Billy Boy Depopulation

Who The Hell Is Billy Boy Anyway? I Don’t Remember Voting for Him, Do You?

Who the hell is Billy Boy, anyway?

Who gave him so much power over our lives? What makes him a (the?) top authority when it comes to jjabs?

What gives him the right and the authority to demand a national lockdown, or to propose that everyone’s right to travel is restricted unless we take his jjab?

What gives him the power to propose the issuing of “certificates for vaccination” that give us back our liberties (and who took those liberties from us in the first place)?

What gives him the right to speak on public matters like he is the voice of the people? I don’t remember voting for him, do you?

Does he hold an official position within the government?

Billy Boy Depopulation

Why is his foundation allowed to travel the world and vaccinate people? Why is his foundation immune to legal action, even after crippling around 47,000 children in India, and allegedly sterilizing half a million young women in Kenya?

Who or what gives him the right to inject children all over the world with chemicals?

Why is the President of the United States of America bowing to this shady character, who is obsessed with population control?

He is quoted saying:

“The world today has 6.8 billion people… now if we do a really great job on new jjabs, healthcare, reproductive health services, we could lower that (number) by perhaps 10 or 15%.” (Source)

Why are we accepting him as an authority on anything? Has the world gone completely insane?

Can someone, please tell me, who the hell is Billy Boy? 

Update: More about Billy Boy’ influence within the US government