The Enemy Shows His Face

In the last 10 years of my teaching career I’ve seen a steady increase in the prevalence of gang activity. Contrary to popular opinion, this does not occur simply at poor inner city schools amongst minority students. Gangs actively recruit where the money is, which means branching out into wealthy suburbs and recruiting in charter schools just as they have in traditional public schools.

My first serious encounter with gang recruitment amongst students happened at a small charter campus in a “safe” neighborhood on the “good” side of town. Some of the kids there had been moved out of the regular public school system by their parents to escape gang activity; unfortunately they were already infected and brought the problem with them. A group of kids claiming to be affiliated with the Gangster Disciples began to cause a ruckus on campus, and our principal was both clueless and hapless, and assured me what I saw and documented couldn’t be happening, because we only had good kids at our school.

Later I became acquainted with two different sets of the Bloods (including a Piru set), a set of the Crips (although they were far less numerous and generally got beat down by the far more numerous Bloods in the area) and the Black Disciples (who were once part of the same organization as the Gangster Disciples, then known as the Black Gangster Disciples, before they split up and began trying to kill each other off). The Gangster Disciples seemed to be open to recruiting all ethnicities, while the others were all Black gangs. What I hadn’t run across were any Hispanic gangs…. until now.

A couple of weeks ago a Hispanic student in one of my classes returned a test I had handed out. He answered none of the questions on the test, but he did tag the front cover with “Sur 13” as well as some Spanish phrases and a couple of crude drawings illustrating both his love of weed and a threat towards me. I handed the tagged paper over to campus security and administration, they gave the kid a two day suspension and a warning not to kill any of his teachers or classmates. Or at least none of his classmates.

The same day I turned over the paper to security I had another Hispanic kid, about 17, stand up in class and start doing a “call out” for the Surenos, chanting “Surenos! Surenos!” loudly and repeatedly in class. He refused to stop, so I removed him to the hall. Security showed up and escorted him off. He managed to get them to take him to an assistant principal well known to the students for her lackadaisical leniency in all things discipline related, with the predictable result of being sent back to class with a warning not to do it again (never mind that our district handbook mandates suspension and referral to a behavioral intervention committee, and that state law stipulates administrators must follow strict discipline policies on gang violations).

Since Sureno 2 was spared any consequences, predictably enough his family members showed up at school demanding a conference, on the grounds that I am clearly a racist or I wouldn’t have had an issue with his outburst to begin with. Ironically enough, “Surenos” allegedly means “Southern United Raza,” so I guess somewhere there really is a race issue here, but hey, who’s really checking anything out here anyway?

So now the Surenos, previously not in this neck of the woods, are making their presence known in the public schools here. If they’re this bold now, I assume they already have a firm foothold in “the community.” I’m sure the open Southern border has nothing to do with any of this as well, but what do I know?

I spy with my little eye….

Who has eyes to see, let him see….

That’s assuming it ever had one…


Unconditional is unlikely with a death cult….

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Return of the Phantom Students

My current school district is struggling with student performance, which really doesn’t make us much different than a sizeable portion of all public schools. Still, our administration constantly worries that the state will decide to declare us sufficiently insufficient on our standard test scores to take over the district, the main result of which would be to appoint a few new administrators to do the same old things. That being said, administration cast their collective minds far and wide for solutions… or maybe it was just one person, I don’t know. At any rate, a master plan of sorts has emerged and begun to unfold.

The first thing we need to do, the collected teachers were told, is to get our attendance numbers up. We are judged in large part against the Every Student Succeeds Act, the federal law that followed on the heels of GW Bush’s somewhat less than successful No Child Left Behind Act. We currently have an excessive rate of absenteeism, in addition to which our students often fail to show up. If we can demonstrate an increased rate of regular student attendance it can, in theory, improve our rating. Not only would this improved rating decrease the chance of a state takeover, it might also lead to more federal money, which is of course a good thing without caveats.

How, then, might we improve our attendance? After all, if there is one thing public schools know how to do, it’s to take attendance. Butts in seats is dollars in the bank after all. Our administration unveiled a new plan….

