Moderna’s top scientist: ‘We are actually hacking the software of life’

Dr. Tal Zaks, the chief medical officer at Moderna Inc., explained in a 2017 TED talk how the company’s mRNA vaccine was designed to work.

Over the last 30 years, he said, “we’ve been living this phenomenal digital scientific revolution, and I’m here today to tell you, that we are actually hacking the software of life, and that it’s changing the way we think about prevention and treatment of disease.”

He went on to explain [see video below] that the human body is made up of organs and organs are made up of cells.

“In every cell there’s this thing called messenger RNA or mRNA for short, that transmits the critical information from the DNA in our genes to the protein, which is really the stuff we’re all made out of. This is the critical information that determines what the cell will do. So we think about it as an operating system.

“So if you could change that, if you could introduce a line of code, or change a line of code, it turns out, that has profound implications for everything, from the flu to cancer.”

I reported on Feb. 4 that Moderna describes its new vaccine as “a computer operating system” but I was not aware at that time that Zaks had spoken three years ago about this, totally debunking the establishment media’s lie that mRNA vaccines don’t alter your genetic code.

He could not be more clear when he said “We are actually hacking the software of life.”

Zaks stressed that in 2017 his company was working on a vaccine that would not act like any previous vaccine ever created.

“Imagine if instead of giving [the patient] the protein of a virus, we gave them the instructions on how to make the protein, how the body can make its own vaccine,” he said.

Zaks said it took decades to sequence the human genome, which was accomplished in 2003, “And now we can do it in a week.”

He proceeded to reveal, in 2017, his company’s plans to make individual cancer vaccines, tailored to the needs of individual cancer patients, “because every cancer is different.”

Interestingly, one of the most potentially catastrophic side effects of the mRNA vaccine is its interaction with cancer cells. According to a study at New York City-based Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, the mRNA has a tendency to inactivate tumor-suppressing proteins, meaning it can promote the growth of already existing cancer cells.

Both the Moderna and Pfizer injections are experimental mRNA vaccines. The FDA has only granted these injections Emergency Use Authorization [EUA] and they will remain in trials through 2023, yet the government, media and corporations are all promoting them as though they are guaranteed safe.

This systemic deception will, in my opinion, end up being judged in the rear-view mirror of history as one of the most reckless acts of medical treachery ever committed against the human race.

If this so-called vaccine does accelerate the growth of cancer, think of the possibilities from a purely business point of view.  

Based on the predictions of Dr. Zaks, who oversaw the creation of the vaccine now being given to millions of people worldwide, the same Big Pharma companies that could potentially give people cancer with one vaccine could step forward later with another vaccine offering the cure for cancer. If you are the CEO of a mega pharmaceutical who answers to profit-driven Wall Street shareholders, that’s a brilliant strategy!

But is it ethical from a medical point of view? That’s a question nobody is asking.

As I listen to Dr. Zaks lay out the achievements of his company in creating the mRNA vaccine, I cannot help but think of how incredibly arrogant it sounds. That scientists think they can rewrite the genetic code [his words not mine for all you out there who still don’t believe these mRNA vaccines change the genetic code just because some ‘fact checker’ says they don’t], believing they can improve on a person’s God-given genetic makeup is entering dangerous territory. Who’s to say they won’t correct one problem and create something far worse?

Zaks wrapped up his 2017 speech with the following words.

“If you think about what it is we’re trying to do. We’ve taken information and our understanding of that information and how that information is transmitted in a cell, and we’ve taken our understanding of medicine and how to make drugs, and we’re fusing the two. We think of it as information therapy.”

Information therapy. Just like a computer software code.

These scientists truly believe that the human body is nothing more than a machine that can be hacked into and reordered according to some programmer’s instructions.

The same ground-breaking nature of this research that excites some, is what horrifies others.

A person’s genetic makeup is, as Dr. Zak said, “the software of life.”

If this is true, then who should be the ultimate authority over each human being’s genetic software code? If we truly live in a free society, wouldn’t it stand to reason that we would want to have an energetic debate over how to answer that question? Shouldn’t it be the number-one issue being debated in Congress and the media? Instead, nobody is allowed to even ask these questions without being threatened, censored, rebuked, deplatformed. Members of the corporate media who dare broach the question get fired.

Contrary to what some scientists believe, we are not machines. We are human beings with bodies, souls and free wills. Anyone who tries to mandate the acceptance of an experimental gene-altering treatment is going against the international Nuremberg Codes, which require informed consent of any experimental treatment.

Dear readers: Please do not allow your employer, your government, your family, your friends or anyone else to intimidate you, or in any way try to persuade you, to accept this experimental treatment if you do not want it. You are your own health authority, period. If your employer threatens you with termination for rejecting this injection, please contact an attorney. The Rutherford Institute, headed up by civil rights attorney John Whitehead, is one good option. Others include Mat Staver’s Liberty Counsel.

