White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Information Briefing #183

Sic Transit Gloria Mundi

As Europe and the world was ever more divided, millions were dying in cruel, hostile conditions. None knowing why, and the mustard gas was yet to follow. 

Like now, it needed a new season for reason and for the Souls of Humanity to stop this profanity. 

As Germany, Sweden and Europe are being overrun by these mass-ignorant, crime-ridden, raping hoards, it’s time to unite and lead a common fight for each other. To keep our own nation’s humanities and hope alive. To work as one, to keep our homelands and motherlands.

Political incompetence has failed us all, and will. Truly evil forces manipulate us all behind the scenes, with a vested agenda to divide all, mass cross-breed chaos, and rule. Having bought our political orders and ruling all banking, they now seek to create their own mutant, subservient and dependent race under their own NWO false flag, where their elites take and rule all, as nations fall and bankers sequester. Never more did we, and the world, need a new Munich Agreement to save the souls of our nations, our heritage and our RIGHTS to be free.

Man, and we, need to unite and fight for good. We have no worthwhile leaders, just manipulative publicly funded suited bottom feeders. Munich II, it now needs you. We are at war for survival of our own kind. Mankind. 

As ALL will go West to a multi-polar new world, have YOU yourself even thought it through? What it means for you long-term? It’s coming – enormous seismic changes towards the pending and complicated Global Settlements outcome. Most of the West are sadly just brain dead; clueless. You cannot build a value-based democratic democracy based on greasy pole, non-achieving, inept political mediocrities. Just eight key Zionist Jewish families own the Federal Reserve, BIS, US Treasury and BOTH Houses for political control. Do you understand the battles coming?

The world you think you are in is just an illusion. Left to them, you will own nothing but just be owned by them. A Goyim Chattel. Believe it. Their way, you lose it all. Serfs! Taxation and Zios are taking it all. The Zios are driving you all towards their melting pot of racial cross-breeding mud-people drones flooding Europe until it blows, to serve only their order. Borgs! They own America and the Governments. They own and manipulate both Houses stolen by stealth and fraud while you blindly did nothing. You next? Will the public all only care when it’s too late. Thank the gods for the coming global split, and our chances to unite, rethink as independent human beings together, and stop what is unfolding. Rallying the nation’s carers and raising the bar!

Thank God for WHA, all of you worldwide united, and the radical unity we need when the GS comes. If we can stop the Rotts and Zio DC Cabal stealing the lot, all can rebuild. We need to swerve the US CBDC version. It’s a skunks chain for all to be taken at will. BRICS will help smash the global and WEF Zio plans. This they fear and with reason. 

BRICS is our New World Order battleground, political as hell, but the basis for global change to suit a new emerging Human species. We will not become Zionist or WEF feces. 

People, worldwide, given a chance, are good. Most of our problems are because of Zionist usury, global chicanery, political avarice, or Agency manipulation – the cause of most wars feeding the gross military industrial cabal. No NWO and no WEF. Feed need. Educate.

When will we learn, it’s all about nurturing souls. No one is “special”. Just be a good and humane being.  Not Goyim as slaves to the truly evil doctrinaire Zionist species scavenging the planet. 

Eight scurrilous and duplicitous Jewish families own it all! Why allow this oppressive lie? Oh what webs they weave, those who practice to deceive! How many world wars have these scheming, evil bastards been behind, and who, combined with the Khazarian Mafia, is scalping and skimming Ukraine? Who are most of the infiltrated, thieving, criminal Russian oligarchs having their stolen assets seized worldwide? These Weevils are human parasites. Gold fever, they come. Each with second Israeli passports and their hole-in-the-wall bolt-hole. Take off the blinkers. 

Every child has a right to life, education and family love. To belong. Every person here has right to try to fulfill their destiny, free of oppression, and the liberty to grow and each in turn, contribute towards a better world for all, with true Ethereal Values and not false religions.

It’s your one time pit stop here in an endless journey of cosmic life, to experience carbon life form in this beautiful world, in a world we all share, to each evolve, not pollute and despair. You came here as a cosmic life Being Soul and this existence, how you live, is your own Book of Life and all you take with you on your endless life journey. Guard it well and with pride, it’s all about you and the values inside. How will you present when called?  How can we teach Mankind – to be kind? 

A new world is evolving. We need to make a difference. Hemispheres are reshaping now. Hegemony bases will be faced down. Emerging new people are not manipulators’ sheeple. 

At the last count, NATO, America’s war-making machine, had 48 major warfare bases and c3.5 million personnel. Why? Poor, passive Germany and Poland will be erased again if played as passive pawns on a board by Washington.

Australia has no chance if China comes. Real world, understand where you are. We European nations need to rethink Europe, protect our cultures, our histories – poke Woke and toss the Human Rights Act so we can block illegals.

Block, arm and defend our borders. Germany must NOT go into the night. Aryans and Teutonic, as one we must fight. One people, not hegemony sheeple. 

The GS Overview Alone – Other key issues to follow. All as important to you. Understanding, places you apart. Then Above! Only WHA access gives you this. Your own supported site. 

China and India as the 2 Major BRICS economies, are each beyond wary of each other. Neither will accept subservience. Thrown also into the pot are Russia, South Africa, South America and Asia. Rothschilds, Rockerfellers and the Zionists Mafia, are fully engaged in Trade missions seeking access and power there. Hooks! Washington dreads the EU adopting BRICS, while we really assess the best UK option. We will deal with our own best, hands free of Washington’s knee.

The Chinese Elders are slowly coming to terms with a possible BRICS solution, where the Chinese Communists and criminal Beijing Mafia with others, are allowed to be BRICS minorities, as a controlled part of the future mix, and problem fix! Resolution takes understanding and time. Huge cultural mind steps as each position for best advantage. All is in play, so many collective self-interests. Its own witches cauldron.

