WND News Center

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Would you like to help WND’s style of independent, credible and fearless journalism?

Now more than ever, your financial support is absolutely necessary for the vital task of shining a bright and honest journalistic light on today's world, including the lawless political and cultural forces that daily threaten Americans' happiness, well-being, security and freedom. In an age when journalistic truth is an increasingly rare commodity, the WND News Center is dedicated to making sense out of the chaotic and dangerous era we are living through.

Fortunately, since the IRS has approved the non-profit 501(c)3 status of the WND News Center, your contributions to support this kind of journalism are tax-deductible, to the extent allowed by law.

Today, it is much tougher than ever before for independent, truth-based online news organizations to survive. The systematic suppression of conservative, Christian, pro-life, pro-capitalism and pro-American expression by progressive Big Tech monopolies like Google, Facebook and others has become increasingly brazen. They literally are attempting to extinguish free speech and independent journalism in America. Moreover, Google and Facebook together control approximately 90% of digital advertising, thereby destroying the traditional ad-revenue model for news.

Very simply, times have changed: If you value independent, fearless, truthful news and analysis in an age of rapidly increasing lies and deception, your contribution is essential.

As another alternative, you may mail your contribution to the WND News Center, 2020 Pennsylvania Ave, #351, Washington, DC 2006. You may also donate to the WND News Center through PayPal by clicking here

Thank you very much. We deeply appreciate your support.  




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