Leo Hohmann is an independent author and journalist whose work is 100 percent reader supported. If you appreciate the information on this site please consider a contribution of any size. You may mail it c/o Leo Hohmann, PO Box 291, Newnan, GA 30264 or via credit card below.

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Independent author, researcher, writer.

210 thoughts on “Moderna’s top scientist: ‘We are actually hacking the software of life’”

  1. They have already murdered many thousands with these mRNA injections. What, in God’s name, has to happen before we, humanity, stop this slaughter? Seeing this unfold is like watching a living massacre. Are there no people with courage and integrity who will do what needs to be done to FAUCI, GATES, AND EVERYONE ELSE INVOLVED? Where are our retired military special ops?


    1. Ironically God is completely aware of what is happening and He is permitting it as it is part of setting the stage for the Tribulation.


    1. Personally? No ,I am well aware of what Genesis 6:2 means but there are others who might not know!


    2. This “vaccine” has absolutely nothing to do with the lie about fallen angels having offspring with the daughters of men.


      1. Oh my you sure do hav a short memory, Leo has asked you, very kindly, to not keep posting your website on his blog. As he receives many hundreds of responses to that which he has written I have forwarded your comment for him to decide whether to let you continue posting or not. THIS BLOG HAS NOT BEEN DESIGNED TO PANDER TO YOUR INTERPRETATIONS OF THE BIBLE. It has been designed to bring those of us who are interested in such things up to date with what is going on in the world in light of the prophetic Word of God, NOT to preach a different gospel. There are many, many Bible scholars who know the Word of God even better than you who would not agree with your summation. Really how long did you think you would get away with this?


      2. It amazes me how you are allowed to have a scriptural opinion to many commenters on this site but I am not allowed to have any scriptural opinion because mine are actually catalogued on a website because the facts require much more scripture than a small reply could contain.


  2. GOD does not deal with Big Pharma’s Profits. I remember Jesus throwing out the money changers; is there a difference here??

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Fwiw, genetic alterations happen all the time. Mutations cause disabilities like albinism, dwarfism, and Down Syndrome. Some are man made. Like babies born to women exposed to the radiation at Chernobyl or Hiroshima. Even adults can have their cells’ mitochondria change through long term use of pain killers or antidepressants. And old age alters our cellular structure.
    How much of our DNA will we take to Heaven?
    I don’t believe in Marvel’s X-Men or other stuff. Mutations that are known to exist cause sickliness and frailty. Like surgeries performed by Josef Mengele.
    I don’t believe these shots will keep you out of Heaven. But you may wind up there a lot sooner.

    (According to some though this is genetic therapy it won’t invade the center of your cell where the nucleus resides. Because of conflicting narratives–including any benefits to be gained from the shots–I prefer not to submit to this.)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Not one child of God (as per John 1:11-13) will end up in heaven a second sooner than God has already planned. If you think like that then you either do not know Almighty God the Father of Jesus Christ of Nazareth or you are following a different god. Please do not frighten people with thoughtless statements like that.


      1. “Not one child of God will end up in heaven a second sooner than God has already planned.” When did I say that? Please don’t put words in my mouth.
        God is sovereign and can use human sinfulness and stupidity as He sees fit. Including premature deaths and disabilities.
        I am neither an atheist nor an idolater.

        Have a good day, ma’am.


      2. “I don’t believe these shots will keep you out of Heaven. But you may wind up there a lot sooner.” Your words.


      3. Junk food can kill prematurely too. Our sovereign God permits it.
        So acknowledging that stupidity can cause early death does NOT mean God did not foresee it.


      4. This is now completely off topic and, as I have always indicated, if it is not in the Word of God I am not going to take on board anything anybody says in His name. This must end now for Leo’s sake.


  4. Excellent post! The issue is not whether the DNA is modified, etc. No one disputes that the vaccine hijacks the cell’s genetic machinery to run laboratory code, producing whatever Moderna (etc.) has in mind. This “software of life” is God’s domain as the Creator and should not be put into man’s hand. Jesus Himself warned that we SHOULD fear those who have power to kill both body and soul. Today that is possible, because there is no more time. All decisions are final. The vaccine is the number of the beast, and those who choose it choose to be numbered in the beast’s army.


    1. “And do not be afraid of those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in [a]hell.” Matthew 10:28 If you are going to quote the Word of God, the least you can do is quote it correctly. Jesus is warning us there is only One Who has the ability to totally destroy us and that is God and it is Him we should fear, not ‘man’ who can only kill our bodies but not our souls or spirits. However all those who haveput their faith/trust in Jesus have been given eternal life (see this mentioned many times in John’s gospel) therefore, as eternal means forever, this means ‘man’ cannot destroy any child of God. (John 1:11-13)
      In other words your statement: “Jesus Himself warned that we SHOULD fear those who have power to kill both body and soul.” is scripturally wrong and could be viewed as heresy.