China’s case is that it’s their money, stolen by the Elders Dynasties. Not true. Our belief is that it’s also part Japanese, but theirs was also looted from other nations, including old German gold held for safekeeping, which we will not expand upon. All being re-smelted. But all chains were compromised and each “sequestrated” anyway. Chinese and Elders’ revulsion at historical Japanese brutality, and mass genocide, rape, torture and inhumane experiments, requires consummate diplomacy. Japan seeks to forget. Ravaged China cannot. Memories are long. Japanese outreach parties offering key London Trustee Advisors large emoluments to help influence their bars to be redeemed, will never be accepted by London. Trust and ethics are. Unbuyable!

America, sadly, via Zionist chicanery as usual, blew their chance of a real deal in December 2021, and the incoming BRICS alternatives evolving now changes all equations and balance of powers. London will be the focal protectorate arm for the Elders. So many witches covens are in the mix, each with boiling cauldrons of dissent and avarice. It needs the wisdom and experienced Judgment of Solomon. Daily. Evolution of each to remove Western political pollution. We think above as a Global imperative.  

If we go via BRICS, the Petrodollar will melt down. Saudi, Russia, China, India and the EU will call their dollars. Economic war. The rest – you know. Each has re-geared down their economies to only now face a maximum 10% exposure to the US, and India grows ever closer to Asia, Russia and the EU. Each has opted out of Dollars and ejected SWIFT. If we go via BRICS we don’t need LBMA or London clearance on the gold; via cryptos and Blockchain we can cut the West out in entirety where we so choose. 

It can get better, as we are now exploring visible potential to create our own project and trade linked cryptos, Blockchains and our own bank vehicles and facilities, outside of London and US DC regulatory domains. Pestilence free. New ethical entities, with interfacing HealthCare and pension retiree planning as investment bundles, cutting out the state, City Platform Managers, and all offshore skim-offs from usury offshore bank leveraging margins. Once peoples’ chosen vehicles participate and share in real wealth created platforms, not Agency defense rip-offs feeding cabals for wars, where does your cash flow? Yes, if desired, they can, and may, can Japan. What is cooking? 

This is not just the GS, it’s a re-think of all. Tables are loaded. 

As for the Japanese, if told by BRICS, “You cannot participate in BRICS or our GS releases, while continuing to base foreign military bases hostile to and threatening our own Eastern domains for hegemony games, nor sell into our markets“, how will that go down? Australia, 5 eyes and all, will get an unpleasant wakeup call. Protection starts with BRICS domains. Home-free of US brutal self interest manipulative hegemony. Reshaping of the East and Asia is unfolding. Snouts out. It’s all on the table and all in the pot. One collective plot. Go home time? 

Those who stole everything may soon end up with nothing. Checkers playing chess? Don’t underestimate the severity of this. We, who lost Empires…know. Memories are long. But we maintained cultural relationships and global banking. The US just prostituted the children and can’t understand “Why the hatred?”. It will reshape the future. 

Power is transient – illusionary. People migrate, lest we forget. As Americans you once also did. But then, sadly, you lost both the plot and pot. How will we cope with the endless locust swarm border crossings of freeloading interlopers bringing debt, crime, rapes, diseases, scavenging and crippling our health, educations and housing systems? Left unchecked they will destroy all, as with Rome. Empires end. Barbarians come at a price. Today, we expose more reality for you. You all matter, as connected humanity. Being free has value. Watch if we come out of the Human Rights nonsense. 

Work with WHA as we think for you all, outside the box, how to challenge, focus on and protect the key to all our futures. WHA has been invaluable on COVID. Huge credit and our thanks to all.   

Will you be left with the dummies and soothers, holding the baby when it all goes South? Wake up time then is too late! Nothing lasts. Look at the last 5,000 years. Only the Roaches and Zionists types remained Teflon. However many times we scourged them, they dug in like weevils. If only for Cyrus the Virus then. Pestilence removal. More consider now it’s the only realistic way to remove bloodsucking Roaches, as they themselves visibly aspire and worse, via the Zionists’ Mafias, seek to do for all Goyim. Two can play, but their malignant roleplay needs to go away. Or they will! For Humanity’s good. The point of the truly evil bio warfare labs in Ukraine has not been lost on others, especially malcontents.

Radical Islamists and Iranian extremists cross conspire; it could be dire for all. 9/11 was just the opener. They now all see the way to succeed in a mass attack. Their presumptions of taking out a “bad and must-go genetic seed” augurs danger for all. Try to tell the battered, ever-suppressed and murdered Palestinians, the destroyed Syrians, Lebanese, Iraqis, and intelligent but cross-wired Iranian Mullahs, and well-educated, patriotic Republican Guard, not to unite against a common foe, and not to unite in research to weaponize against the invasive Zionist Ho. Worldwide! Nations all destroyed by their asset-stripping by stealth. So many minds could become cross-deployed to unite, to right the past and DNA weaponize against the common foe, the ruthless and parasitic Zionists. Upcoming bio genetic tech advancements are not missed by ever growing vengeful fanatics. They envisage an easy way to knock out many millions and not cost trillions. Payback loose? Oil money and despotic rulers, if cross-combined, may seek to remove the oppressive swine. 7th Century cults with a Zionist and Islamic death wish. With an envisaged global Khazarian Mafia Zionist target of probably 25 millions, they presume none have human rights, but what of at least the good and harmless Jewish half, decent people harming no one, who will be innocent good family values Jewish members of each society? Contributing as normal people, serving as innocent Jews in sciences, healthcare, the arts and education.

Why should they also, by mass DNA weaponized viruses, die?  It won’t just be collateral damage taking out c10 million in America, and 5 million in fake Israel. Islamists care little about collateral damage. Nor does Iran. They just want Zionist and Khazarian mass dead.  But – be alarmed and wise. It will species jump. Has COVID taught us nothing, from the Fauci and Gates swine? Still, no one carries the can for Fauci and Wuhan! Trust the sciences? What a politically naïve fools mantra. Ignorant and political turkeys, like Johnson, gobbled and eulogized as we mass jabbed billions. What are we unleashing upon gullible humankind? Have you seen the vaccine side effects? What the hell have we allowed loose? COVID was science and species meddling. Now it’s incubating and mutating. So much for our capability there, as Fauci hides and denies, but Gates ruthlessly lies and profiteers. Thank God for the views and caring informed contributions of WHA. 

