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Disabled World

Disability News, Information, and Resources

Disabled World is an independent publisher established in 2004. Our primary goal is to offer a reliable source of disability news, statistics, and useful information to individuals with disabilities, their families, caregivers, and researchers. We accomplish this by publishing original reports, papers, and surveys, as well as quality reviewed material we receive from world governments, disability organizations, educational institutions and other authoritive sources.

Disability is a subject you may not think of as something that may happen to you. However, your chances of becoming disabled, or a person with disability are greater than you realize. Current disability statistics reveal that over 1.3 billion, around 16 percent of the world's population, have a disability. During our lifetime, almost all of us will have some type of disability. No one is excluded from joining this group including celebrities and world leaders.

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Recent Disability News and Information

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The disability pride flag represents people with disabilities, their struggle for rights, the disability pride movement, and the Paralympics. The new Disability Pride Flag is safer for people with visually-triggered disabilities. The color brightness changes also make the flag more accessible to those with color blindness.

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Does being more religious make a person more likely to reject scientific findings, or is it the level of intolerance of other religions that better predicts rejection of science. The authors note that people who don't have exposure to individuals of other faiths can grow up regarding their religion as the one true faith that trumps all others - and also trumps science.

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Survey across 23 countries reveals substantial trust in vaccines among a large segment of the global population. This finding suggests there is a general openness to vaccination that can be used to boost confidence in new generations of COVID-19 vaccines and boosters. We must design targeted messages for trusted communicators to encourage vaccine uptake.

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The ADA is easier to approve than comply with, often accessibility of restaurants depends more on public opinion than on administrative measures. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a Federal civil rights law that prohibits the exclusion of people with disabilities from enjoying a meal at a local restaurant. To meet the goals of the ADA, the law established requirements for private businesses of all sizes.

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Commentary focuses on the importance of including nursing home residents, a population with significant medical complexity, in clinical trials. Nearly 1.4 million individuals who live in the 15,600 nursing homes across the U.S. have been largely left out of clinical trials, despite the prevalence of such common conditions as hypertension, depression, diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease in this population.

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