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Pseudonymisation of Personal Data According to the General Data Protection Regulation

Tarhonen, Laura

Viestintäoikeus 26.9.2017, Asiantuntija-artikkeli
Alkuperäinen julkaisupäivä: 31.12.2016


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) sets out the rules regarding processing of personal data in the European Union. Article will focus on the newly codified concept of pseudonymisation of data. Pseudonymisation is processing of personal data in a manner that the data can no longer be linked to a specific data subject without the use of additional information. It seems to bring another layer to the definition of personal data but how should it be interpreted in practice? What qualifies as pseudonymisation? What is the relationship of pseudonymised personal data and anonymous information? When is pseudonymisation useful and is it required by or incentivized in the regulation? The article will try to find answers to these questions. (Edilex-toimitus) Kirjoitus on julkaistu Viestintäoikeuden vuosikirjassa 2016.

  • Viestintäoikeuden vuosikirja 2016 s. 10–32