Changes are coming, and must. Or the West WILL go bust! As Western hope and democracy sinks, the whole system stinks! Led by shallow, talentless mediocrities with no concept of what it needs to run an effective democracy. Hope dies under political lies. None merit office.  

In the old Centre Democratic Mother of Parliaments in London, the system, as we know it, is on a fast track towards melt down now. Evolution or revolution, but it’s starting now. 

Our people can no longer make sense of how to pay their own heating and housing bills, or meet needs for key monthly needs. Yet we do nothing about insatiable and escalating bankers and City traders’ wanton greed. Inflation is loose, and ripping up our lives by the roots. Banks all plot to swallow the lot. Then what? Watch the EU riots if they catch on. 

Once the dissenting German people were united to fight back. How did that go? They almost achieved it.     

For the first time in maybe 40 or 50 years, mass public strikes in the UK are starting, caused by the desperation needs of our people. We have no public pot left, and it will follow in the US and EU. Yes, it’s coming to YOU! Or, the lot goes. Then it’s Mad Max and the ho’s.

Train strikes are stopping cities from functioning and chaos.Growing corporate losses will follow with no employees to earn.

The total National Health Service failure faces us as they are coming out on phased strikes. No ambulances, cancelled operations, treatments, or nurses gone. Doctors’ GP surgeries, too. 
The teachers, schools, universities, civil servants and state, are all coming out. Desperation rules, but the state has no money. Pay with what? And the strikers don’t get it. Each has lost the plot. We all need to rethink America’s asset-stripping for wars!

But, here is the big one. We have allowed bankers to rig, racketeer and weaponize water and energy, our basic building blocks of life. We were told, assured, in fact, by these gas charlatans, that to start we would have to pay more to fund it, then costs would decline, but they never did. They racketeered it, greedily monetized it when profitable, then stole the lot and saddled us to fund vast dividends we first paid for. As inept governments flounder, as now in the UK, the calls to nationalize energy and water will grow, and rightly so. If this current government falls, as expected, then the even worse Labour (Democrats) will scoop the lot. Devoid of anything, low intelligent grunts with an ignorant lust for power, at any price, we may be opening the doors to Soviet-type Socialism as in the early 20th Century.  

We have the mass hooligans and rabble rousers waiting to unite. Just as Lenin did. Dreams ruined by rabble rousers who co-enjoined and got over-promoted. The rest we know, but we now may have the same sinking despair. An evolving melting pot, heading for trouble. 

As the economy falls, costs rise, inflation soars, homes and jobs are lost, they see endless City bankers bonuses and mega-yachts, and unstoppable illegals taking the homes and welfare of the ever-distressed nationals – it won’t take a lot to flashfire and unite. If Labour moves to fully nationalize water and gas, it sure as hell will have the support of the masses. Socialism ruled by worse grunts at what price? If Europe then unites on the illegals, what blows?      

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the plotting Zionist, Khazarian Mafia, NWO and WEF monstrosities, still left unchallenged by a blind media, owned and suppressed by these bastards, already plan to negate our cash, passports, driving licenses and even bank cards with a catch-all bio genetic sheeple corralled intel chip. Vaccines still head your way, to put the sad and breeding mass-stupid away. Trigger the chip and your lifeline is a blip. Corralling sheeple. Be clear: Elites despise the zoo. They see only one end for 90% of you. The CFR is clear. You need to disappear. 

For distressed and soon to be dispossessed US patriots, who are themselves original one time immigrants, illegal weevils are forever coming to rape it. As with Europe. Unsustainable.   

America’s inhumane plantation past is itself awful. Europeans also enriched themselves and cashed in sadly. We all carry culpable blame. Brutal inhumanity. Even worse, sadly, many Jews got rich themselves as they mass-trafficked for slavery profits. Money laundering went wild. Same old usury Scum! Empires founded, lives lost and tossed. As was America with the Founders, its Statue of Liberty and Constitution. So aspiring and such considered, well meaning intent. Now, sadly, all has failed. Betrayed by these ruthless racketeers within. Zios and ever pernicious corrupt racketeering greasy pole system politicos. All want their lick. The Afros and Hispanics also now mass aspire.  Zionists and the Cabal, having looted and vacuumed the world, and all that will be left soon is to bail-in YOU and anything else not bolted down. Western states are not Meritocracies. Nor welfare meccas.  Anything not robustly protected, they will sequestrate. Shield your assets, or lose them. Taxes are NOT criminal rights, but impositions of inquisitions.

Cryptos are a thinking person’s way to keep state and bank snouts out of what is morally yours. London is opening Crypto doors. Beware Zionist and DC Snouts. Same claws around every cradle. It’s all about sequestration. Tapeworms loose. Look at what they seek to do via the UN. One world games to enslave all. We need China, India and Russia to reject it. Western morality and values are gone. The enemy is now our best friend, our hope. For Asia and the East to combine, reject Western hegemony and defeat the Zio, Khazarian Cabal oppressive warmongering beast. They need to make it go West! But then who reforms what is left? Who stops the endless Islamic and African locust swarms impoverishing all? America and the West are on a precipice edge. Naïve lemmings. Products of a Jesuits knee!

Across the West, you are now witnessing multiple nations simply not able to pay the freight of welfare needed with nonexistent funds, to fund and feed the parasitic illegal swarms, welfarians or aged. All cupboards are now bare. Get real! Get it at last. The game is soon up. Your hope and bankers’ mass betrayals has saddled you now birthing a new society of Hottentot mongrel pups. 

