by Eirian Evans
geograph for square SO0506 Dist:0.2km
Tags: [top:City, Town centre] [top:Park and Public Gardens] [type:Geograph] [subject:park]
SO0506 : Communications mast by Alan Hughes Communications mast by Alan Hughes
geograph for square SO0506 Dist:0.2km
Tags: [top:Communications] [top:Suburb, Urban fringe] [type:Geograph]
SO0506 : Ordnance Survey Cut Mark by Adrian Dust Ordnance Survey Cut Mark by Adrian Dust
for square SO0506 Dist:0.2km
Tags: [top:Historic sites and artefacts] [type:Close Look]
This OS cut mark can be found on the wall SE side of Queens Road. It marks a point 225.528m above mean sea level.
SO0506 : Ordnance Survey Cut Mark by Adrian Dust Ordnance Survey Cut Mark by Adrian Dust
for square SO0506 Dist:0.3km
Tags: [top:Historic sites and artefacts] [top:Housing, Dwellings] [type:Close Look]
This OS cut mark can be found on the wall of No1 Edward Close. It marks a point 254.621m above mean sea level.
SO0506 : Ordnance Survey Rivet by Adrian Dust Ordnance Survey Rivet by Adrian Dust
for square SO0506 Dist:0.3km
Tags: [top:Historic sites and artefacts] [top:Paths] [top:Roads, Road transport]
This OS rivet can be found on the wall at the junction of path and Queens Road. It marks a point 217.670m above mean sea level.
SO0506 : Ordnance Survey Cut Mark by Adrian Dust Ordnance Survey Cut Mark by Adrian Dust
for square SO0506 Dist:0.3km
Tags: [top:Historic sites and artefacts] [type:Close Look]
This OS cut mark can be found on the wall north side of Penyard Road. It marks a point 219.176m above mean sea level.
SO0506 : Ordnance Survey Cut Mark by Adrian Dust Ordnance Survey Cut Mark by Adrian Dust
for square SO0506 Dist:0.3km
Tags: [top:Historic sites and artefacts] [type:Close Look]
This OS cut mark can be found on the wall NE side of Penyard Road. It marks a point 207.679m above mean sea level.
SO0506 : Ordnance Survey Cut Mark by Adrian Dust Ordnance Survey Cut Mark by Adrian Dust
for square SO0506 Dist:0.3km
Tags: [top:Historic sites and artefacts] [type:Close Look]
This OS cut mark can be found on the wall NE side of Penyard Road. It marks a point 201.141m above mean sea level.
SO0506 : Ordnance Survey Cut Mark by Adrian Dust Ordnance Survey Cut Mark by Adrian Dust
for square SO0506 Dist:0.3km
Tags: [top:Historic sites and artefacts] [type:Close Look]
This OS cut mark can be found on the wall junction east side of the road. It marks a point 233.260m above mean sea level.
SO0506 : Ordnance Survey Cut Mark by Adrian Dust Ordnance Survey Cut Mark by Adrian Dust
for square SO0506 Dist:0.4km
Tags: [top:Historic sites and artefacts] [type:Close Look]
This OS cut mark can be found on the wall NE side of Penyard Road. It marks a point 193.661m above mean sea level.
SO0506 : Ordnance Survey Cut  Mark by Adrian Dust Ordnance Survey Cut Mark by Adrian Dust
for square SO0506 Dist:0.4km
Tags: [top:Historic sites and artefacts] [top:Paths] [type:Close Look]
This OS cut mark can be found on the wall north side of the path. It marks a point 209.285m above mean sea level.
SO0506 : Ordnance Survey Cut Mark by Adrian Dust Ordnance Survey Cut Mark by Adrian Dust
for square SO0506 Dist:0.4km
Tags: [top:Historic sites and artefacts] [top:Housing, Dwellings] [type:Close Look]
This OS cut mark can be found on the wall between Nos2 & 4, The Parade. It marks a point 222.806m above mean sea level.
SO0506 : Merthyr Tydfil Synagogue by Eirian Evans Merthyr Tydfil Synagogue by Eirian Evans
geograph for square SO0506 Dist:0.4km
Tags: [top:City, Town centre] [top:Derelict, Disused] [top:Historic sites and artefacts] [top:Religious sites] [type:Geograph] [subject:synagogue]
Merthyr Tydfil had the biggest Jewish community in Wales and at its height there were 400 Jews in the town. This became a very influential and prosperous Jewish... (more)

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