In the past, if a student was more than 15 minutes late to class, they were counted absent. This has been the case at most, if not all educational institutions I have worked with. It occurred to our superiors that if we marked any student present on whom we laid eyes, however briefly, we would have a lower rate of absenteeism, thus improving our numbers. Hence we were informed that if we saw a student set foot in our classroom for only a few brief seconds at the beginning of class, and that he then absconded, he was nevertheless to be marked as “present”. Likewise, if we were at the very end of our 85 minute teaching block, and an eager pupil popped in for the final forty seconds of class, she was tardy, but not absent. Any student, sighted no matter how briefly, was to be marked present. Perhaps you can see where this is headed.

Having first consulted with a legal rep with my professional association, I advised my principal that I did not think this was entirely the right thing to do, and that I would have to abstain. My principal expressed the deepest respect would might expect for such a statement, and made several promising references to my immediate and far flung future. Of course, at least I won’t be on the hook as the one trying to hatch a scheme to defraud the federal government, but I’m not sure that’s really a think anymore anyway.

Matt Gaetz might have pulled off something worthwhile after all….

Verde is for liars….

The Gordian Taco….

Apathy Man ftw….

Sue if you can’t execute….

Looks interesting….

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A Child Rape No One Cares About

A teacher I know is dealing with a difficult situation. One of his students, a fourteen year old girl, started off the year enthusiastic and engaged. She sat on the front row, voluntarily (!), and read and discussed the novel her class was going through with obvious intelligence and interest. Then, almost overnight, everything changed.

The girl moved to the back of the room, and refused to return to her seat at the front. She refused to read aloud or engage in class discussion, even though a week earlier she had at times lead the discussions. She spent most of the class with her head down, refusing to engage on any level.

Then she was absent for an extended period. When the teacher looked into it, he discovered that she had been suspended, although no one was willing or able to say why. Eventually she returned to class. The formerly cheerful freshman looked haggard. She didn’t look older, exactly, but there was a frightening deadness in her eyes.

The teacher, concerned, finally asked her to step into the hallway, out of earshot of the other students, and asked her if she was okay. She broke down and told him that she was having to take shots, and finally let the teacher know she was suffering from an STD.

The teacher called the child abuse hotline run by the state police. The first time he was placed on hold until after business hours and no one ever answered. The second time, the next morning, someone finally answered. A tired sounding operator took the report. When the teacher explained the situation, the operator opined “well you know, kids are having sex earlier all the time these days.” She took the report, but told the teacher it probably wouldn’t go anywhere.

By the end of the day the teacher received an e-mail telling him there would be no follow up, as there was nothing worth investigating. Even though a girl who was two years under the age of consent was suffering from an STD, it wasn’t worth the child protection’s time to even look into the matter.

So what, one wonders, should this teacher do now?

Check the mail…

Join the crew….

May the Phillies always lose…

To vet or not to vet….

Purple haze….

Czech it out….

For da $….

The Wright man….

The issue is there no matter the color…


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Why the South Lost the Civil War (and Why It Matters a Great Deal Today) Part I

Because they fired first, that’s why. One supposes, however, that a bit more explanation is due before the reader will accept this truism.

First of all, I am a Southerner born an bred, from a family that was firmly ensconced south of the Mason Dixon line for over two decades prior to the outbreak of the war. That being said, my ancestors were, for the most part, “free soil” partisans and abolitionists, as well as Union loyalists during the late unpleasantry. My family was, and continues to be, great fans of Abraham Lincoln, as much a heresy as that may be to some. For the most part my ancestors managed to steer clear of the war, and those unfortunate few who did end up in uniform managed to steer clear of most major fighting.

In the Presidential election of 1860, Lincoln took only around 40% of the popular vote. That being said, the states he won outright still provided enough electors to have secured his victory even against a united Democratic party… which was not in evidence during this fateful election. The Democrats split their votes among multiple candidates, ensuring that regardless as to what else happened, Lincoln’s victory was assured. Thus a fractured Democratic party saw a President elected whom they insisted they could and would not recognize as a legitimate leader of the nation.

