Embedded world 2024: SDVs and AI in automotive Embedded world 2024: SDVs and AI in automotive
Embedded world 2024: SDVs and AI in automotive
Silicon Labs unveils wireless SoCs for energy harvesting Silicon Labs unveils wireless SoCs for energy harvesting
Silicon Labs unveils wireless SoCs for energy harvesting
Ambiq MCU runs AI on battery-powered devices Ambiq MCU runs AI on battery-powered devices
Ambiq MCU runs AI on battery-powered devices
SiTime launches clock generators for AI data centers SiTime launches clock generators for AI data centers
SiTime launches clock generators for AI data centers
Hardware is pivotal piece of Open RAN security Hardware is pivotal piece of Open RAN security
Hardware is pivotal piece of Open RAN security
AMD unveils Gen 2 Versal adaptive SoCs AMD unveils Gen 2 Versal adaptive SoCs
AMD unveils Gen 2 Versal adaptive SoCs

New Products

Arrow Electronics launches an intelligent vision ecosystem, leveraging the onsemi Imager Access System module standard to reduce design
Renesas adds the FemtoClock 3 family of ultra-low-jitter clock generators and jitter attenuators to its timing solution
TDK’s InsuGate series SMT transformers are suited for gate-driver applications for IGBTs and MOSFETs in e-mobility and industrial
Vishay’s new blue and true green LEDs in the miniLED package achieve luminous intensity that is four times higher than previous
