Brooklyn Woman Finds Counterfeit Penny Made of Gold

A Lynn Rogan A “penny” made by a Seattle artist out of 18-karat gold was put into circulation in Los Angeles in 2007 and found by a graphic designer in Brooklyn two years later.

One afternoon in March 2007, Jack Daws stepped up to a newsstand in Los Angeles International Airport with a handful of change, including a counterfeit penny made of 18-karat gold that Mr. Daws, a Seattle artist, had fashioned. He carefully put the counterfeit penny, dated 1970, down on the counter, counted out enough change to pay $11.90 for a Hustler magazine and left.

He got a cup of coffee and sat down on a seat with the newsstand in sight, and watched for an hour wondering if any of the travelers had walked off with his golden penny and where it would end up at the end of the day.

Most counterfeiting takes something that is nearly worthless and turns it into something perceived to have value. Mr. Daws did just the opposite. He took value — approximately $100 worth of gold — and turned it into something perceived as nearly worthless, one cent. “It’s there, but if people don’t realize it, it’s the same as not being there,” he said. Of the 11 copper-plated gold pennies he made as part of his series, only this one was sent into the wider world.

He never expected to see it again, but he wondered where the penny ended up: stuck in a giant penny jar, melted down with other coins back at the United States Mint, lost in a street gutter. Meanwhile, one of his other counterfeit pennies sold for $1,000 to a collector through the Greg Kucera gallery.

Then, Mr. Daws woke up one morning in October and listened to a voicemail left by a Brooklyn graphic designer named Jessica Reed.

“I think I found your gold penny,” the message said.

How the golden penny traveled, through how many hands or cash registers, over the two years, may never be known. But now the journey has reached its endpoint.

Late this summer, when Ms. Reed was paying for groceries at the C-Town supermarket in Greenpoint, she noticed the penny because the gold color had started to peek through. A fan of unusual coins, she slipped it back into her change purse and tucked it into the recesses of her mind.

Then recently, while doing research about a 1924 Mercury-head dime, she remembered the penny and typed “gold penny” into Google, which returned information on science experiments to give a penny a gold color. She added “1970” and found an item about how Mr. Daws had put a 18-karat gold penny, dated 1970 with no mint mark, into circulation. It was heavier and smaller than a real penny.

In disbelief, she weighed the penny on a digital scale. It came in at three grams, one gram more than similar pennies from 1970. And it was slightly smaller than a normal penny, owing to the shrinking after the casting process.

She traced Mr. Daws’s phone number through the gallery and left him the message. When he called back, he knew it had to be his penny as soon as she described it to him.

Ms. Reed will keep the coin. She is thinking of having it framed. It’s was a curious way to display a sculpture, she said. “I can’t imagine being an artist who does something like this,” she said. “It’s the opposite of having your stuff shown in a gallery. It could be tossed.”

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If the penny made its way to New York, someone might have dropped it on the street, not bothered to pick it up, leaving it to be ground into the asphalt to be found and examined and studied by archaeologists of some future era. I have wondered whether one could calculate how many pennies might ground into the city’s asphalt each year. And imagine those archaeologists of the future. If this were the first penny they analyzed, upon finding it to be gold they might think many other pennies would also be of gold. But alas they might then undertake a fool’s errand in search of more gold pennies. Great story, thanks.

Smart thing to do in framing the penny
She’ll never be left without a cent!

Perley, that is priceless.

She has a lot of common cents.

@Nat The penny DID make it’s way to New York City — a C-Town in Greenpoint, Brooklyn to be exact.

perley, that was lame.

Uh..does the United States Treasury have nothing to say about this? I’d be surprised.

Actually, a genuine 1970 penny would weigh 3.11 grams; a current copper-plated-zinc one weighs 2.5 grams (the change came in mid-1982).

Thank you, Danny M.

Hustler costs $11.90?

Apparently, federal law specifies counterfeiting in terms of value, so there is nothing illegal about value-added counterfeiting. Also, federal law places a $.10 minimum on counterfeiting, which means you can counterfeit pennies nickels, and dimes all day long without recourse.

Counterfeit? This is the only penny in circulation that’s actually worth something.

A normal 1970 cent weighs 3.11 grams, not 2 grams.

“It’s there, but if people don’t realize it, it’s the same as not being there,” that’s a priceless observation and a lovely demonstration. That something that looks small and worthless can be golden if you recognize it. I think I will borrow this to explain a relationship. Thank you.

While I don’t normally go in for “conceptual art,” I did, in deed, think the artist’s concept was fascinating. The denouement of the story, however, was uncanny.

Here’s my own uncanny penny story, which I’d loved someone to figure out. Eight years ago, I was paying for an item at a hardware store, and as I was counting out the change I noticed one of the coins I’d had was unusual; hadn’t even noticed having it until that moment. On closer inspection, it turned out to be a One Cent piece from 1857! (Eagle on one side with date below, word One Cent on the other side).

What struck me as especially uncanny was that I’d just moved into a new apartment (that’s why I was at the hardware store, to get screws for hanging shelves or something), and guess what year the apartment building was built? 1857.

I love that penny, and of course keep it in a place of honor.

if all pennies were backed by 3.11 odd grams of gold perhaps our economy may stand a better chance against china right now. (or not)

Ms. Reed , , , should put it back into circulation and keep that specific art priceless. 100 dollars will not make you rich!

Jack’s point was to have people on their toes and to not take things at face value.

Give it up.

I once found a coin in my change that was an almost perfect penny on one side and an almost perfect dime on the other about 20 years ago. . It was really well done and obviously cost 11 cents and a lot of labor to make. I accidentally spent it at some point.

A gold penny would still be heavier than a 1970 copper penny, because the specific gravity (density) of gold is higher than copper.

I found this article by accident while googling this morning’s Seattle news.

This is a wonderful, uplifting story to see circulating around. It is nice to see people doing things that are unique.

It is a good reminder of the fact that many people discount small things as being impossible to notice or incapable of affecting change.

In reality, it doesn’t matter how small or inconspicuous your action is; it has an enormous power to be realized and to impact the world.

This reminds me of the story about when John and Yoko met. She had a gallery show in London and one of the works on display was an apple with a 100 pound price tag. Somebody bought it.

And even more amazing, pasted on the reverse of the penny was a Declaration of Independence!

As always, Perley, “A penny for your thoughts”, although, as we’ve all come to know, your thoughts as a rule… are priceless!

Pennies used to be made of pure copper, now they are made of the cheaper (and lighter), zink with a plate over them. They even made pennies out of steel during WW2 (these are worth a lot if you can find them but they obviously stand out unlike the gold penny in this article).
Gold is VERY heavy and you’d think someone would have noticed this right away even before it stopped looking like a real penny due to wear.

Hustler was still publishing, even as of March, 2007?