As we all know, Southern states began the process of seceding in a piece-meal fashion soon after the election. The wrath of man was rampant among many of the pro-slavery partisans who now advocated leaving the Union, and a slow process involving legislative votes and court cases was not to their liking, so they opted instead to open fire on Fort Sumter.

But what if they had not done so? Had various slave states across the South chosen to non-violently go their own ways, putting the vote to their own legislators, having their position advocated by their own Senators, and their pleas for a peaceful separation heard in court, what might have happened? It is quite likely that the Supreme Court, as constituted at the time, would have been favorable to the Southerner’s position. With the power individual Senators then enjoyed, a block of Southern Senators voting together could well have shut down business in D.C. Furthermore, it is highly unlikely that the Northern states would have agreed to allow the President to form an army to attack a peaceful South pleading its case through legal means. It is quite likely that a peaceful separation could and would have been achieved fairly quickly. The hot-headed decision to open fire on Union troops gave Lincoln and his partisans all the justification, both legal and rhetorical, necessary to raise an army and wage war.

In short, the South lost a war because it fought a war for a cause it would have won without fighting. But, of course, I could be wrong. Thoughts and comments are most welcome.

Bullwinkle v Bums….

If it bleeds it leads….

Well, at least it’s not a moose….

On fathers…

Pagans, again, to no one’s surprise…

Like if she’s already married to someone else?….

Cheap, clean and reliable…

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Missing Children

The last few years my work as a school teacher has involved teaching in Title I (high poverty, low academic performance) schools with large minority populations. Previous to my current assignment I was working at a school that was 90%+ black and hispanic. In a high school with an alleged enrollment of nearly 700 students, we had a daily absentee rate of 50%. Hard as it is to believe, our 700 on paper was 350 in classrooms.

I learned a few things here. First, once a child was “on the books” (enrolled in the school) it was virtually impossible to remove him, even if you never once saw his face. District policy required that for a child to be removed, he must be marked absent 10 days in a row in every class. Inevitably some teacher or the other would simply neglect to take roll in one class, one day, and the countdown would begin anew. So even though this kid never showed up, he was still “enrolled.”

This allowed the school to still collect the funds allocated by federal, state and local money for students. Disenrolling a student would have cost the school north of $10,000, so if the district had honestly reported true numbers the finances would have collapsed.

That being said, I came to suspect that some teachers were intentionally failing to take roll with administrative approval, or perhaps even administrative rewards. Our principal would publicly bemoan the lack of proper bookkeeping and threaten consequences, but nothing ever happened, and I sincerely doubt he wanted anything to happen.

Besides the financial irregularities involved, this also led to hijinks in grading. All the teachers at the school were given a certain percentage of students you were allowed to assign a failing grade in your class, and past that number everyone would receive a passing grade. I found that once I assigned “F” grades to all the students who never showed up I had used up my full allotment of failing grades; hence in order to pass the class all you had to do was show up occasionally.

Following covid, when schools re-opened, hundreds, if not thousands of children were missing from district enrollment. I don’t know if all of these kids were ever really there at all, but I’m sure some of them must have been, and now they have just “disappeared.” This is not just at the high school level, it’s the entire K-12 system in a district with over 20,000 students. Nobody knows where these children went, and I suspect for many of them it was nowhere good. I try to “keep an eye out” (as well as an ear), but they’re just gone. I don’t know what to do.

The unfriendly skies….

George is back….

The one that got away….

Honor your father….

Not to emulate…

Yay us!!!!…

We’re all on the spectrum now….

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In Trouble Again (Really, It’s Not My Fault)

So I suppose I may soon be looking for a new church home… again. Or not. Maybe I’ll stick around and try to fight it out, convince my fellow congregants of the error of their ways, etc. I suppose I ought to at least try. What, you ask, is going on? Well, one of our preachers (we currently have two) posts our weekly online bulletin. The latest included a short article entitled “Women Are Special”, and as soon as you read the title you know where this is going. A good sample from the article are these few lines…

Women are special because their personality, looks, and strong will towards what she is accomplishing can draw any man under her power.

