License Search

Select how to search from the Search By menu. Choices are license number, company name, or principal or qualified individual name.

Entering as much detail for the search criteria as possible will return the best result. You are not required to enter the entire name. For example; if you are not sure whether the company name is "Smith Construction" or "Smith Builders", you should enter "Smith" as your search criteria. You may also perform wildcard searches if you know part of a name. For example; if you know part of a name is "Smith", you could enter "*Smith*".

A minimum of 2 characters must be entered. Press Clear to start over.

Search by License Number

The information contained on these pages are provided as a courtesy and may not reflect recent changes or updates. Neither the completeness nor accuracy is guaranteed. The Nevada State Contractors Board shall have no liability or responsibility for loss and damages arising from the information provided or retrieved from these pages.