
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 30, 2024





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As many governments are gradually being forced to pull back from COVID restrictions, we have been searching for the direction of the next global assault on individual freedom and the sovereign constitutional republics of the world, including the U.S.A. We have discovered the next move of the global predators—already in progress—in their escalating assaults against individual and political freedom. 

The next big assault on human freedom involves a legalized takeover of national healthcare systems by the World Health Organization (WHO). This stealth attack—with its initial plans already backed by many nations—will begin full implementation in 2024 if it is not quickly recognized and fought!

New World Order for Health

Tedros is a Marxist stooge for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).1 The Chinese Communist influence over WHO has been solid for more than a decade, and the party was able to install Tedros without any competition. He became the first and only Director-General who is not a physician and instead is a communist politician.

Now the Director-General of WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus—known simply as Tedros—has unveiled plans to take charge of all global health.

While addressing the WHO Executive Committee on January 24, 2022, Director-General Tedros spelled out his global health plan, including his final priority for his enormous scheme:2

The fifth priority is to urgently strengthen WHO as the leading and directing authority on global health, at the center of the global health architecture.”

Tedros’s closing words to his report to the executive committee are chilling in their grandiosity and echo Marxist exhortations to cheering mobs by a Stalin, Mao, or Xi Jinping:

“We are one world, we have one health, we are one WHO.”

Tedros seeks to become super-Fauci for the world, and, like Fauci, he will do it on behalf of the global predators.

It Began with the Decade of Vaccines

The COVID-19 pandemic, organized by the global predators, was the spearhead of the first attack, and relied heavily on their manipulation of WHO for its cover-up of China’s release of SARS-CoV-2 and for justifying vastly destructive shutdowns. In our new book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey; we go into great detail about the draconian plans for the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic that originated at least as early as 2010 when Bill Gates announced the Decade of Vaccines at Davos with Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF).3

Gates and Schwab were joined by the CEO of the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI), a consortium devoted to bloating the wealth of the pharmaceutical industry through the massive distribution of vaccines with public financing. At the same time, Anthony Fauci was brought onto Bill Gates’ vaccine advisory board at his Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, guaranteeing U.S. support for Gates’ plans through Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).  

A theme for the Decade of Vaccines was “Public-Private Partnerships Drive Progress in Vaccine Development, Delivery”—essentially the precursor to the Great Reset establishing a world governance of public and private health united in the spirit of fascism. By 2012, Gates achieved official UN approval for his scheme, establishing a broad network of global predators aimed at exploiting and dominating humanity through public health. Communist China would play a prominent role through its control over the UN and WHO and through its close relationships with global predators like Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Mike Bloomberg, Big Tech executives, and many other billionaires and world leaders.

A decade and more later, during COVID-19, WHO has proven its usefulness to the predators in orchestrating science, medicine, and public health in the suppression of human freedom and the generation of wealth and power for the globalists. 

Early Plans for Taking Over World Health

Putting WHO in charge of world health is an idea that found considerable support nearly a year ago. 

On March 30, 2021, WHO announced in a headline, “Global health leaders unite in an urgent call for the international pandemic treaty.”4 The UN agency struck its globalist theme, “The COVID-19 pandemic has been a stark and painful reminder that nobody is safe until everyone is safe.” Making “everyone safe,” of course, requires worldwide totalitarianism. Using COVID-19 to advance itself, as all global predators have done, WHO declared, “This is an opportunity for the world to come together as a global community for peaceful cooperation that extends beyond the crisis.” The idea is “the principle of health for all”—universal health care organized by WHO as part of the Great Reset.  

The general proposal already had the support of “25 heads of government and international agencies,” including the leaders of Great Britain (Boris Johnson), France (Emmanuel Macron), and Germany (Angela Merkel). Support from the European Council, the policy-setting body of the European Union, was so strong that Tedros announced a separate zoom press conference with its President, Charles Michel. These powerful European global predators remain united in using COVID-19 as a pretext for increasing their wealth, personal glory, and power.

The announced goal was to establish “a new treaty” to “signal high-level political action.” These treaties between nations and the UN agency WHO would be binding under international law. However, the goal of taking over the health systems of individual nations had not yet been clarified or emphasized.