The masses, and media chattering classes, escalate more Union inspired strikes, each low brain mass demanding, ignorant of the hard reality as nations are stripped bare.  There is no money. Pay with what? Every nation is now its own Titanic, heading for the berg. Non-achievers in governments have spun you all webs of deceit. We are all often horrified at the mutant, Neanderthal braindead representatives we see espousing their abysmal and visibly pathetic ignorance in both Washington Houses. Suited, mass-ignorant gutter trash! Why is the bar on the ground? You dare aspire to this dripping gorilla snot and claim to be fit to lead? Woke – Wake Up! Dreams are not free! Then you have Biden? Are you for real? You lead with that? It’s an ageing hooker re-tread twat! Clueless DC. 

By the end of 2024, Russia will have an economy outpacing both Germany and the UK’s. They have rearmed with high-tech, leading edge weapons; focused on highly advanced technologies and new generations chips. They have re-structured global non-US or SWIFT banking, and planned new industries. Semiconductors are in mass production, and their own new, highly advanced software industries will not only outperform Silicon Valley, but will have their own safe mineral and metals supply sources, which will be simply denied to the West. We will get locked out of c75% of the Asian and Eastern markets. Try warmongering from that! Chess versus checkers. 

Merkel’s naïve leadership failed to grasp Germany’s long-term secure energy supplies needs, or strong border protection. What a loser! She mass-flooded poor Germany and the EU now with diseased, mass-ignorant child meddling, thieving and raping illegals, running drugs and straddling the women. Feeding and housing those incoming masses – what a real crime! Commies heh? 

What is stalking Europe and US hegemony now?  Trigger fingers are ready. What becomes of political mediocrities losing power? If the illegals ignite Europe, what follows? America next? Who will leave the tracks? What do the mass strikes tell you now? Uniting for what? Worse – who and what agenda?  

Sic Transit Gloria Mundi. And thus is passing the glory of the (unipolar) world.

Stay tuned.


917 responses to “Information Briefing #183”

  1. Kentucky anti-trans bill.


  2. According to a report by the Times of Israel, the country’s two largest banks were able to transfer $1 billion out of Silicon Valley Bank to accounts in Israel before it was seized by the feds.



    1. Also heard on the radio today that gov newsome used that bank. Another one putting pressure on biden to reimburse them.


  3. Liked by 1 person

    1. Damn good idea and well said! The schools around here are now getting caught with sexually provocative lessons for the kids. The report said that the lesson visually showed kids the act and then they had to write the initials of what student in their classroom that they would want to do this with. I was so appalled and disgusted. The school board is re-evaluating the curriculum.


  4. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. Which is why I support an extended 2nd Am for women. A woman should be allowed to carry, concealed or not, as many weapons as she feels she need to guarantee her safety.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Indeed, I would certainly like a stun gun and a gun. I don’t feel safe taking hikes by myself. I carry a knife and bear spray, but the more the better.


  5. Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow. Great video. Well put together with facts and it covers his continuing destruction of humanity and this earth. That btard!!!!!!!!!
      He should get every vaccine ever made injected at the same time and left in a jail cell to suffer the consequences.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. https://palexander.substack.com/p/american-and-canadian-doctors-are?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
    Dr. Janine Rethy, director of the clinic, held the children in the examination room longer than necessary and vaccinated them against COVID-19 over their objections and without consulting their mother.


    1. To jail, directly, do not pass go, do not collect $200. Strip the license and condemn to perpetual teaching.

      If you knew the crap I was put thru as a 3rd year med student for having yelled at a patient (to startle her, to stop her arms flailing, and inserted a necessary IV in a second flat – I deserved a goddam Guinness record entry), hardly a violation of rights with a non-compliant patient on the verge of dehydration while being pregnant and ready to pop one out. Should have let her faint first.

      I digress. This immunize-against-will, never mind children cannot consent, is extraordinary and shows the collapse of medical teaching standards.

      Liked by 2 people

  7. The following is a ranking of all banks in the United States in terms of “Derivatives”. This comparison is based on data reported on 2022-09-30.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. https://thefederalist.com/2023/03/14/what-the-media-did-to-america-is-far-worse-than-the-pandemic-ever-was/

    What The Media Did Is Far Worse Than The Pandemic Ever Was
    Covid exposed the national media for the manipulative, deceitful political operation they are, and they will never recover.


  9. john2020vision Avatar

    People, are simply too moronically Dumb to realise that when BRICS comes the whole PetroDollar economy goes. America now only has Syria left to rob blind in the Middle East. Once the Middle East stops pricing in dollars its game over.
    America soon will have to become Elf Sufficient in Energy because they are fast losing Middle East supplies. That Rat Hole Israel will get annihilated by Iran and Russia, Israel is another US attack base on the Middle East. They will sort that once the US is out. The Arabs don’t want them. Nor the Iranians. That lot atomized will be a better world. It’s the 10M in the US who need sorting. If they stake their hooks in Jewkraine it will be a disaster for the EU and Russia. Russia has a big clean up to finish in Ukraine. If they don’t the ASOVS will move towards Poland and new Neo Nazi Bases.
    Putin has to Blitzkrieg them.
    Once the world goes Multi Polar the US loses all Hegemony powers. But with a huge income loss. Its entire Military Spending is Pentagon Program fake money.
    The Fed are desperately trying to swerve BRICS and Blockchains. US Welfare is unaffordable. US Military budgets are gross. A ship of Fools and the Mad Chimp Biden at the wheel. Unreal.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. John,

      How do we make sense of you earlier comment about the new BRICS currency coming online as soon as late next month, versus SWIFTs latest interbank testing?


