Regular donation

Use the form below to set up a regular donation using Direct Debit.

If you require assistance, please get in touch.

Your regular donation


Your account will be debited every month, from the date specified by the commencement date and thereafter every month as specified by the commencement date day.

Your details







Gift Aid

Gift Aid is applicable only to UK residents who pay enough UK income tax and/or capital gains tax to cover the Gift Aid benefit.

By ticking the box, you confirm that you are a tax payer and you understand that if you pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax in the current tax year than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all your donations, it is your responsibility to pay the difference.

Furthermore, you understand that in order to be eligible for Gift Aid you confirm that:-

  1. The money you are donating is your own and is not being donated on behalf of anyone else.
  2. You will not receive anything in return for your donation (e.g. book, auction prize).
  3. You are not making the donation as part of a sweepstake, raffle or lottery.

Your supported organisation receives 25% more at no cost to you with Gift Aid

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If you require assistance, please get in touch.