Learn Coding Fundamentals

Become a better developer by mastering the coding fundamentals. From security and testing to OOP and functional programming, you'll learn it all here.

Getting started with Coding Fundamentals

  • HTML & CSS for Beginners (MEGA Free Course!)

    HTML & CSS for Beginners (MEGA Free Course!)

    Adi Purdila
    1. Learn How to Code a Simple JavaScript Calendar and Datepicker

      Learn How to Code a Simple JavaScript Calendar and Datepicker

      Tutorial Beginner

      A JavaScript calendar is the best tool to understand date functionalities in JavaScript. This tutorial will create a real-time calendar similar to the one in...

    2. Higher Order Functions in JavaScript

      Higher Order Functions in JavaScript

      Tutorial Intermediate

      A higher order function is a function that takes another function as a parameter, or returns a function as the output. They are widely used to improve code...

    3. How to Build a REST API With Laravel

      How to Build a REST API With Laravel

      Course Beginner

      There are a lot of moving pieces to coding a RESTful API, but Laravel makes it a lot easier. In this free course, you'll learn everything you need to know to...

    4. Understanding and Working With the WordPress Options Table

      Understanding and Working With the WordPress Options Table

      Tutorial Intermediate

      In the earlier parts of this series, we looked at the tables in the WordPress database and the relationships between them. In this part I'll cover a...

    5. Guide to Generative AI and Coding

      Guide to Generative AI and Coding

      Tutorial Beginner

      Want to learn effective ways to generate code with ChatGPT and other generative AI tools? These tutorials on have all the hands-on tips, techniques, and...

    6. Add a Custom Column in WordPress Posts and Custom Post Types Admin Screen

      Add a Custom Column in WordPress Posts and Custom Post Types Admin Screen

      Tutorial Beginner

      In this tutorial we will see how to add a new column to the WordPress Posts management screen and in this column we will show the Featured Image of each...

    7. Kotlin From Scratch: Abstract Classes, Interfaces, Inheritance, and Type Alias

      Kotlin From Scratch: Abstract Classes, Interfaces, Inheritance, and Type Alias

      Tutorial Intermediate

      Learn more about object-oriented programming in Kotlin with a look at abstract classes, interfaces, inheritance, and type aliases.

    8. Using Faker to Generate Filler Data for Automated Testing

      Using Faker to Generate Filler Data for Automated Testing

      Tutorial Intermediate

      In-depth automated testing requires solid data generation. Come learn about Faker, a PHP library for straightforward data filling.

    9. Android From Scratch: How to Store Application Data Locally

      Android From Scratch: How to Store Application Data Locally

      Tutorial Beginner

      When it comes to persisting application data locally, Android developers are definitely spoiled for choice. In this tutorial, I'll show you how to make use...

    10. Build a Newsletter System With PHP and MySQL

      Build a Newsletter System With PHP and MySQL

      Tutorial Advanced

      Today, we are going to be building a newsletter system using PHP with a MySQL database. The tutorial will cover building a system that allows for multiple...

    11. Tips for Effective Code-Generating ChatGPT Prompt Design

      Tips for Effective Code-Generating ChatGPT Prompt Design

      Tutorial Beginner

      This tutorial will teach you how to design effective prompts in ChatGPT in order to generate the code you want.

    12. Python 3 Function Annotations

      Python 3 Function Annotations

      Tutorial Intermediate

      The function annotations syntax has been a Python feature since version 3.0, but the semantics of annotations have been left undefined. In this tutorial,...