Saturday, August 6, 2022

Sad Beyond Comprehension

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My GGG Grandfather built Dixieland, a Georgian style in 1790 and a Federal style in 1810.  We lost it after the War in 1866 and I was fortunate to be able to return it to the family in 1992. Today it was lost again.

The worst decision I've ever made, bar none 

I was listening to a Confederate podcast and the speaker
said he had a generational home in the Shenandoah Valley,
near the river, that if he lost that home it would be like
losing a family member. So your pain and suffering is
realistic. Dixieland is you and you are Dixieland.
We don't live in the past, the past lives in us. Basically,
you are haunted and hopefully the suffering will degrade
in time. Who would have ever thought.


“To every man upon this earth
Death cometh soon or late ;
And how can men die better
Than facing fearful odds
For the ashes of his fathers
And the temples of his gods.”

Hi, Brock. Just wanted to check-in on how you are doing.
Are you still monitoring the depressing news? There is lots
I would like to ask but will settle with you are Okay.
Your website is sadly missed as being one of the best on the web.
Take care and keep the faith as you will not be undone.

Brock, I never comment but I must say this. It is not merely good to forgive yourself, it is an absolute obligation. You didn't abandon Dixieland, rather the Lord G-d simply transferred it from your loving care into the care of another. It wasn't your failure, rather it was His Will. Therefore, you MUST forgive yourself, not only for your sake, but for His sake. Bless you my dear Brother.

May peace be upon you friend and brother. My best to you and your family and my deepest sympathies, but in this war that we call life, we cannot win every battle.Hold your head high for the fight that you have fought. Truly my best regards, Jay

Thank you, Great One.

Hey Brock, It's Good to see that you are still commenting at least. I too am on a Long March back to Normalcy, of a New Sort. Long Pneumonia, good days and bad days blend in my memory. I pray for your speedy recovery, Sir. You are an Iconic Figure, and a Voice heard around the World. Keep the Faith and Stay Strong My Friend.

~~G.W. Long

Our dear Townsend, God bless you, good sir. You have been a blessing to many, even myself.


One less tear today

Mr Townsend, I just want to assure you that we love this house and we will take good care of it. We’re so grateful that you took such good care of the home so that our family can enjoy it, especially our 2 year old. I hope you enjoy your new home.

You are also welcome to visit anytime. 



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Bitter Sweet

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Tears, Idle Tears by Alfred Lord Tennyson 

Crossing the Bar

Sunset and evening star,
      And one clear call for me!
And may there be no moaning of the bar,
      When I put out to sea,

   But such a tide as moving seems asleep,
      Too full for sound and foam,
When that which drew from out the boundless deep
      Turns again home.

   Twilight and evening bell,
      And after that the dark!
And may there be no sadness of farewell,
      When I embark;

   For tho' from out our bourne of Time and Place
      The flood may bear me far,
I hope to see my Pilot face to face
      When I have crost the bar. 


I am doing good for my age, turning 87 tomorrow, hopefully.  

I am so sorry to learn of you having another operation, this one for on your intestines.  I certainly pray for a full recovery and return to the health you had prior to going to Mexico.   I saw on your site that you recently sold Dixieland.  I know that must have been tough for you to depart the family treasure.  Hopefully, the new owners will take care of the home and preserve it, the way you did.  I have fond memories of several Sundays at Dixieland for our reunions and luncheons.  Thank you for opening up your home for those occasions.

Take care, Colby

Bitter Sweet


Friday, July 15, 2022

I Lived Again......


                I Lived ******

*After the Guadalajara fiasco, I basically beat all my problems only to return to Emerald Isle and the emergency room in Morehead City. As the surgeon and I walked to the operating room she said you need to make a decision which concerned the small intestines as they appeared to be interlocked with the large ones.  She could let me go gently or brought back for two or three days to say goodby as you cannot live without small intestines except in rare instances and mentioned that she was brutally honest in all cases. I said I would tell her before put to sleep and picked the former. When I awoke I was told she had found only that the small ones had moved around the large ones and both were in good shape with good blood circulation and said that she hadn't seen this before and we might have to go back in. Additionally, I wouldn't be out of the woods but the next three days would be critical which I assumed the small ones might return from whence they came after she replaced them.  Haven't fully recovered from this one but on the way I pray.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022



Please reply if attending and anyone who has something to say or do, please respond. Format as before HERE

Friday, June 24, 2022

RIP My Friend, NAGO Plus Drew Dix, CMOH Winner

                                                                          NAGO far left.

Pictures enlarge at link.

My Friend, NAGO And Drew Dix, CMOH Winner



Duong Nhat Ngo

June 23, 1939 - June 24, 2022

Service: Parlor at Johnson Funeral Home
Sunday, July 3, 2022, 11:00 am - 2:00 pm

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Remembering Gods and Generals


Lest we forget, it has been nineteen years since the film “Gods and Generals” was released to screens across the United States—to be exact, on February 21, 2003—almost ten years after the release of the blockbuster film, “Gettysburg.”

