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Use of images : Legal issues - Google Earth Help
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Use of images

This article explains that:

You can use Google Earth imagery for personal use, but cannot sell it to others.

We're flattered to hear that you're further incorporating Google Earth into your online world. You can personally use an image from the application (for example on your website, on a blog or in a word document) as long as you preserve the copyrights and attributions including the Google logo attribution. However, you cannot sell these to others, provide them as part of a service, or use them in a commercial product such as a book or TV show without first getting a rights clearance from Google.

If you require these commercial rights, please visit Google's permissions guidelines. You can then submit your application through our online request form.

Please note that we'll only be able to respond to permission requests submitted through the above form.

updated 03/20/2011

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