
America is exhausted by this new Civil War

The push to make racial identity paramount has suffered a double blow

The Sunday Times

It was the week identity politics ate itself. It was the week we learnt that the Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren is between 1/1,024 and 1/64 Native American Indian. It was also the week that Harvard — a bastion of American liberalism — was taken to court for discriminating against Asian-American applicants. Savour these moments. They may mean that we have reached a long overdue turning point.

By undergoing a DNA test, Warren no doubt intended to counter the taunt that she had made up, or at least exaggerated, her Native American ancestry. At some point, repeatedly being called “Pocahontas” by President Trump just became intolerable.

Yet the results of the test can only have been disappointing. To have it established scientifically that you are between