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Welcome to the Intelligent Energy e-library Archive

ImageThe aim of the e-library is to bring together in one place a range of tools and guidebooks on energy efficiency, renewable energy applications and sustainable mobility. It includes items funded under the Intelligent Energy-Europe (IEE)  programme in collaboration with USA energy regulatory bodies and a selection of instruments picked from over 2,500 EU funded projects (under Altener and Save, US energy programs, CIVITAS, Structural and regional funds, LIFE, RTD 2002-2006 and Phare). In addition, nationally,regionally and international funded tools and guidebooks have been included. By providing a thematic collection and consolidation of existing material in selected programme areas, the e-library helps to eliminate intensive initial project phases and removes the need to redevelop certain tools and guidebooks. It also ensures that information remains accessible beyond the legal duration of project contracts.Please note that the library was developed during the course of 2014 and last updated in 2015. For IEE projects related material you can also check on the IEE Projects Database.   

Who is it for?

Are you planning to submit a proposal under the Intelligent Energy call or US Energy Policy Act? Are you an energy manager looking for innovative methods on reducing your company’s energy consumption and costs? Or are you a local decision maker looking for action plans to set CO2 reduction targets for your community? Or are you an individual living in EU or US looking for efficient methods to cut energy costs? This web inventory will help you to find these and other resources you need.

What I can find in this e-library?

This ready-to-use resource brings together a truly comprehensive collection of tools and guidebooks. These are practical aids developed for widespread use, offering instructions where necessary, or written material guiding and advising specific target groups.

  • Name: Separatoare De Grasimi - Ecosepsys

  • Address: Mogoșoaia

  • Phone: 0737 276 723

  • Visit their website

How does it work?

Simply browse the contents in the thematic menu on the left or make a free text search using the window above. Alternatively, the advanced search  option allows you to search by theme, type of tool, language, target audience and keyword. In addition, four thematic publications including the full lists of tools and guidebooks are available to download: (click on one theme to download the publication) Energy Efficiency in Industry, Local/Regional Energy Management, Renewable Energy, Transport.

Rate a tool or share it!

If you think that a tool or guidebook is helpful, you can rate it using a star system. Your rating will help to guide other users towards the best tools. Also, you are encouraged to submit new tools or guidebooks or updated versions through the website. In this way you can help to develop the library and ensure that it is a source of continuous innovation.