      1. You are misusing words.

        Body = meat
        Spirit = that which returns to God
        Soul = the part of you that breathes , invigorating the body

        When the spirit leaves the body the soul ceases to exist. The body goes to hell [ the grave ] .


      2. Well thank you so much for the laugh, I am so glad that the Word of God completely disagrees with you and, if you don’t mind, I prefer to believe God’s word, rather than yours. Because Leo has asked us not to use this forum as a way of shooting each other to bits with the Word of God, as though it were bullets, I am going to respect his request, all I will say is that your interpretation of those words does not harmonise with the Word of God and cuts across that which has been believed by orthodox (in the true meaning, this is not in reference to any denomination) Christians since the birth of the church. As I said in the above comment, please use God’s Word correctly or not at all.
        In future do you think you could stick to the point please? That which I wrote was for people’s encouragement from the Word of God, not something to be shot at by somebody whose knowledge of the Bible does not appear to be that great. Try reading it from cover to cover on a regular basis for the next 45+ years (if we have that long) then see what you think. Of course if you are not a Christian, nothing else needs to be said really and I apologise unreservedly for my assumptions.


  5. Pingback: Defeating the Global Elite’s Coup d’État: The Great Reset – NewsBlog
  6. Maybe God, in His infinite wisdom, when He knit us together in that secret place, made our bodies so that it will recognize this vaccine as a foreign object and do what our bodies are supposed to do and expel it. Leaving us with the body God intended for us to have.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. “Vaccine” will alter the DNA. DNA changed from original can be patented. Once patented no longer a child of God but “Property of Lucifer”. Name no longer found in the Lamb’s Book of Life. See Carrie Madej Human 2.0


      1. Sweetheart, once you are born-again into Christ you cannot be ‘unborn’ – please do not post such unscriptural opinions as it could be a very frightening consideration for new Christians. Never forget what Paul says in the Bible: “For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Whatever the truth is about how the ‘vaccine’ will alter our DNA God is completely capable of keeping His children safe, if you think this is not so, then I have to say, my dear, your god is a lot smaller than mine! Of course what happens to unbelievers is another matter entirely.


      2. All I can say to that, my dear, is that your god is way smaller than mine. I find it incredibly risible that you should choose to ignore that which Paul says in his letter to the church in Rome, chapter 8 and verses 38 and 39: “For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Note: “NOR ANY OTHER CREATED THING”) So, en effet, what you are saying is that ‘man’ can do something to us which will remove us out of the Lamb’s Book of Life, despite everything written in the Word of God which is complete contrary to that point of view. Amazing. By the way, sweetheart, if, and I do say ‘if’, you are a child of God as per John 1:11-13, then of course you are a ‘sweetheart’ and ‘my dear’ because we are sisters in Christ and therefore very precious to each other – did not not know that?
        What you originally posted will have been very frightening to many Christians who, perhaps, do not know God’s Word as well as they should and who could be very new Christians and, for whatever reason, they have already had the ‘injection’. How blessed do you think they feel right now and, what’s more important, how blessed do you think God feels right now?


      3. PS – I took your “with respect” with a very large dose of salt because that which you wrote did not sound at all respectful!


      4. It won’t alter your DNA. DNA is used by the cell to produce RNA, not the other way around. And mRNA doesn’t stick around forever, so it’s not going to have the fundamental effects that people posting here imagine.

        The problem is whether this sort of treatment will actually immunize anyone. Apparently this is the RNA that produces a particular viral protein. It’s not clear to me why this would trigger an immune reaction (but maybe it does; I just don’t know) or whether the reaction would not be too precise (since it’s only to one protein) to actually protect a person from the virus.

        An even bigger problem is that this treatment hasn’t been adequately tested. The apparently unexplained deaths after inoculation indicate that there are side effects that are not understood.

        Liked by 1 person

      5. I agree with you Helena
        This is not a vaccine but a gene injection that has not been tested and using humans as guinea pigs. We are living in the end times as in the days of Noah and the Almighty God is bringing judgment to an evil world where shepherds have failed to warn the sheep about the mark of the beast.


      6. Thank you for your courage, Chez Vii.
        It is not a given that “once saved always saved”. The Lord has commanded that we be holy as He is holy. To anyone who has mistakenly taken this “vaxx” now is the time to drop to the knees and pray for forgivenes and to seek the Lord’s forgiveness…the door has closed but the window is still partially open. “He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels” Rev. 3:5. May the Lord God forgive us for our sins.

        Liked by 1 person

      7. I am sat here with tears pouring down my face but because Leo has asked us all not to go into deep theological debates I am unable to respond any more to you than the fact I am sat here in tears and with a deep need to vomit.