On May 24, 2021, the European Council officially announced, “EU supports start of WHO process for establishment of Pandemic Treaty: Council decision.”5

On December 1, 2021, the governing body of WHO, the World Health Assembly, with 94 member nations, “reached a consensus to kickstart the process to draft and negotiate a convention, agreement or other international instruments under the Constitution of the World Health Organization to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.”6 This means that that the Constitution of the World Health Organization would literally replace the constitutions of individual nations in the arena of “pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response.” The world has already seen how any pandemic emergency, real or concocted, now or in the future, could then justify WHO taking over the entirety of government operations of sovereign nations, robbing all individuals of their freedoms, and fully crushing the democratic republics of the world.

The spirit of Communism can be felt throughout the document. We are told that the “purpose” of the new strategy will be “guided by a spirit of solidarity, anchored in the principles of fairness, inclusion, and transparency.” Notice, as in all pronouncements by global predators; there is no mention of individual rights, political liberty, or national sovereignty. The great engine of human progress, human freedom, will be replaced by the great destroyer of humanity, collectivism, under the rule of the elite.

Tucked into the report were the real goals that would be made more central by Tedros on January 24, 2022. Here are three main purposes or goals of the proposed treaty:  

  • response to any future pandemics, in particular by ensuring universal and equitable access to medical solutions, such as vaccines, medicines, and diagnostics
  • stronger international health framework with the WHO as the coordinating authority on global health matters
  • the “One Health” approach, connecting the health of humans, animals, and our planet [bold in original]

The report adds, “More specifically, such an instrument can enhance international cooperation in a number of priority areas, such as surveillance, alerts, and response, but also in general trust in the international health system.”

Clearly, they were building support for Tedros’s January 24, 2022 announcement that WHO would take over the international health care system. 

The December 1, 2021 report also lays out the schedule for the unfolding of this Communist take over of world health and hence world governance. It is a rush program that requires an immediate organized resistance:

An intergovernmental negotiating body will now be constituted and hold its first meeting by March 1, 2022 (to agree on ways of working and timelines) and its second by August 1, 2022 (to discuss progress on a working draft). It will then deliver a progress report to the 76th World Health Assembly in 2023, with the aim to adopt the instrument by 2024.

We must act now! The plan is to have the treaties rolling out starting at the 76th assembly of WHO’s legislative body in 2023, with the adoption of the treaty instrument by 2024—potentially transforming our world forever, with an inevitable progression toward a Chinese Communist Empire.

We return to Tedros’ description of his New World Order for his global health system:

The fifth priority is to urgently strengthen WHO as the leading and directing authority on global health, at the center of the global health architecture. …

We are one world, we have one health, we are one WHO.”

This is the first of our series on this strategy to take over the world while the world is lulled to sleep by the temporary loosening of COVID-19 restrictions.

Primary Author Peter R Breggin MD.


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2 years ago

The UN should be dismantled and the building confiscated and sold to the highest American bidder

2 years ago

They are turning “health” systems into “death” systems. Perfect plan to mass murder down the population in addition to endless “vaccines.”

Neil Rivalland
Neil Rivalland
Reply to  veritas_magi
2 years ago

The definition of the covid 19 campaign was depoplulation, subjugation, and in the process make billions out of the death jab – kill three birds with one stone.

Erik Vornoff
Erik Vornoff
2 years ago

Tedros is the one who declared this “like a Pandemic” and the media took the ball and ran with it, spreading fear and panic all around the globe. Tedros, who isn’t even a medical doctor, is one of the top people who needs to answer for the crimes of misinformation or perhaps the people will take justice into their own hands where our governments have been corrupted.

Mark In Columbus
Mark In Columbus
2 years ago

Without so much as a show of hands, these tyrants have elevated themselves to the role of decision makers for the entire globe. I don’t recall giving Tedros, and his ilk, permission to make ANY decisions on my behalf.

2 years ago

If they really wanted to help those in need of healthcare, they would go the poorest countries & help them. But we all know that is not the goal.

Stephanie Christy
Stephanie Christy
Reply to  Oldpa
2 years ago

They have been in the poor countries. Gates rolled out watered down weak vaccines of polio, India and Africa and the children are maimed for life.

2 years ago

Communist is code word for pagan hatred of Christians that were blessed with America and the Bible. That’s all a commie is.

So he will be a thorn on your side if you are not carefool and maybe even worse.

2 years ago

Are there any organized groups focusing on opposing this horrific global takeover by the WHO? What can we do to derail their plan?

Barry Collins
Barry Collins
Reply to  FreeSpirit
2 years ago

I know there’s resistance & that the plot is now revealed, but i also am unaware of organized pushback. Is there such.?

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