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Hindus gather for the Kumbh Mela at the Ganges in India and Maha Shivaratri in Nepal

Naga Sadhus take part in the Kumbh Mela in India

Thousands of Hindu holy men, some naked and smeared with ash, took dips in the chilly waters of the Ganges river while surrounded by cheering, dancing supporters, on one of the most auspicious days of a festival expected to attract more than 10 million people

Picture: AP
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Naga Sadhus take part in the Kumbh Mela in India Naga Sadhus take part in the Kumbh Mela in India: Naga Sadhus bathe on the banks of the Ganges Naga Sadhus take part in the Kumbh Mela in India Naga Sadhus take part in the Kumbh Mela in India
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