      8. However I trust you do not agree with the lady’s assertion that receiving the vaccine will, somehow, mean the person’s DNA will be irrevocably altered and they will no longer be able to be a Christian? (This does happen during the Tribulation – see Revelation 13 – however we are not yet in the Tribulation.) The thought of any Bible-believing, born-again Christian could even think that is very worrying.


      9. The mark of the beast is referred to in chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation. We have not even reached chapter 6 yet. This is NOT the mark of the beast, but it is certainly a precursor.


      1. Try telling that to the innumerable people who have died ferom various diseases over the centuries as a result of living in this increasaingly sin-sick world. On top of which some people have to take medication which reduces their immunity as my beloved has to. I do not recall anywhere in the Bible where God said He would rescue us miraculously, from the results of sin or death, were that the case, the world’s population would be uncountable. Let us just be grateful that those who confess the Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour will only experience their body dying which will, in due course, be replaced by an incorruptible and immortal body.
        Never forget Jesus did not heal everybody otherwise we would not read in scripture that He was unable to heal many in Nazareth Mark 6:5; Matthew 13:58. However the greatest healing, the greatest miracle of all time is the fact that we Christians have been born again and will no longer have to face the appalling judgment the world will face, which is coming soon and there is nothing that we will face that Jesus has not faced before us and will not help us through it. 1 Corinthians 10:13.
        At the end of the day our immune systems no longer work the way they were designed to do because of the reasons I mention above.


  7. FINALLY! I was gonna point out bananas and potatoes are a great source of potassium… then WordPress got weird and I couldn’t.


  8. There’s a lot of research one can do, to get to the bottom of all of this issue, and many others like it, that actually go hand in hand today, and they all fit nice and neatly into an overall plan many may or may not have heard of called “United Nations Agenda 21/25/30”
    This documentation, and decades worth of more just like it have not only been recorded/written/published by sources leaving no room for doubts or arguments. The truth is out there to be found for any and all that seek it, and once found, one not only seeks it, but DEMANDS it, and it becomes fairly easy to read between the lines….
    Documents, including patent numbers and information for the Covid-19 virus, can be found, at, also at
    I applaud your courage and commitment to honest journalism Mr. Hohmann…. Bravo!!!


  9. Interestingly, one of the most potentially catastrophic side effects of the mRNA vaccine is its interaction with cancer cells. According to a study at New York City-based Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, the mRNA has a tendency to inactivate tumor-suppressing proteins, meaning it can promote the growth of cancer cells.

    On their website, it however says “None of the vaccines interact with or alter your DNA in any way, and therefore cannot cause cancer.”

    Guess you misunderstood their study as they clearly state the opposite.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I guess it depends on what you wish to believe. I did not say this experimental treatment would “cause cancer” I said that they said it could interfere with your body’s ability to fight cancer cells that you already have in your body. Sloan Kettering is now walking back their study, but if you read it carefully they did not deny anything I put in my article. I suspect they tried to walk it back with a non-denial denial because they have come under intense pressure to do so. Unless the scientist was lying back in 2017, back when there would have been no pressure to muzzle the truth, I choose to believe what he said at that time about the mRNA injection. Also, if you read ALL of the so-called fact checking points on the Sloan Kettering link you provided you will have noticed that they say “some people” get mild side effects but don’t really get sick from the injection. Um, not only do “some people” get severely ill but more than 1,200 in the US alone have died from it.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. At least half of those I know who have gotten it have been so ill they had to lie in bed for a few days. Yet somehow sickness, incapacity, and death are acceptable when medically induced.


      2. Are you seriously arguing that they write “it cannot cause cancer” but they actually mean “it can cause cancer” but they are only saying this because of the pressure? Guess if you start with the assumption that there is an evil conspiracy, everything will say what you want it to say. It’s called Confirmation bias.

        I am not denying that every injection (not only covid) has its side effects and this is why people can weigh the risks of the side effects compared to the risk of possible long-term effects of covid. With the infection, you might not have issues and with covid, you might not have long-term problems. Everyone’s own decision but let’s stick to the facts and not interpret clearly stated statements through a conspiracy lens and twist them.


      3. Hannes, if you don’t like my articles why do you come here? There are plenty of other blogs and sites that will not challenge you to think outside the mainstream!


      4. And you obviously start from the assumption that big government and big business always have the public’s best interest at the heart of everything they do!


  10. Thank you for this article, Leo. Dr. Zaks mentioned in his Talk that he had completed human trials of an mRNA for influenza, with great success. I cannot find any evidence of any mRNA vaccine having successfully treated viruses in humans. Have you? I know that the RSV trials in kids ended awfully and many animal studies end in ADE/death. Please let us know if you find out any more. Thanks!


