Correspondence| Volume 374, ISSUE 9699, P1419, October 24, 2009

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The myth of the virgin rape myth

Published:October 24, 2009DOI:
      We wish to question the assertion of Laura Murray and Gilbert Burnham (June 6, p 1924)
      • Murray L
      • Burnham G
      Understanding childhood sexual abuse in Africa.
      that “The widely held African belief that an infected male can be ‘cleansed’ of HIV through sexual intercourse with a virgin puts younger girls at particular risk in communities with a high prevalence of HIV.”
      Murray and Burnham provide no reference for this statement, probably because there is no evidence to support it. We do not claim knowledge of the entire African continent, but our research in South Africa and Namibia shows that, although the idea of a virgin sex cure is familiar in some African communities, evidence from service providers working with cases of child sexual abuse and from ethnographic and epidemiological studies of child rapists and their victims suggests that it is very rarely a motivating factor in these cases.
      • Jewkes R
      • Martin L
      • Penn-Kekana L
      The virgin cleansing myth: cases of child rape are not exotic.
      • Jewkes R
      • Penn-Kekana L
      • Rose-Junius H
      “If they rape me, I can't blame them”: reflections on the social context of child sexual abuse in South Africa and Namibia.
      • Jewkes R
      Child sexual abuse and HIV infection.
      Claims that virgin rape myths drive child sex abuse have surfaced from time to time in the context of social inequality and racial tension, even in Western countries.
      • Jewkes R
      Child sexual abuse and HIV infection.
      • Posel D
      The scandal of manhood: “Baby rape” and the politicization of sexual violence in post-apartheid South Africa.
      In the current South African case, this claim is predicated on racist assumptions about the amorality of African men and is highly stigmatising towards people with HIV. It is also a diversion from the real causes of child rape which, in southern Africa at least, have much to do with the challenges posed by deepening poverty and inequality to existing gender-based and age-based social hierarchies.
      • Jewkes R
      • Penn-Kekana L
      • Rose-Junius H
      “If they rape me, I can't blame them”: reflections on the social context of child sexual abuse in South Africa and Namibia.
      We declare that we have no conflicts of interest.


      1. 1.
        • Murray L
        • Burnham G
        Understanding childhood sexual abuse in Africa.
        Lancet. 2009; 373: 1924-1926
      2. 2.
        • Jewkes R
        • Martin L
        • Penn-Kekana L
        The virgin cleansing myth: cases of child rape are not exotic.
        Lancet. 2002; 359: 711
      3. 3.
        • Jewkes R
        • Penn-Kekana L
        • Rose-Junius H
        “If they rape me, I can't blame them”: reflections on the social context of child sexual abuse in South Africa and Namibia.
        Soc Sci Med. 2005; 61: 1809-1820
      4. 4.
        • Jewkes R
        Child sexual abuse and HIV infection.
        in: Richter L Dawes A Higson-Smith C The Sexual Abuse of Young Children in Southern Africa. HSRC, Cape Town2004: 130-142
      5. 5.
        • Posel D
        The scandal of manhood: “Baby rape” and the politicization of sexual violence in post-apartheid South Africa.
        Culture Health Sexuality. 2005; 7: 239-252

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