
Britain’s Future

The Conservatives may have fought a lacklustre campaign but they are by far the best party to deal with the huge challenges that lie ahead

The Times

When Brenda Parsons, a 75-year-old from Bristol, was asked for her reaction to Theresa May’s decision to call a snap election six weeks ago, her irritation was unfeigned. “You’re joking,” she said. “Not another one. I can’t stand this.” Brenda from Bristol spoke for many voters, but not for The Times.

This election is both justified and necessary. The logic behind Mrs May’s decision to seek a personal mandate was unassailable. Gordon Brown’s failure to seek one damaged him irreparably, and Jeremy Corbyn has led the weakest Labour opposition in history. Most importantly, the need for a larger majority and the more stable government it would bring is clear now and was clear in April, as leading EU members appeared to harden their stance