      1. john2020vision Avatar

        2 Entirely different issues.
        Others speculated it being as next month, I have not. Nor will. It takes what what takes.
        Swift has no bearing on BRICS and the BRICS nations already have their own SWIFT altemative system. SWIFT is a Jewish Racket to steal at will. They do!
        The new SWIFT option is just a Jews knee Jerk pincer move to stay in the game.
        BRICS will end the Jewish Bankers racket.
        We will deny BRICS major use for the Cabal.
        What is unfolding in its time, will have vast implications for DC and Wall Street.
        Entire new Non Jewish Banking systems are being developed Rodent free.
        As Eurasia expands America fails. When BRICS arrives the US will take serve hits.
        Too much damage, it’s too late for SWIFT now.
        These are just knee jerk moves.


        1. Which is why El Salvador may be on to something. I recall someone saying we could develop our on platform. Looking for the next Singapore?


          1. Correct Shadow


            1. john2020vision Avatar

              You can only clean up America by collapsing it. Unbathed pieces of low life Welfare Shite stocking up on Junk food and play games has to be faced down and stopped. There’s too many scavenging non contributors to be worrying about the rights of WOKE, BLM,Antifa, and all those Whackos. Ever it’s the same, your whining Rights on My Dime. At least 100M Contributing Americans don’t want to work to keep you on Welfare.Nor should. When the Economy does collapse, it’s coming La La Land is going to be such a Culture shock. Depopulating factors high. All farms know when to reduce their herds When BRICS emerges, and Hegemony tanks, who will be left to fund the banks?
              The key CFR mantra grows ever louder. Take out the Useless Eaters. Real calls. It’s been a long time coming.


  10. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Holy cow!


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      The Fed can still sequestrate your funds from SWIFT as when they robbed Tropos. Animals!


  11. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    Liked by 2 people

  12. [[I am an increasing skeptic of DeSantis. His Deep State recruit resume screams warning alarms, with his Yale fraternity ties to Skull & Bones favorite fraternity, his recruitment as a young teacher at an elite prep school, Harvard Law, Guantanamo & Fallujah Navy assignments, gig at the US Attorneys’ office, early John Bolton endorsement for his first Congressional bid, and his atrocious Congressional record – supported Maidan coup, aligned with neocons like Arkansas Senator Cotton, embraced Paul Ryan budgets (called for massive cuts in Social security), opposed using tariffs in trade policy, continued to back the Iraq War into 2012, criticized Trump for not being more pro-intervention in Ukraine, suggested his own support for further intervention in Venezuela, and won the backing of the billionaire oligarch donor class of Trump haters. There’s a reason DeSantis calls the Bush family his “heroes.”]] — Robert Barnes.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tino, I have been feeling the same lately. Beginning to seem like another yes man with a controlled loud voice. I do like some of the calls he makes in Florida as Governor though.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  14. Charlie Kirk
    So Silicon Valley Bank had about $200 Billion on its balance sheet.

    Ironically, $200 billion is also about how much we’ve sent to Ukraine.


  15. https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-03-13-white-slaves-america-buried-history.html
    What now…reparations for minority white race too?
    All races were slaves, we are still slaves working and paying taxes. Enough with the reparations!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 2 people

  17. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/chinas-xi-visit-russia-soon-next-week
    “Chinese leader Xi Jinping plans to speak with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky for the first time since the start of the Ukraine war, likely after he visits Moscow next week to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to people familiar with the matter,” WSJ reports Monday.

    “The meetings with Messrs. Putin and Zelensky, the latter of which is expected to take place virtually, reflect Beijing’s effort to play a more active role in mediating an end to the war in Ukraine, some of the people said.”

    All of this suggests that Beijing’s role as an influential mediator, at a moment Washington has remained resistant to seriously pursuing peace in Ukraine, is gaining traction in both Moscow and Kiev.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    They sure do strive for accuracy in their ads.


  19. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar



  20. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/mar/13/xi-jinping-taiwan-independence-china-parliament-national-peoples-congress?CMP=share_btn_link

    China is throwing down the gauntlet they are coming for Taiwan
    Russia issues latest report on US-funded biolabs in Ukraine

    FYI The world needs to demand answers here.


    Dutch Uprising

    The Dutch are fighting back against WEF tyranny
    The hidden security clauses of the Iran-Saudi deal

    Correct strategy both must be excluded.

    Both Israel and America were banished from any input into the agreement which is historic in nature.

    There is no doubt America has effectively been blunted in the region from having influence. And any future attempts at harming either Iran or Saudi Arabia comes with the weight of the Chinese at their back.

    American hegemony in the region is in effect dead and will be final when America leaves or is forced out of Syria.
    As for Iranians and Saudis this is partly what was required if they wanted to be of the BRICS and the new settlement currency coming soon.


    Liked by 1 person

  21. john2020vision Avatar

    If BRICS comes in and Eurasia blocks USD trading, America will have to cease funding 990 plus Foreign bases and fleets or Eusia will launch wars on the homelands. WW111 becomes reality fast. US Hegemony is now taboo,as is Fed and US meddling. China is now beyond preparing and for a War with the US. Madness stalks.
    All the Hegemony and suppressed anger of a century is coming home. If BRICS breaks it will flatten the US.
    Welfare and base debts are madness. You will take an immediate crash of c30% in net income then it will get real as it really comes home to roost. America has a mental block on reality. Like Germany 1945 to 1950. Payback from hell is stalking. You will have to pay through the nose to buy BRICKS with no rate to buy USD. This will be an ochestated war. Planned and vengeant.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. ZeroHedge (https://www.zerohedge.com/political/uk-disinformation-unit-monitored-headmaster-who-questioned-covid-19-vaccines-children)
    UK Disinformation Unit Monitored Headmaster Who Questioned COVID-19 Vaccines For Children
    “The real extremists are the officials in shadowy parts of the British state who’ve been so captured by woke ideology


    1. Based on the IFR children are essentially bulletproof. Literally, all children who died of Covid had severe illness at time of infection. And of course, the vaxx is nothing but an ineffective nostrum and wouldn’t have prevented their deaths anyhow.