  11. Is the Russian vaccine different/safe? What is going on in Israel? They are in overdrive to vaccinate everyone?
    Thanks to all the discerning Christians who have the grit & courage to question the pharmicopia. In the Book this is a type of magic & sorcery. “My people perish for a lack of knowledge”.


    1. I’ve been deceived before. Branding products as things they are not is becoming more common. I wish there wasn’t such an involvement with the anti vax crowd. It confuses the fact that what Moderna and Pfizer offer are NOT vaccines.
      I’d like to see people take businesses to court for compelling them to get these shots. The grounds would be that they do not prevent infection and therefore won’t render you more likely to infect others.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Another Moronic Kazarian FREAK, who is too stupid to comprehend the WRATH that SOON will fall upon his head. It will be wonderful when this Foul Stench is REMOVED from the presence of God’s Children, ETERNALLY and COMPLETELY.


    1. The only thing which makes us “God’s children” is the fact that we have confessed the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth as our Lord and Saviour, therefore, living in the midst of ‘stench’ is going to continue until Jesus takes us home. Never forget, if it were not for Jesus, we would not have the right to call ourselves children of God. I say this because the ending of your post sounded, to my ears, somewhat arrogant. There is only one we can be proud and boastful and that is in and about Jesus.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. We are all made in the image and likeness of God, and our hearts are made to worship Him. As St. Augustine said, “Our hearts are restless until they rest in You”. We are His children by baptism, and He desires for all to accept Him. All. Let us fervently pray for the conversion of sinners and pray for the grace to cooperate with His will in these times and always.


      2. According to the Holy Bible (aka the Word of God) we are NOT all children of God, made in His image yes but you need to read the first chapter of John’s gospel, particularly each side of verses 12 and 13. The Bible is the only authoritative source we have because man is deeply wicked and sometimes can introduce rituals and doctrines which bear no relationship to God Himself. The whole point of the death of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth was in order to give us a way back to a relationship with Him and His Father which we cannot do, because we are also told in the Bible that even our righteous deeds are as filthy rags to God. Only God is good but if we turn to Him, seek His forgiveness for the sins we have committed and for living our own way instead of His, He is just and faithful to forgive us, to cleanse us from all unrighteousness and give us the right to call ourselves His children. (By the way, everybody has sinned look up the first commandment Jesus gave His disciples, have you loved the Lord your God with all your heart, your mind, your strength and your soul 24/7? Much as I love Him I know I have not, therefore I am a sinner.) Whilst being baptised is good as it is a public and outward symbol of what has occurred in our hearts it does not open those ‘Pearly Gates’ only Jesus can do that. Hence the pride of sin which Lucifer was so guilty of cannot be pandered to as there is absolutely nothing we can do to go to heaven, it is all done, for us, by Jesus, all we have to do is put our faith/trust in Him and in His life, death and resurrection. This is such a comfort because I know I would never do enough good nor be good enough to ever get through those ‘Gates’! Anything other than that which I have written is man’s attempt to ensure he has some part to play in the salvation of his spirit, if this were so the Bible would have been written differently. The whole point of being disciples of Jesus is that any other ‘religion’ does not have a god who has given the devotee a way to be with him after death. Following Jesus is the only way to ensure one has eternal life. First, He saves our spirits as we turn to Him, then at the end of our lives, or when He takes us home, whichever comes first, our bodies will be saved in that we will be given an immortal body an incorruptible body, in the meantime we are to work out our faith/salvation with fear and trembling. In other words we are to cooperate with the Holy Spirit into becoming more like Jesus with each passing day. This is what the Bible teaches and I prefer the teaching in God’s Word to anything ‘man’ might say no matter how God-anointed. This I have gleaned from reading the Bible from cover to cover on a regular basis for the last 45+ years.


  13. Leo Hohmann, I am so impressed by the research that is behind this article and all the other folk who are looking to reveal the truth. Thank you.

    Incidentaly this ”virus” should really be called the WHUHAN Virus, so many powerful people do not like the like to the origen of the Virus, which used to be the case until this one. Remember ”Spanish flu”, Denghi Virus” et al in the past? They also use fetus and abortion to lull the unsuspecting into confusion – It is a BABY and what they have been doing is MURDER.

    The fundamnetal truths behind all of this ”crisis” is that satan is having a last all out attack upon mankind, God has permitted him to do this. This despotic, malgnant fallen angel has been waging war on the Creation of God for about 6000 years.

    Our beloved Lord Jesus has been warning us for the last 2000 years and throught the latter part of the 20th centuray He warned us many times to Repent and the evil one laughed as he distorted, marriage, gender and governments.

    Get ready folk for the end, Tribulation will be coming very soon. Do you know of the developments in the M/E? The confederation against Israel is beeing provoked to attack her.