Everything you can see about a woman is special – her hair, her eyes, lips, hands, body, and everything else you want to include.

Okay, now what business, exactly, does any church professing to be “Christian” have publishing and promoting this kind of garbage.

This is purely carnal… The first line is Delilah, Solomon’s wives and Jezebel. The fact that a supposed “Christian” preacher thinks women should be strong willed, and use their looks and “personality” to control men is a literal inversion of the Biblical order of things, and as you may have read elsewhere, inversion is indeed Satanic.

The next line is a purely carnal appeal to eros, physical lust. At any rate, I’m on the rotation to be giving a presentation before the congregation soon. I’m thinking Viking funeral, because that’s no less Christian than this filth.

You can believe what you want to believe….

Never trust the narrative…

In all fairness, it is who their most likely to have shooting at them….


Always take free advice for what you paid for it…

Cowards one and all…

Not well at all, that’s how….

Not a coward…

On rhetorical tricks…

Yes. Next question?….


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Confronting the Lies

31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;

32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

John 8, KJV

The church of which I am a member holds a mid-week Bible study every Wednesday night (a common occurrence for many churches in the southern U.S.). This past week our preacher was addressing the matter of “be ye not conformed to the world” and brought up the current Satanic fad of the transgender cult as an example of being conformed to the world. Fair enough, I thought, although I rather think of the trans cult as being even outside of the world, as they inhabit a self-made hell of alternate reality, but that’s a whole other thing to talk about later.

At this point one of the young women spoke up with a “question” (as well as a good demonstration as to why Paul said for women to keep their yaps shut in church) about her job. She complained that she works as a nurse at a children’s hospital, and she is afraid that if she does not go along with the trans cult she will lose her current job, and possibly her nursing license as well. Considering where we live and where she resides I believe this is highly unlikely; nevertheless she professes to believe it. She intimated that her administration has threatened the medical staff if they do not go along, and knowing what I do of hospital administrators I am inclined to believe her.

At this point another fellow offered his own concerns as well, namely that it was okay to speak against the trans cult while we were in church, but doing so once we were back out in the “real world” was simply to dangerous. He never specified what danger he might actually face, only that openly refusing to use the preferred pronouns of the latest lunatic fringe was simply too dangerous to contemplate out in the “real world.”

Another congregant then voiced his concern, stating that as a teacher in a public school (no, it was NOT me) he felt “pressured” to use the pronouns demanded by those who were befuddled in the attempt to identify their own genitalia. He stressed the need for kindness, which the preacher immediately seized upon; at this point there seemed to be a developing consensus that the best plan was to be “nice” and try not to “hurt peoples’ feelings”.

At this point I finally felt the need to interrupt and make a few necessary observations:

  1. “Nice” is nowhere in the Bible.
  2. The Trans cult is not interested in nice; they demand complete submission. You will obey them in all things, including handing over your children, or they will come after you.
  3. Too many alleged Christians want zero effort and zero sacrifice religion. Christ told us to count it all joy when we suffer persecution for His name’s sake; it was clear the people speaking out in this class had never taken that lesson to heart.
  4. The Trans cult is not nearly so powerful as they would have you believe; much of their rage is born from the constant fear they live in that everyone will start telling them “no.”
  5. The Trans cult are deviants who prey on children, destroying them and using them for sexual playthings. This is what the whole “drag queen story hour” is about.
  6. Adherents of the Trans cult will react to people trying to be “nice” in the same manner as any predator sensing weakness. Do I really need to spell that out?
  7. Suggesting that the Trans cult has anything to do with the “real world” is laughable on the face of it.
  8. The Apocalypse of St. John teaches that cowards are the first ones thrown into Hell.

The never ending desire of “Christians” to be accepted by the world, or even left alone by those in thrall to Satan, is pathetic. Why is church attendance in a free fall? Why is church growth non-existent? Because at the first sign of the slightest possibility of danger, or even disapproval, the modern “christian” falls to his knees to beg the forgiveness of Satan for being such and inconvenience, with a promise to be sure to be “nice” from now and and enforce “niceness” on his fellow christians as well.

