Tom Angell's Marijuana Moment

Creating comprehensive independent cannabis news coverage

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Showing your support for Marijuana Moment with $25 a month goes above and beyond in helping me put together the most comprehensive coverage of marijuana news anywhere. At this pledge level, you get access to our Bill Tracker that lets you follow progress on key cannabis legislation in all 50 states and Congress. PLUS you can hide in-article ads on our website and you get the newsletter shoutout from the previous tier.

Newsletter Link + Bill Track + Hide Ads
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Wow. $50 a month is a huge show of support for how Marijuana Moment keeps movement and industry insiders informed about all the most important news that they need to know. You should feel good about that. ALSO, If you commit to this level of generous support I'll personally thank you in the footer of *every single edition* of the newsletter -- with a link to your website. Plus you can use our Bill Tracker to follow progress on marijuana legislation and you can hide in-article ads on our website.

Google Doc + Bill Tracker + Link
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Masthead Sponsor
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This support tier is for sponsors who especially value Marijuana Moment's work to keep the cannabis community informed. We'll include your name and link to your website at the very top of every issue of the newsletter (if you want the shoutout). You also get access to the Bill Tracker and Google Doc in the previous tier and you can hide in-article ads on our website.

Masthead Logo Sponsor
 / month

This tier is available to sponsors who especially value Marijuana Moment's work to keep the cannabis community informed. We'll include your name, logo and link to your website at the very top of every issue of the newsletter (if you want the shoutout). You also get access to the Bill Tracker and Google Doc in the previous tier and you can hide in-article ads on our website.

Tom Angell's Marijuana Moment

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