    THEREFORE beloved of Christ look up for He is coming even sooner to remove His Bride before the wrath is poured out, Maranatha even so Lord come!


  14. You have a funny feeling we are reaching the end of life when guys like that start gabbing proudly like they defeated God or something.?

    Liked by 2 people

  15. Are you for real? That which is in a woman’s womb, which is growing can only be one of two things a tumour or a baby – not a flipping fetus – a word which even medics did not use until infanticide was made legal. The babies are not murdered they are slaughtered have you ever seen videos of the slaughtering at the first, second and third trimesters? All sacrificed to the god of convenience. And please, please do not tell me about those baby conceived due to rape – I have been raped and I had a child who was adopted! I am also the survivor of an abortion attempt, hence my limbs are not quite as straight as they should be. As for giving me that guff about the mother not surviving the birth that happens in about 0.0005% of births!
    The Prophet Jeremiah says God told him that even before he was in his mother’s womb God knew him. The Prophet and King David says “For You created me my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb, I praise You because I am fearfully abnd wonderfully made.” A baby is a baby at the point of conception the words ‘abortion’ and ‘fetus’ are a way of divorcing people from reality. It is a baby which is in its mother’s womb and the killing of it will be horrendous. The vast, vast majority of pregnancies are because people could not be bothered to use birth control, viewing abortion as suitable birth control. To maintain anything different is to fly in the face of reality. Again, that which is in a womab’s womb, if not a tumour, is a BABY with its own personal DNA, which, more than likely, will be slaghtered in some of the most barbaric ways imaginable.
    At the same time there are couples desperate to adopt a child because they are unable to have children, God forbid their needs should ever be thought about. After all, a woman’s life will continue, she is only pregnant for nine months and a couple of those she more than likely did not know she was pregnant. Thank God my mother failed to kill me. God calls His children (those whom He has {amazingly} adopted, to speak up for those without a voice.)

    Liked by 4 people

  16. Who pays when your sick in bed for months after an anaphylactic reaction to some of the ingredients I know I’m allergic to? You have to sign their agreement – giving you no recourse and many insurers are not going to cover shots that are “experimental.” The

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Then you have brilliant medical reasons for being able to refuse the vaccine with no comeback by anybody.


    2. What ingredients in the vaccine are you allergic to & how do you know what’s in it? I know about PEG & Polysorbate. But my immunologist said that’s not what most people are allergic to who say they are. Its sulfides that the vaccines are full of that are causing allergic reactions to!
      I’m allergic to all sulfides!


  17. The Deathcare Industry has All bases covered: Doctors Test = $, Doctors Prescribe Many Pharmaceuticals = $, People get Sick from Pharmaceuticals Doctors Recommend Surgery = $, Doctors Scare Old people every year to get Flu “Vaccine” that is 100% ineffective = $, Scamdemic comes along & Untested “Vaccines” are pushed through School, Work, News, Government & Deathcare Industry = $, Since Big Pharma can’t Outlaw Vitamins & Supplements they buy Vitamin companies & Contaminate the product that You buy = $, if you get Sick Go Back to Dr. = $, Pharma companies Own Genetic Engineering, Pesticide & Food Companies – All of which can make you Sick through Contamination so go back to Dr. = $ & if You are Lucky enough to get Cancer – Don’t Worry they have the Answer – they will Kill You with Chemo = $. LIKE DEMONS THEY MAKE $$$ OFF OF YOUR SUFFERING, SICKNESS & DEATH! Eat Healthy, Get Fresh Air & Sunshine, Get Plenty of Exercise & Sleep, Drink lots of Water & Good Beverages, take Good Vitamins, Minerals & Supplements, Live & Enjoy Life – Occasionally have Sweets, Alcohol & other Goodies & THANK GOD FOR EVERYTHING! CHEERS!


    1. It helps to have a doctor in the family that way, despite being very elderly, we are not scared and have never had the flu vaccine and this last winter we have been fit throughout, however the Christmas before last I truly believe we had the Wuhan virus – I even had to take to my bed in the afternoons for three or four days!


      1. Asking a question and wishing someone well, why? So, is this Wuhan virus worse than COVID19?


      2. You said: “Asking a question and wishing someone well, why? So, is this Wuhan virus worse than COVID19?” Man that’s some weird comment, I fear we have been divided by a common language it hat I do not have a clue what you’re on about, but then, perhaps, you don’t either! Now I can’t find your comment anywhere, perhaps it’s just as well!

