Learn Regular Expressions

If you want to match patterns in text or manipulate data effectively, regular expressions are ideal. Follow these tutorials to learn everything you need to know.
  1. 9 Regular Expressions You Should Know

    9 Regular Expressions You Should Know

    Tutorial Intermediate

    Regular expressions are a language of their own. Today, we'll review nine regular expressions that you should know for your next coding project.

  2. JavaScript Regex Cheat Sheet

    JavaScript Regex Cheat Sheet

    Tutorial Beginner

    This regex cheat sheet outlines all the available methods, flags, and character sequences you might use when working with regular expressions.

  3. How to Work With Regular Expressions in PHP

    How to Work With Regular Expressions in PHP

    Tutorial Beginner

    In this article, we’ll look at the PHP functions that allow you to use regular expressions to perform search and replace operations on strings.

  4. Search and Replace Strings With Regular Expressions in PHP

    Search and Replace Strings With Regular Expressions in PHP

    Tutorial Intermediate

    In this tutorial, you'll learn how to search and replace strings with regular expressions in PHP.

  5. Form Input Validation Using Only HTML5 and Regex

    Form Input Validation Using Only HTML5 and Regex

    Tutorial Beginner

    In this tutorial, you will learn how to implement basic form validation using attributes like type and pattern using regex and in HTML5.

  6. JavaScript Regular Expressions: Beyond the Basics

    JavaScript Regular Expressions: Beyond the Basics

    Tutorial Intermediate

    This tutorial will teach you how to use some sophisticated regular expressions in JavaScript to match patterns in a string. We will begin with a quick...

  7. A Beginner's Guide to Regular Expressions in JavaScript

    A Beginner's Guide to Regular Expressions in JavaScript

    Tutorial Beginner

    Regular expressions let you to manipulate strings with your code. They're very powerful, but they have a special syntax that can be confusing. This tutorial...

  8. Regular Expressions With Go: Part 2

    Regular Expressions With Go: Part 2

    Tutorial Intermediate

    In part two of this series on regexes with Go, we will focus on using the regexp library to its full extent, including compiling regular expressions, finding...

  9. Regular Expressions With Go: Part 1

    Regular Expressions With Go: Part 1

    Tutorial Intermediate

    In this two-part series, you'll learn what regular expressions are and how to use regular expressions effectively in Go to accomplish many common tasks.

  10. Swift and Regular Expressions: Swift

    Swift and Regular Expressions: Swift

    Tutorial Intermediate

    In this tutorial, we explore the basics of regular expressions and how they can be used to solve interesting text processing problems. In this tutorial, we...

  11. Swift and Regular Expressions: Syntax

    Swift and Regular Expressions: Syntax

    Tutorial Intermediate

    In this tutorial, we explore the basics of regular expressions and how they can be used to solve interesting text processing problems. We start by looking at...

  12. Regular Expressions: Up and Running

    Regular Expressions: Up and Running

    Course Beginner

    In this course, we’re going to finally tackle those incredibly confusing regular expressions. Do they baffle you? Do they look like Egyptian hieroglyphs? No...