Hilarious Photos Taken at the Supermarket

Head First

Whether it is at a Christmas market or end of year sale at Zara, you should expect to find people scavenging for all sorts of things.

Pinterest // @boredpanda

Some people have a knack out of finding items on sale before anyone else as if to say they have earned the right to purchase the unique item due to their perseverance. This woman, as seen in the picture below, made a real effort to find something in the freezer, which is why she dove head first into it.

Mayo(r) Of The Supermarket

If someone would have caught this woman leaving her house, they wouldn’t have guessed she was on her way to the supermarket.

Pinterest // @sadiaali0950

They especially wouldn’t have guessed she would go with a tub of mayonnaise on her head, as that is the last thing her outfit suggests.

Class Clown

There are plenty of things to do with a plunger, unclogging the toilet being the primary one. However, this girl clearly was not invested in doing things the proper way and took the term creative thinking to a whole new level.

Facebook // Girls Are Stupid.

Back in middle school, she was known as the class clown and often resulted to doing crazy things in order to make her classmates laugh, but you would think that as an adult she would slightly change her ways.

Need To Be Excused

This Walmart employee definitely should have chosen a different career path, as her bright smile and glistening eyes suggest she would have made a tremendously successful model, not a supermarket salesperson.

YouTube // NELK

Still, it is nice to see that she is able to have fun in this place of work that sometimes has to deal with less than patient or polite customers. However, by the look of her hand over her lower abdomen, we are going to guess she desperately needed to use the ladies room when this picture was taken.