  23. This is a massive amount of great info…
    HUGE list of left-wing companies to boycott, including “woke” banks that believe in magical money and will therefore face systemic collapse just like Silicon Valley Bank:


    Liked by 1 person

    1. A real eye opener here.

      Liked by 1 person

  24. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The fat lady is warming up. It’s just further proof that the U.S. is being managed by single digit IQ mental midgets. When your this stupid war is on it’s way and with no elected adults making the calls you can expect this. Jake Sullivan and Anthony Blinken just look at them. I’m guessing now but the most physical thing they ever done is masturbate and yet they are experts on scaring Putin,Xi and the lot into behaving. I’m calling Bull S… on these pencil neck pricks. The witching hour is upon us.


      1. john2020vision Avatar

        You know what’s coming.


  25. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Frankie The Limper strikes again from hell.


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Well presented.

      Liked by 1 person

  26. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  27. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. Idiocracy come to life.


    2. lol, I keep seeing guys wearing baggy pajama bottoms in safeway.


    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      Funny how Elizabeth Holmes’ pseudo lukewarm English accent vanished the day she left Theranos for good. I wonder if she will use it when she steps up to the bathing admin and asks for a dozen towels so the gals in D block can take a shower?


      1. Don’t get me started on Elizabeth Holmes. When I was pitching generalized control of the immune system by controlling the levels of cytokines and their receptors, something for which the literature has data going back 30 years — and being told it couldn’t be done, that sociopathic ignorant bitch was raking in hundreds of millions on something that even the simplest back-of-the-envelope calculation would have showed was impossible at the state of the art or even the near-term future of the state of the art. Never mind we demonstrated it in dogs by removing all of 2 receptors to show massive anti-cancer effect. Never mind that the tech, years after I walked away from the insanity, in its second corporate incarnation managed to be an FDA Breakthru Application in 2016. Never mind that this was immunotherapy long before the CAR T-Cell stampede. We (it was a team) ideated and produced the damnable thing in 2002-2006! And now I’m watching the second corporate incarnation taking its sweet slow-boat route from lab to market, while 500K people die every year of tumors that this therapy would stomp on and make 5 yr survival curves into 10-15 years survival curves. I’m convinced the current owners just want a perpetual R&D company to fund their lifestyles as opposed to achieving anything worthwhile in the saving of lives…

        The nefarious angle to Theranos is that its investor base clearly was looking at this blood-drop analysis thing to front-end sorting at future FEMA-style camps to separate the chronically ill from the healthy to off the so-called Useless Eaters. Personally she should have faced a goddam firing squad, but I can’t be objective in this particular case, so I recuse myself. Perhaps some inmate will slap her silly in the future and I will enjoy the schadenfreude.

        Liked by 1 person

  28. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Bloody marvelous.


    1. Oh. Too sweet.

      I’m going to get my favorite bottle of port, and have a slightly chilled glass of same.



    2. I would like to see Elon Musks comment on this as he tweeted that he was looking into buying this one. lol


  29. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/03/red-cross-provides-maps-to-illegals-sharing-where-to-cross-border-and-providing-helpful-tips/
    Yea that right red cross…make everybodies lives better!
    Check out the map in this article. Sheesh


    1. Sorry , it’s a James OKeefe video nailing our would-be-Overlords to the wall with a choice segment.

      It is why he was ousted, I believe.


    2. Holy Schit!!!
      Heads should roll on this video alone!!!
      I also remember reading right after j6 that n polosis bro-in-law was put in charge of organizing the fake maga protesters and causing mayhem.
      More heads should roll!!!


      1. Yeah, who the hell is Pelosi to issue “a shoot to kill” order. Ostensibly the authority comes from Congressional power over the District, but if that’s the case, we need a new Amendment severely curtailing said authority. But IANAL, and we’ll wait till Robert Barnes weighs in on this.

        Liked by 1 person

  30. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    I thought the galactic NESARA motherships were supposed to rescue us.


    1. I’d settle for a well-placed asteroid strike to DC… It’s sad to know that we, and the world, would recover from an asteroid strike faster and better than any actions taken by DC.


  31. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar



    1. There are days I think of combining Mark Hamilton’s The First Immortals (Neo-Tech Publishing, not the other novel by same name) with Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged, all updated with today’s woke insanity. Only it would be so ridiculous and unbelievable nobody would read it. Yet, here we are in Clown World…


  32. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Hopefully, for the people of South Africa and the rest of that excrementitious continent, the post GS world will mandate that people who actually know how to build and maintain modern cities will be vetted and placed in positions to do so, again.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. When South Africa was lost the Whites philosophy was its only for 50 years they will all die of Aids by then.


      1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

        22 more years to go.


        1. Supports the thesis that a Nation requires a median minimum IQ of 105 to be stable and a minimum IQ of 112 to be prosperous.

          Liked by 1 person

  33. CNN: Pence says “history will hold Donald Trump accountable” for January 6t

    We told you all clearly before the event he is a Coward, a Draft Doger /Skank and he would run away.
    Hopefully, a Republican of some in intellect and character will step up. Trump is What trash and a Bribe Taker. Totally unfit for that once Great office. Ego without intellect and moral fibre, is no solution.
    Escobar: Moveable Multipolarity In Moscow – Ridin’ The “Newcoin” Train | ZeroHedge
    From a contributor

    I encourage you to read this carefully.

    About 7 years ago, i drafted a complete structured proposal which i tried to pursue in implementation. In the course of this extensive discussions took place with certain agency lawyers and no doubt were understood by external parties spoken with. For various reasons this did not turn out to become realized, more out fear than conceptual issues.
    At the time I remarked forcibly that it was the only way to ensure placed hegemony based on trade and labor output giving rise to a stable currency free of manipulation by thieving Central bankers who already had lost the plot and the pot. As no settlement currency can be static as a source of intrinsic value and acceptance without stability that floats in accordance with the rise and fall of trade patterned not on who, but the totality of trade without opinion on national success or failure to succeed. Thus, being ambivalent to the rise and fall of nations or political actors.
    At the time, it was explained to me that while i was correct, Banks would never allow this to become a asset of the public, rather they would see this as tier one capital and pay a premium to get and keep it. Five years ago i told the same folks they were wrong because Stable-coins would dominate because the tools the became clear that use of traditional means of settlement could be bypassed and all that was required was the programming of a immutable relational database that was accepted by the parties in trade and settlement and had audited transparency without national or Central Bank interference or control.
    This is now happening and I applaud Pepe for writing this the way he has as the parties he speaks of are known as well the parties who did the programming.
    As a dear friend of mine, now passed, once said to me “todays news was written yesterday”.