“Gods and Generals” was based on the historical novel by Jeff Shaara, while “Gettysburg” was based on a work by his father, Michael Shaara. An intended third installment, “The Last Full Measure,” which would have carried events of the War Between the States to its conclusion, was shelved after critics savaged “Gods and Generals,” citing what Wikipedia termed its “length, pacing, screenplay, and endorsement of the controversial neo-Confederate ‘Lost Cause’ myth.”

Undoubtedly, “Gods and Generals” is more episodic than its prequel, which indeed centers its action around one pivotal event in the war, the epochal Battle of Gettysburg. And, yes, it is long—the director’s cut is four hours and forty minutes in duration. Yet, “Gettysburg” in its original version is only slightly shorter. But given its thematic unity it succeeds, perhaps, as more theatrical and digestible by a public attuned to simpler plots and more compact storylines. Whereas in “Gettysburg” the viewer watches as events unfold steadily toward an eventual climax that we all know is coming and at the same time manages to engage those who experience it as if—somehow—it is happening now for the first time, “Gods and Generals” is somewhat reminiscent of a mini-series with episodic segments attempting to offer viewers an impression of how the war actually began and how, in its first two years, it was fought.

More @ The Abbeville Institute


In the following article I try to step back from the heat of the Robert E. Lee controversy swirling on today's Washington and Lee campus; and to look again at who Lee was, what he did, and why, in order possibly to renew our perspective on the justice of the fundamental charge brought against him:  namely, that he led a Confederate army, thus acting in defense of the Confederate cause, putting him "on the wrong side of history," as they say; and leading his accusers to the conclusion that it is now, and always has been, wrong to venerate him at Washington and Lee.  I think this is an over-simplistic view of Lee and a far too narrowly focused judgement of him, arising partly from ignorance and partly from kowtowing to the crusading woke activism of the day.  In any case, I likely say nothing in the article that you do not already know, and hope only perhaps to refresh spirits and renew confidence in the rightness of our views, faced, as we are, with the unyielding intransigence of our opposition.

To this end, please donate to The Generals Redoubt to pay for professional research related to defending Lee Chapel as a National Historical Landmark, and for future funding to educate students about the rich history and legacy of Robert E. Lee.  We need your help if we are to save Lee Chapel as a campus and national treasure.  Thank you for any contribution you can give us. 


Wednesday, June 8, 2022

The Last Americans to Believe in the Voluntary Union of the States


“If there is to be a separation [i.e., secession of New England], then God bless them [the two countries] both, & keep them in the union if it be for their good, but separate them if it be better.”

  • Thomas Jefferson, Letter to John C. Breckenridge, Aug. 12, 1803, regarding the New England secession movement

“No state . .  can lawfully get out of the union . . . acts against the authority of the United States are insurrectionary . . .”

  • Abraham Lincoln, First Inaugural Address

“Extermination, not of soldiers alone, that is the least of the trouble, but the people [of the South].”

  • Letter from General Sherman to his wife, July 31, 1862, explaining his purpose in the war

More @ The Abbeville Institute

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Recommended Books about the South and Its History


A friend recently asked me for a list of good books about the South and “the Late Unpleasantness” which he could share with his two sons, one of whom will be entering college this fall, and the other who will be a high school senior. I began naming some volumes, at random. But my friend stopped me in mid-sentence and asked if I could compile and write down a list of about ten books which would essentially touch the main points of Southern history and culture: that is, offering a non-politically correct view of the War Between the States, placing the institution of slavery in its proper context (as not the determining factor for the War), and taking a sympathetic view of the richness of our Southern heritage…and, perhaps most importantly, suggesting some works that a bright college freshman and high school senior could understand and refer to as they navigated the corrupted hallways of our American educational system. 

More @ The Abbeville Institute

Lest We Forget

Hello My Southern Gentleman Friend
"The sleep of the Civil War dead is even more disturbed these days. If the woke brigades get their way, every last Confederate soldier will be dug up from his final resting place and — What? Burned? Thrown in the swamp? Shipped to Devil’s Island?"

This is a good read and worth the time if you can.
Be well my Friend and Mentor
Your northern Copperhead Friend

 As most of you know, I joined the Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV) a while back. Given the current cultural climate here in the Nation Formerly Known as the United States of America, it’s about the most politically incorrect organization I could belong to. I suppose the Klan would be worse, but to the progressive mainstream it’s undoubtedly “Klan, Sons of Confederate Veterans — same thing.”

Many years ago I wrote a poem entitled “Mason Dixon” that began with these lines:

    The central obsession of our federal estate
    is the bloody conflict that divided it.
    Thirteen decades later its veterans’ reunions
    and widows’ pensions are no more,
    but the dead still rest uneasy
    in their ordered rows.Mp

More @ Gates of Vienna