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The scientific Study of the Afterlife, Soul, Spiritual Beings & Source [God]

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The Omniverse Trilogy

The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse - English

The Chronogarchy

The Omniverse - English

Das Omniversum - German

Omniverzum - Hungarian

The Omniverse 多次元宇宙 | 一中心出版 - Chinese

Emergence of the Omniverse - English

La Aparicion del Omniverso - Spanish

My Journey Landing Heaven on Earth: Volume I

A Revelation On The Life and Teachings Of Jesus

Time Screen: The 50-Year Secret Chronogarchy Plot to Balkanize America

Una Revelación Sobre La Vida y Las Enseñanzas De Jesús: Mi Viaje Aterrizando el Cielo en la Tierra: Volumen II

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Spiritual Sciences

The scientific Study of the Afterlife, Soul, Spiritual Beings & Source [God]