    1. As the Jan 6th tapes show, the insanity of Jan 6th was solely Pelosi’s fault and a DNC setup. Trump’s role in all this was refusing to cross the so-called Rubicon and arrest the Traitors. Perhaps a failing, but it’s hard to judge the Man in the Arena. Turncoats and double-crossers poorly advised with a complicit media providing cover and a compliant knee-bending judiciary violating its oath of office. Failure to help Trump will go down in history as one of the great mistakes.


  34. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

  35. Confirmed: Department of Defense Paid Far-Left Newsguard $749,387 to Continue to Censor The Gateway Pundit and Conservative Media


  36. Liked by 2 people

  37. NEW – Greta Thunberg apparently deletes tweet from 2018 claiming the world will end in 2023 due to “climate change” after the world didn’t end after all.



    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Nutters get air space.Start between her ears. Worse, she’s ugly!


    2. That little nut twig and her family just like getting a paycheck for speaking out about whatever they are told to.


  38. https://palexander.substack.com/p/2-graphs-of-uks-data-2017-to-2022?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
    2 graphs of UK’s data (2017 to 2022), one on excess mortality, the other on the powerful sedative midazolam usage; what do you see in terms of March 2020 & March 2021 in both graphs?

    Liked by 1 person

  39. john2020vision Avatar

    China is playing a deeply considered Money Market long game.
    Watch how they are gaming the Dollar and will tighten the squeeze on
    America.Why war with America when they can accelerate Economic collapse
    Everything now in the US is Fake and Shallow. Grey Screen Fed Pentagon Trading programs sluice over Fake Funding for the Deep State war machine.
    China is designing and creating an asset backed new Monetary system. When this launches the USD will free fall.Try waging Hegemony then when you can’t fund the costs of 990 plus bases and NATO. A long game with a big Hook. Once they block USD the whole House of Cards will totter. America will be run out of the Eurasian market. When China springs the trap, it’s game over.

    Liked by 1 person

  40. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Damn. I guess I don’t get reparations.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Or as hung as Afros.


      1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

        Or the urge to destroy a McDonalds over cold fries.


      2. omg you are so bad! 🙂


        1. john2020vision Avatar

          Maybe it’s because we use a spoon to stir our coffee.


  41. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      It’s only time before before the Iranians and Russians focus on mass Roach eradication. That lot gone at last will open a better world. Iran gets ever more powerful. Within 2 years they will have Nukes and within 5 years full ranges of Bunker Busters.Armageddon for them will be Head On.
      When they loose the dollar, and are denied BRICS, watch them holler.


  42. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Unbelievable. This is Stanford Law?? That so-called administrator, clearly a diversity promotion, should be working in the cafeteria stacking yogurt cups – a complete jabbering moron. We are turning the next generation of lawyers into Bolshevik drones.


    1. Jabbering Morons, walk,


    2. I think this is a wake up call… common sense and truth will prevail… Stanford ruling dorks are showing who they bow to… as are many these days


    3. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/code-red-downplaying-academic-excellence-med-school-admissions

      Code Red: Downplaying Academic Excellence In Med School Admissions
      America’s top medical schools, worried they have too few minority students, are doing something about it…


  43. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    I hope the stenographer got all that.


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      It’s a Baboon pack.

      Liked by 2 people

  44. Watch “‘Huge problem’: Retired colonel on Russia hitting Ukraine with 6 hypersonic missiles”.


    It’s getting costly for Russia now. Sanctions do hurt.
    More than $70 billion is wiped off crypto market in 24 hours as bitcoin drops 8% to near two-month low – after key crypto lender Silvergate became the OTHER bank to collapse this week

    Bitcoin briefly dropped as much as 8% on Friday, dipping back below $20,000 to near a two-month low, following turmoil from the collapse of Silvergate Bank earlier this week.


    It’s a roller coaster ride at the moment. But not for borrowers.
    The discovery that faulty metabolism is at the root of many brain diseases suggests a surprising transplant could be the way to protect our brains from the ravages of ageing
    read more: https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg25734290-100-restoring-the-brains-mitochondria-could-slow-ageing-and-end-dementia/

    This is where funding is needed.
    ‘Dominoes are falling!’ New financial crisis warning as US banking crash spreads to UK

    Harry, Meghan wants Royal family to know they’re unfazed by Frogmore eviction

    Two shallow, in his case Dipshit low IQ wanabe, hers a User, being used by the shallow hustler.
    The UK wants neiter back and when Charles has gone William will cut them loose. Camilla too.
    Markel had a wonderful opportunity, but all Crass and No Class. Both are disgusting. Karma will come and she will bolt on him. As her mother did and Markle herself. She’s’ finished here and will be booed. As will Half Wit Harry.

    Hungary’s PM Orban: NATO Troops to Enter Ukraine Soon to Fight Russians

    If this comes to be WWIII is on.


    Putin needs to make it clear the minute any NATO troops engage they will erase their bases and Fleets and will nuke the US Mainland Do it. Israel also. Hit DC and the Agencies first one blast. Followed by the Ambassador’s clear warning, try and you all die. Open those Silos and we launch, Bunker busters will come also. You will die. Bullies fold when hit hard. The real Enemies are the Cabal and Zionists. Atomising Israel will be clear to all. Vermin kill and you next


  45. https://palexander.substack.com/p/unvaccinated-persons-after-covid?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
    Researchers reported: ‘We did not observe an increased incidence of neither pericarditis nor myocarditis in adult patients recovering from COVID-19 infection.’