More later, God willing.

Turtles all the way down…

Okay, yeah, he’s good….

Hard Times….

When he gets out he’ll do it again….

Red baiting….

What were they thinking?….

Undone by 9th Century Tech (NOT a balloon)…..

Do it right or not at all….

Yes, and it does have meaning….


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Believing the Lie(s)

11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

II Thessalonians 2; KJV

While we commonly and rightfully condemn liars, we are often prone to excuse the actions of those who perform evil acts because they believed lies. Perhaps being mindful of our own human frailties we wish to avoid condemning the actions of individuals who truly believed they were doing a good thing. We need to reconsider this point of view, and I suggest we begin by asking why do we humans so often believe lies in the first place?

The first recorded lie was told to Eve by the serpent, when he promised “you shall not surely die.” Eve was deceived, and took the fruit, and gave it to her husband as well. But why was Eve deceived? She was deceived not because the serpent was so audacious and rhetorically clever; rather she was deceived because the serpent encouraged her to do what she wanted to do anyway. The fruit was pleasant to the eye (lust of the eye), good for food (lust of the flesh) and desired to make one wise (pride of life). Eve ate and fell because she believed what she wanted to believe rather than the word of God and her husband.

So it is today. Why do so many alleged Christians believe the lies of Black Lives Matter and join in their deadly riots? They are told they can take what they want (lust of the flesh) and that they are owed reparations as a special people (pride of life), amongst other things. Telling people that it is morally justifiable to loot their neighbors businesses and then burn them to the ground is an obvious lie; the looters and arsonists believe the lie because, in their minds, it justifies what they want to do anyway.

The more we listen to lies, the more God will allow Satan to deceive us. When we reject His law, and by extension reject God Himself, He will withdraw from us, and in so doing remove His protection from deception. Today our most educated class believes the most ridiculous lies… that genitally mutilating and sterilizing young children can change them into the opposite sex and make them happy and fulfilled people. Any previous generation would have instantly recognized this as madness; any civilized society would lock these people up before they could harm a child and execute those who had already harmed children. The fact that these individuals believed they were doing right is irrelevant… they believed a lie because it let them do what they wanted to, at the expense of the lives of innocent children.

Except for the one in Arkansas…

Born this way…

More about lies…

Love the dice…

How it should work….

It’s not about the $…

Hardly the point….

On Sudan…

Well, yes…

Love the view….

Kinda gross…

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On Public Education 9: By the Numbers

So, I teach at a Title 1 high school in a semi-urban area in a red state. Have you considered what your child will be exposed to if you enroll them in a school like this?

As a whole, our school boasts 11% of students able to do math at grade level and 22% able to read at grade level. In all fairness, Baltimore or Chicago would kill for those numbers (maybe literally, who knows). Still, that means your child’s daily peers will be 78% low literacy at best, and largely illiterate in numeracy. What effect will it have on your child to have this as his peer set?

I have a fairly small total number of students this year… around 120. It’s definitely been worse. Of those, a little over 20% have IEPs, and another 11% have 504 plans but not IEPs. (Some have both, if that’s the case I only count them in the IEP number). This means over 20% have a learning disability of some sort or the other, while 11% have another type of disability, which is often behavioral.

If a student with a 504 plan “acts out” in any way, no matter the level of violence, they cannot be expelled until the school’s 504 committee has a meeting in which the committee must determine whether the student’s actions were a manifestation of his disability. The committee will consist of the student’s parent/guardian, two administrators, and two teachers. If any three (majority vote) determine the behavior was a manifestation of the student’s disability the school cannot discipline him, and he will be returned to class.