        Liked by 1 person

  18. “If it’s not broken don’t fix it.”
    There’s no question of anything being broken. Just a future chance of it being broken.
    This treatment does NOT prevent contagion. Just reduce the symptoms. There are much safer symptom reducers and immune boosters Get a vaporizer and put hydrogen peroxide in it. Drink herbal tea and hot lemon water. Eat right. Exercise. Get enough sleep. Take vitamin C, D3, zinc, selenium. And avoid the masks when possible since you need to shed any viruses to prevent illnesses. Ventilate.
    My family argues, “Yeah, but Rachel, you can not only die if you catch it, you can get permanently disabled. Lung scarring, brain fog, etc.” Yet they’re perfectly fine with the risk of death or disability from these experimental injections.
    I am disabled. Not from an ordinary illness but an iatrogenic one.
    There’s no way I will ever willingly subject the temple of the Holy Ghost to arrogant men who think they can one-up God. The world is fallen, so intervention is sometimes needed,
    But modern medicine has become far too eager to intervene. God knew what He was doing when He put our chromosomes and immune systems together. When those things break down, good doctors can sometimes cobble together an inferior imitation to compensate for what is gone.
    This hubris born from modern medicine–and contempt for humanity–is too be expected in the current social climate. Yet the lack of discernment in so many Christians stuns me. Why such blind faith and trust in an ungodly government, corrupt celebrity experts and pharmaceutical companies? Many I know will joke about how untrustworthy Fauci is, how evil globalism is yet go along with the program and “Do as they are told.”
    But not many know–as I do–how morally bankrupt Big Pharma is. How thanks to cronyism, it practically owns our government (rendering the FDA’s approval worthless) and has corrupted both medicine and government.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Gosh, iatrogenic, that means it was aside effect to some medication you were taking, how awful. Whilst I am more or less whole, my mother tried to abort me which means from my hips downwards my bones are not in proper alignment but it is not noticeable.

      Liked by 1 person

  19. Couldn’t it be said that mRNA does not alter DNA genetic code, but rather it intercepts the process whereby DNA generates the mRNA instructions to create proteins?


    1. Not a chance. The mRNA modifies the DNA. This is still in the experimental stage and the side effects are unknown. Meddle with God’s creation and you are in the dung right over your head.

      Liked by 2 people

  20. “information therapy” – it sounds as innoculous as “aborting a fetus” doesn’t it? I thank God, I am old, that I no longer have to be employed by anybody other than God and that I am not long for this world. I am also thanking Him more and more for Him calling us to live here. You may recall I mentioned we were offered the vaccine some seven weeks or so ago and my husband said: “Not at the moment, thank you.” – We have heard nothing since nor do I expect us to either. This is a society which, in many ways, has a Middle Eastern mindset, into which you can sow the attitude of “siga-siga” – in other words “manyana”! Or “slowly, slowly” – this is how it is here and I am so grateful. Push come to shove, we have friends who would do our shopping, what more would we need? My heart goes out to all who are having to face a really awful alternative because they still need to earn a living, or their children still need to go to school. Perhaps it might be helpful if you could research if there is anybody homeschooling who is also very wary of the vaccine too?


    1. We have been homeschooling our children for 10+ years and have been involved in homeschool communities in Louisiana and Texas. Many of the families in every homeschooling community that we have been involved in are very wary of vaccines. Many of the children in these groups are either selectively vaccinated or not vaccinated. None of the homeschooling families I know are taking this vaccine. We’ve all been researching and discussing it for many months.


      1. That’s so good to hear, thank you. We are in our late 70s, our children in their late 40s and our grandchildren are way too handicapped for it to affect them one way or another, please God.


  21. As a former software engineer, l find this talk of the ‘software of life’ alarming. For one thing, early releases are typically full of bugs and unexpected ‘features’, which need extensive testing to iron out. What we have here can at best be described as a beta release of version 1.0. It has undergone only limited unit testing by the developers, who tend to overlook some of the unusual use cases that inevitably arise. Interoperability testing is only just starting, rolled on an international scale. As far as I am aware, there is no uninstall option.

    Liked by 4 people

  22. Thank you Cheri for asking the question about J&J and thanks for the answer, Leo! I actually have been asking around to get more info on the J&J because my husband believes it to be safe, but I thought I remember reading somewhere in my researching, that it also was not good. Definitely do not want to receive any parts from murdered babies!
    Hank you for including this article, Leo! I knew gates has been dabbling in concoctions for various vaccines since the 90’s, right? Interestingly, Moderna has been working on mRNA treatments since at least 2015 ( I believe that is what Zaks said). None of this has been a surprise to any of the script writers. I’m sure you’ve mentioned this documentary in earlier articles, Leo, but folks should check out “Plandemic”
    There are big minds and huge dollars behind all of the workings and hidden agendas of this mass charade!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I’d rather have aborted cells than some unknown chemicals injected they have no idea what can happen in the future. I believe these Pfizer and Moderna shots can also cause sterilization


      1. Yes, the vaccine has a 16% sterility rate. My niece was told this by her employers at Charlotte, NC, CMC hospital. All the young nurses just out of nursing school around age 21 or so would not take the vaccine because they hope to be married and be mothers in the future.