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So, this I think is the third major study to repeat the finding. The simple truth is none of the COVID-19 variants has an autoimmune or other pathogenic effect on the heart in natural course of infection. All heart issues discovered clinically during infection were incidental or secondary to severity of infection. When recovering, the body’s immune system did its job, cleared the virus without autoimmune consequence. The same cannot be said for the mRNA vaxx.

      Liked by 1 person

  46. https://www.conservativereview.com/horowitz-deja-vu-fda-committee-recommends-pfizers-rsv-shot-despite-known-risks-2659485387.html?utm_source=cr-dailyAM&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=CR%20Daily%202023-03-02&utm_term=ACTIVE%20-%20CR%20Daily
    Last week, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices met to discuss the future framework of a number of vaccines. Of course, all of them were deemed safe enough to continue, although a number of shocking nuggets of data were revealed with the understanding that the public will never discover this information.


  47. No idea of the validity to this… very interesting though… have read many other places this is the case… Tino?

    ” I found this conversation between Dr Merritt and Dr Cowan very informative. Cowan explains the deception in layman’s terms…”



    1. Oh, this is a long, difficult topic.

      Reality — the epistemology of viral cause is in absolute shambles. Does this mean there are no viruses? No, just that the case was not made rigorously and the more skeptical — in an age of conspiracy fact and theory — refuse “to believe” and have a case. This, in part, hinges on the absurd statements of “viral identification” of nCov2019 and the idiotic approach to PCR-based identification of “asymptomatic carriers” against a false positive rate approaching 98% in some cases. It introduced severe uncertainty and doubt into the government narrative, and then the science. Anyone who knows how PCR works (and I did meet Kari Mullis) watched the whole asymptomatic carrier falsity in an appalled stupor of incredulity. The PCR cannot be used as a population-level screen.

      I digress.

      Trying to visualize and manipulate nanometer size artifacts in a fluid medium, or in a vacuum bombarded by electrons or protons, filtered etc, without contamination from all the manipulation constructs, in a biology where mammalian cells trade packets of DNA,RNA and protein all the time and said packets look exactly like viruses [because its the same physics and mechanisms], leaves one with a difficult causation/identification problem to challenge for even the most sophisticated Poirot of Science. Sorry for the long sentence. Bad form, I know, but try to hold the complex thought all at once.

      Let me short-circuit matters and do the wide scope accounting argument :

      The DNA-RNA-Ribosome protein synthesis mechanism is a Turing Machine. You know this in lay terms — a computer, only programmed instead of in binary, by base amino acid sequences. Are computers susceptible to hijack by rogue programs ie “computer viruses”? You betcha! So is it so out of line to think the same would happen with the organic version of same? Of course not.

      Liked by 1 person

  48. https://cointelegraph.com/news/bitcoin-battles-20k-as-trader-calls-bank-chaos-2008-all-over-again

    It’s being shorted the Zios have put it in play.
    Russian Submarines off U.S. East Coast Spark Cold War Comparisons
    Good to see. Its long overdue time to show 2 can play and China will support Russia.

    How does one explain this to a Neocon? It is called deterrent and the fools on ship would do well to see and understand.

    Commentary: Biden Guilty of Crime Punishable by Death, David Horowitz Declares – Def-Con News

    Can it be that people have been awakened ? Way overdue for sure.

    Commentary: Biden Guilty of Crime Punishable by Death, David Horowitz Declares

    The US reported that Zelensky secretly sent a distress signal to Biden FREE NEWS
    From a contributor

    When you have a clown for a leader and an actor who believes his own bullshit over advice of professional soldiers you get chaos and death. Because poor decisions not only kill people but waste the ability to battle and wage war. The Ukrainian effort to effectively wage war with Russia is ending soon. The spring offensive will result in another loss of at least 10-15,000 dead with another equal amount wounded and unable to return to the future battlefield.
    While we can safely say no one expects a senile fool to exhibit common sense, the Neocons have a real choice. Double down and send in NATO forces and watch them die risking a nuclear exchange or send the Poles to die to reflect. Whether there is anyone remaining amongst the ship of fools with common sense is a big question mark. But the cold reality is that an exit plan is needed to retreat from this fiasco before more hegemony is lost. As always the Neocon war efforts result in defeat and loss.
    This time Americans and the rest of the world are paying a price for this foolishness in the way of higher interest rates and a lowered standard of living caused by insane debt spending to fund a war that cannot be won. The notion that American dollars fund everything in Ukraine from pensions, to salaried civil servants to civil equipment to politicians in addition to war armaments without a blowback, is nuts. The Ukraine would not last 2 weeks without such largesse from a ship of fools called a US government. This spending is already sending interest rates higher and will continue to do so. And to say this is proxy war is a understatement; Ukraine as a nation is simply a bought and paid for mercenary to wage war against Russia because Neocons cannot declare war so war occasions with a nation bought as expendable cannon fodder instead. While one might question such stupidity, it seems Ukraine is not alone as today’s proxy wars are simply buying nations as a whole to act as warriors. And it seems nations want to sell themselves for American dollars into extinction. No empire in history has ever succeeded and America will not be an exception.
    With incompetence on full display and a high handed self absorbed attitude of doctoral foreign policy it is no wonder countries are ignoring America into irrelevance. Countries like China have no reason to hold US debt which is actually why they are dumping debt as fast as they can. Who buys what they dump? This too impacts higher interest rates as confidence in America wanes in being a responsible economy led by common sense. Instead what the world is seeing is a Hegemony of a nation being destroyed by foolishness and hubris. With this waste, goes the entire influence and stance of the West seemingly unable to escape the sinking of the ship of fools.
    So when Powell at the US Fed speaks of higher interest rates coming down the pike, he is really telling the world that this is price of Neocon foolishness and failure.



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