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LUC­KNOW : Newly ap­pointed chief sec­re­tary of Ut­tar Pradesh Anoop Chan­dra Pandey took charge here re­plac­ing Ra­jive Ku­mar, who re­tired on Satur­day. Pandey, a 1984 batch IAS of­fi­cer who was con­sid­ered to be chief min­is­ter Yogi Adityanath’s favourite for the post lauded Ku­mar say­ing, “My pre­de­ces­sor Mr Ra­jive Ku­mar has set very high stan­dards. I will make best ef­forts to up­hold them.” Pandey also promised that the com­plaints of pub­lic rep­re­sen­ta­tives will be taken se­ri­ously and he will en­deav­our to im­ple­ment the “Sankalp Pa­tra” in a trans­par­ent man­ner.

LUC­KNOW: In­fra­struc­ture and in­dus­trial devel­op­ment com­mis­sioner Anoop Chan­dra Pandey took over as the new chief sec­re­tary re­plac­ing Ra­jive Ku­mar, who re­tired on Satur­day.

Pandey, a 1984 batch IAS of­fi­cer who was con­sid­ered to be chief min­is­ter Yogi Adityanath’s favourite for the post lauded Ku­mar say­ing, “My pre­de­ces­sor Mr Ra­jive Ku­mar has set very high stan­dards. I will make best ef­forts to up­hold them.”

Pandey also promised that the com­plaints of pub­lic rep­re­sen­ta­tives will be taken se­ri­ously and he will en­deav­our to im­ple­ment the “Sankalp Pa­tra” in a trans­par­ent man­ner.

The BJP had brought out its “Sankalp Pa­tra” (elec­tion man­i­festo) in the 2017 as­sem­bly elec­tions in UP.

Pandey said the state has the best bu­reau­cracy and his aim will be to work as a team and step up the pace of devel­op­ment.

“The state has been in an ad­van­ta­geous po­si­tion in terms of at­tract­ing in­vest­ment fol­low­ing the suc­cess­ful or­gan­i­sa­tion of Ut­tar Pradesh In­vestors Sum­mit2018. My en­deav­our will be to im­ple­ment the MoUs signed ahead of the sum­mit. A ground­break­ing cer­e­mony to im­ple­ment the in­vest­ment of Rs 50,000 crore will be held soon,” said Pandey.

Pandey fur­ther added that his fo­cus will be on dou­bling the in­come of farm­ers and en­sur­ing that the griev­ances of peo­ple at the Jan Sun­vai are ad­dressed.

As Pandey be­gan speak­ing to the me­dia, Ku­mar bid good­bye to the of­fi­cers and staff with whom he worked for around a year as the state’s chief sec­re­tary.

“The credit for what­ever I have done here goes to my team,” said Ku­mar as his col­leagues handed him bou­quets. Mean­while, the state govern­ment ac­cepted the VRS ap­pli­ca­tion of agri­cul­ture pro­duc­tion com­mis­sioner RP Singh from the ser­vices fol­low­ing his ap­point­ment as chair­man of UP Elec­tric­ity Reg­u­la­tory Com­mis­sion (UPERC).

▪ Anoop Chan­dra Pandey.


▪ Anoop Chan­dra Pandey tak­ing charge from out­go­ing chief sec­re­tary Ra­jive Ku­mar on Satur­day.

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