      2. Bill Gates has a history of using vaccines to sterilize women without their knowledge or consent. I found out what he did to some kids in India too. That vaccine was SUPPOSED to protect them from polio.


      3. I think we are chasing wind here. The big question anyone should ask is if they are accepting 6 month old so called science/ “vaccines” into their bodies, which has’nt even been tested properly…. And let’s hope it isn’t forced onto us…

        Liked by 1 person

  23. Mr. Hohmann,

    Do you have any information on the Johnson & Johnson vaccine?

    I have no plans to receive ANY Covid vaccine but the entire Administration of the hospital where I work has been vaccinated but me. (With the Moderna vaccine)

    Never in my life would I have thought I would find myself in this position of being so outnumbered and thought to be either stupid or crazy.

    Thank you for the work you do. It’s greatly appreciated!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hi Cheri. It is people like you who inspired me to write this article. The Johnson and Johnson vaccine, while not mRNA like the other two from Moderna and Pfizer, uses cell lines from aborted babies. If it weren’t for that, I might have been able to recommend the J&J vaccine for those being bullied by their employers, but given that fact I can not recommend it.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Thank you so much.
        I was thinking the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines also used cell lines from aborted babies?

        I figure my hospital will make the shot mandatory this coming fall. I’m preparing for that just in case. I’m grateful for God. I don’t know how people survive without Him. 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Wasn’t the vaccines for Ebola & Zika viruses derived from lines from fetal cells? What exactly does adenovirus mean?


    2. Below that I include the upper part of WaPo’s detailed graph of how the vaccine works. But the graph failed to include the most important steps. DNA from the viral vectored vaccine must enter the nucleus of the cell, where the nuclear machinery transcribes it into messenger RNA. The mRNA then leaves the nucleus and is translated to spike protein. Was this done to prevent the public from noticing that DNA from this vaccine might potentially link to human DNA? Note that the word “harmless” is used twice in the graph.

      Cheryl Nass, MD

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      1. Small pieces of RNA are anything BUT inconsequential when they’re introduced into human cells, as has alreadly been evidenced by the newly emerging SIRNA class of drugs. Basically, these drugs function by selectively ‘clogging up’ the cell’s protein-making machinery (ribosomes) with small ‘key’ fragments of RNA, and can thus be used to inhibit the production of many regulatory and structural proteins. There’s no telling what injecting our bodies with such small pieces of foreign viral RNA might or might not interfere with.

        Nobody had imagined that Thalidomide could cause any harm in humans either, and it turned out to be a complete disaster! Instead of falsely insisting that these novel “non-vaccines’ are safe, they should just admit the unsavory truth. They have not been proven safe or effective, and the end effect is as yet undetermined.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Thank you so much for mentioning thalidomide, I mentioned it on an earlier blog of Leo’s and was shot down in flames for it but I am old enough to remember this was prescribed for women in the early stages of pregnancy who were suffering from morning sickness. To this day I thank God I did not suffer from morning sickness because my pregnancies occur during the time of this dreaddful drug.


      3. PS I forgot to add thank you for your comments as I do not believe many of us will know about what you have shared.


    3. love your courage Mr. Hohmann. I ´m not going to get any vaccination either, this scares me to death.


      1. Hopefully, though, you will not experience ‘death’ but Jesus taking you home instead! My beloved and I are ancient and we will not be taking the vaccine either. In fact we have already been offered it, because of our age but my husband told our doctor’s surgery “Not at the moment, thank you.” and we have heard nothing back for the last seven weeks, but then we live seven thousand miles from the US in a very small country.


    4. Hi Cheri
      Non of the “vaccines” are FDA approved. All three are only EUA (emergency use authorization)! There’s a big difference between FDA approved and EUA! These shots are experimental drugs that will take at least two years of studies to know their effectiveness and safety. Under federal laws, no employer or organizations including hospitals can Mandate employees be injected with experimental drugs! It is illegal!


  24. There is an anti human agenda going on. I sensed it early in 2020 before doing any research, Everything felt unwholesome.

    I don’t think even the Big Boys in Davos fully know what they’re getting themselves into. Or what sort of beings they are getting their ideas from.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So right! My wife and I were watching a conferenc [PW] and Andy Woods in the midst of his presentation said something like 2020 will be very significant, [related to end times].
      As I have been following the Rapture considerations since 1980 my alarm bells were ringing.
      At the moment I heard about Wuhan and event 201 my consideration has been, ”this is the culmination of the 6000 year battle and the setting of the stage for the Tribulation period.

      This particular article is so stunning.


    2. Yes, Billy Crone has exposed vast amounts of information on his videos! There is extensive information regarding what doctors and the military want to do to make super humans by using Crisper!


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