Blog on WordPress

Just a note to those interested. I have a couple of blogs on and also one here on WordPress. I’m in the process of codifying them together. Not really sure which site I’ll use; Blogspot, or this one, WordPress. I have an app on my Nook that allows me to easily post and view this blog on my device.

But, I kind of like Blogspot for ease of use. It seems (to me) to be more ‘user-friendly.’ But, now looking giving WordPress a second glance, I like the fact it has a ‘word count.’ I’ve not seen one available on Blogspot. But, it seems as though most of the blogs I follow are on Blogspot. Hmm, this is not an easy decision!

And I don’t care for the idea of having multiple blogs!

If there is anyone out there who has a blog, and may have faced a similar dilemma, please feel welcome to write me. Either post a comment here on this blog, or shoot me a Tweet.

Lastly, for some reason it seems easier to ‘follow’ my blog on this site, WordPress. I don’t even ‘see’ where you would be able to ‘follow’ me on Blogspot. That’s an annoyance, because I would like people to have the option of being able to ‘follow my blog.’

Decisions, decisions.

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