Course Syllabus Search

This search feature within myFSCJ is designed to allow for a search of course syllabi within a five-year span by clicking on the links below.
Term Instructor Description Subject Catalog NBR Class NBR Instruction Mode

  • "Term" where you may choose a past, current, or future term.
  • "Instructor Name" where you may look for a specific instructor by name.
  • "Description" (i.e. English Compostn I) to search for keywords from a course to narrow your search to specific classes.
  • "Subject" (i.e., ENC);
  • "Catalog NBR" (i.e., ENC 1101);
  • "Class NBR" (i.e., ENC1101-1278). This is the specific class number for that class in that term. This number resets each term.
  • "Instruction Mode" This displays the actual instruction mode for the class
    • Instruction modes and their meaning
      • "Classroom Instruction" is the mode when the student meets on ground with the faculty member for all class meetings.
      • "Distance Learning Online" is the traditional, asynchronous online class.
      • "Face-to-Face" is the mode where the student meets with the instructor for all class meetings. Generally, these do not have a meeting pattern and may require you to touch base with the professor to determine days and times of meeting (this may be in multiple locations).
      • "Hybrid” is a mixture of traditional online and classroom instruction where the student meets online and on-ground.
      • "Live Online (Synchronous)" is an online class that meets virtually during set days and times.
      • "Online (formally F2F)" are classes that were converted to online during the COVID pandemic.