Our school recently had an incident in which a student who has a 504 had been expelled the previous year for arson (trying to burn the school down during the middle of the day), but, as required by law, the student re-enrolled the following year. He promptly attacked another student in the classroom, and when the teacher intervened he attacked the teacher as well, resulting in a serious injury to the staff member. The 504 committee determined that the student’s actions (all captured on video) were a manifestation of his disability, and promptly returned him to the classroom. The student whom he initially attacked secured a restraining order against him, but the school advised his teachers there was no alternate placement available, so they would leave him in the class in violation of the order of protection. This happens more often than you might think.

Another student has an IEP for ASPD. ASPD, if you don’t know, is what the DSM 5 calls psychopathy, since the DSM does not recognize psychopathy as an official diagnosis. This student is, obviously, a legal adult, as only those over the age of 18 can officially receive a diagnosis of ASPD. This student will be able to stay in school until reaching age 22. The student is also sexually aggressive towards other students of both sexes. Which means we have a sexually aggressive adult psychopath roaming the halls (and bathrooms) with children as young as 14.

As I have mentioned before, I have no legal obligation under state law to protect a student from any other student. I cannot be held legally liable if I turn a blind eye and refuse to intercede while one student attacks another. If I choose to intercede, I face a strong likelihood of unemployment (at best), a good likelihood of physical injury (and if the student has a 504 or IEP it’s a free shot for them), and the distinct possibility of arrest and imprisonment.

This is the reality of the public school where I teach, and we are by no means unique. Do not place your children here.

Democrats are gonna Democrat….

Karen on steroids…

Yeah, that’s what I said….

Is this something……

It hasn’t gone too far, it’s just wrong to begin with….

Mansplaining theology…

You are the target….

Bowdlerizing Balderdash….

Yes again….


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Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs Calls for Murder of Christian Children

“Okrahead!” you may scream, “that’s not really what happened! You can’t say that!”

Well, yes it is, and yes I can. Follow along.

As everyone now knows, on Monday a female terrorist of the transgender suicide cult attacked a small Christian school in Nashville, TN, killing three nine year old children and three staff members before she was in turn killed by responding police officers. The Nashville PD has the murderess’ manifesto, but for all too likely reasons has not yet released its contents. Be that as it may, the shooter left enough of a social media trail to know why she did what she did. She hated Christians, she hated normal people and she hated that school for not “affirming” her in her mental illness.

Hours after the killing… several hours… Josselyn Berry put out a tweet with a picture of a woman holding a revolver in each hand, apparently pointed at an unseen adversary, with the caption, “Us when we see transphobes.” As with all communications, to be fully understood it must be understood in context. Let’s talk about the context here…

  1. Berry was already aware of the Nashville school shooting, and the murder of children, by a woman who thought she was a man. Berry is a press professional plugged in to mass communications working in government; by the time her tweet went out this was already becoming “old news” in the mainstream media.
  2. Since Berry was already aware of the nature of the Nashville shooter as well as the religious identity of her victims, it is impossible to understand her tweet as anything other than a celebration of the murdered children in Nashville and an exhortation for other trans terrorists to carry out similar attacks.

Please understand what I am saying here…. Berry was indicating she was aware of the attack, the nature of the attack and was celebrating the attack and calling for more of the same.

Okay, but how does this implicate Hobbs?

Berry was Hobbs’ press secretary, a carefully vetted position responsible for communicating the governor’s issues stances and public statements. Hobbs herself chose Berry to put out her “public face.” Here is a lesson in leadership…. if you make someone your spokesperson, and give her a microphone, you are responsible for what she says. Hobbs can try and back pedal from this all she wants, but she’s the CEO of a state and she chose this woman as her spokesperson. It’s her responsibility.

Also consider that even when Hobbs did finally put out a statement, she simply said Berry resigned, not that she was fired. Not firing Berry, and allowing her to resign demonstrates Hobbs’ continuing sympathy for Berry and the message she put forward in the governor’s name. Hobbs owns this every which way.

This is what we’ve come to… the Democratic Governor of a U.S. State cheering a terrorist murdering third-graders and calling for an encore. This is what we have to face is our new reality. Refusing to acknowledge it will not make it go away.

Crazy people…


Gather no foot….

Crocogators to blame….





Money morality…


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